
Wood Continent

A week later, Loki finished reading all books regarding the history of Calradia Continent in the library. He also understands the situation about his Dukedom.

He also found the harshest word to describe his Dukedom, 'the strongest beggar.' Loki chuckled in his heart.

Asgard has a large territory with 7 cities with hundreds of villages. Their income could be considered decent which is more than 100.000 gold coin each year.

The power of Asgard should not be questioned. A medium kingdom would wary against Asgard power, but that was what make them poor.

A soldier had a family. They need gold and silver coin for their family. Having many soldiers means that they should pay lots of gold for them to feed their family. The income of the territories might just enough for the military. That is also the reason why Asgard has not touch Nahrim Forest that rewarded by the Empire until today.

If Asgard wants to expand its military, the Dukedom would quickly crumble.

'I need to do something about it…' Loki sighed, pondering how to solve Asgard money's problem.

"Uncle Leon, I want to go see the city." Loki suddenly said.


Riding a horse around the City, Loki was pretty satisfied. Asgard City was the safest human city in the continent. This city housing more than 10 million people.

A merchant once said that finding a crime scene in Asgard City was just like finding a yellow colored ring in a vast dessert.

A crime might be occurred, but Asgards's law enforcement would quickly solve it. The people of Asgard also had high loyalty to their lord. After all, every person living in Asgard rarely got any mistreatment.

The previous Loki who had a bad attitude does not decrease people's loyalty. People thought that Loki was just a kid. He will change.

Furthermore, the house would compensate anyone who are beaten by the young lord. Even the scolded one was compensated.

The people hope that Loki would be better just like his father and grandfather in the future. After all, Asgard House was always kind and just, so people have a high hope for Loki.

Along the way, Loki with Uncle Leon and several guards become the main attention. People bowed to them to show their respect. Loki nod several times to show his approval.

Three hours later, the group arrived in the outskirt east side of the city which used as the farming area. Lots of farmer quickly gathered to welcome the group.

"Welcome, Young Master." One of the old farmer quickly said. He was the leader of the farmer.

"Mhm.." Loki nodded. "I just want to take a look at our farm and there are some things I wanna ask. Right, the rest of you could continue your job." Loki dismissed other farmers.

"Young Master.." The old farmer bowed and ready to answer any question.

Loki questioned the Old farmer regarding the farm. What's the product? How long the time to harvest? What's their difficulty, etc. which made the Old farmer taken aback. He wondered why the Young Master suddenly interested in farming matters.

While listening to the farmer's explanation, Loki wants to take a note but quickly realized one thing. 'Paper!' Loki does not bring any paper. In fact, paper was a hard come commodity. The demand was high, but the stock was minim.

Merchant rarely bring any paper to the Dukedom since the demand was also high in any other area.

Human could not make their own paper. The paper for writing a book was imported from the Elven Kingdom. It could be said that only the Elven Kingdom who could make a paper.

In Calradia Continent there are some elves, but most f them were slaves. They was captured by some human from the neighboring continent, Wood Continent.

Calradia continent was inhabited by human, dwarf, and orc. While the Wood Continent inhabited by Elf and Goblin. Wood Continent was way more peaceful by the chaotic Calradia Continent because Elf and Goblin hated war.

There are some cases An Elf Kingdom attacked a human kingdom in Calradia because a noble from the Elven Kingdom was kidnapped by the human kingdom. Later they attacked by another human kingdom in Calradia.

Realizing how chaotic Calradia Continent was. The elves decided to go back to Wood Continent, leaving Calradia once and for all. Later, the elves give nickname to Calradian which is Barbarian.

Elves was peace loving, but they are also prideful. Whenever they found evidence of human abducting elves. They would launch an attack, but they will leave after rescuing the captured elves.

Finally, the empires of human, orc, and dwarf for the first time in the history joined hands to implement a law forbidding abduction of the elves.

The main reason was because Calradian would never dare to fight Elven in the open sea. A fire mage kingdom wants to fight water mage kingdom? Heck. Even the muscle headed Orc know that it would be an absolute lost.

Another reason, Calradian navy industry was not as developed as the Elves. Elven ship mostly constructed in Goblin Kingdom.

Just like the dwarf, goblin also gifted in craftsmanship. The difference was the dwarf gifted with iron while goblin gifted with wood.

That's the reason that Elven ship was way better than Calradian ship.

Arman Empire imported paper from Ryan port in Ryan City. Some empires and kingdom had their own port to import paper as well as other Wood Continent products. While other could only buy the imported paper.

Loki heading to his castle with a big smile in his face because Loki knows how to make a paper! The quality of his paper would lower than elven paper for sure, but Loki sure that the prospect of his paper making object would be great.

Arrived in his castle, Loki instructed some servant to prepare some ingredients namely, tree barks, hemp, and rags as much as possible.

The servant quickly gathered the material. In the field, Loki has ordered other servant to build the wood table for placing the paper.

Looking at the completed ingredients, Loki ordered the servant mash the ingredients in the water bucket. The mushed ingredients placed in the wood table.

Loki give an example how to put the mashed ingredients and then told the servant to do the same thing.

Loki was grinned in his heart because today was the beginning of his paper making business.

Loki was not worried the process of paper making would be exposed because the servant of Asgard would never betray them.

To become a servant of Asgard House, someone need to fulfill some requirements.

1. Loyalty to the house

2. Born in Asgard

3. Never leave Asgard

4. Having families that resided in Asgard who never leave Asgard

5. The last and the hardest, never talk to someone unknown to Asgard

From time to time, senior maid would also saw every action of theirs to make sure that no spy culd enter the Asgard castle.