
Son of a Duke

In a field beside an old majestic castle of Asgard Dukedom. A 10 years-old black-haired boy swinging his sword. His name is Loki, an ordinary student of Cambridge University who transmigrated to a son of a Duke who has the same name as him, Loki Asgard.

Loki's appearance was slightly above average not too handsome, but lots of girl would willing to be his wife since Loki was a son of a Duke.

In front of his instructor, Leon. Loki swings his sword with all his might. The sight of Loki who immersed in his training made Leon satisfied.

'Alas..' Leon murmured in his heart.

Leon was satisfied with how Loki who seemed turned to a new leaf, but he was dejected by the fact that Loki does not have any talent in magic.

Loki was transmigrated to Green Planet. Mage was existed in this world. In fact, Loki's father Gerald Asgard was a strong level 5 mage and could be considered as one notable characters in Calradia Continent.

Green Planet has a lot of continents, no one know how many continents in the Green Planet because how huge the planet was. Calradia continent itself has several strong empires with hundreds of kingdoms as well as thousands of sects.

An empire could have several kingdoms as its vassal, but lots of kingdom has no affiliation to an Empire.

The same goes to the sects, there are several strong sects who has their independency, but most of them was affiliated to an empires or kingdoms, albeit in name.

Dukedom of Asgard was a vassal to Arman Empire. Originally, Asgard Dukedom was a part of Bernard Kingdom, but the Kingdom was fall apart because of fight among the princes. Later, the lord of each territory separate itself from the Bernard. Some of the became independence while some other joined another faction.

Asgard Dukedom joined Arman Empire after the Empire promised Asgard that Arman would not intervene with Asgard Dukedom matters and give them the same standing as the dukes of the empire.

Most of kingdom or vassal under Arman Empire should follow what Arman says except for Asgard. Which resulted dissatisfaction among the small kingdom. After all, a small kingdom in Arman Empire has a lower position compared to the dukes of the empire.

The capital of Arman Empire and the Asgard Dukedom was separated by two vassal kingdoms of Arman Empire. It will take a long time to reach the Capital by using horse. The fastest way would be using flying mount, but Dukedom of Asgard only has one such mount which was Wyvern used by the duke.

Several weeks ago, Loki's talent for magic was tested. However, the result showed that Loki ha no aptitude for magic. Loki was shocked and fell ill. Green Planet was world of magic, having no aptitude for magic means that he will become ordinary person for the rest of his life and for a noble, it could mean death sentence.

Day went by, his condition become worse and worse. Lots of doctors came, but Loki's condition did not improve at all.

A week ago, Loki suddenly wake up. This made the sorrowful Gerald become full of smile. After all Loki was his only son, and his wife has death. So, Loki was his only kin in this world.

Gerald promised Loki to improve his aptitude with magic to make Loki feel better. Little did he know, his original son was replaced by a new soul from earth.

The original Loki was a bad kid. He often tortures some people whenever he felt upset. He would scold the maid or even beating them if they made a slightest mistake, but after the incident Loki seemed turn to a new leaf.

The new Loki was way more silent than the previous Loki. He never complains or even scold his servant anymore and even became interested to become stronger. Albeit having no aptitude for magic.

"That's enough, Young Master." Leon suddenly said.

Loki stopped his action and thanked his instructor. His maid hurriedly gave Loki drinks and towel.

"Thanks." Loki said to the maid.

The maids slightly shocked. She still could not get used to the new Loki who seemed more approachable than before. She was happy for sure, but the change was too huge. From bad tempered Loki to a warm hearted Loki.

Today Loki has accepted the reality of his transmigration, his original self on Earth was death by a robber attack in his apartment.

Loki was disappointed to the fact that his predecessor having no aptitude with magic, but he still excited to the fact that he was in the magic world.

'Since I could not become a mage, I will become a strong knight.' Loki thought in his heart.

After his training session with Leon, Loki go to his father study room with his personal maid, Ria. In front of the study room, Ria dismissed herself because the duke wants to talk with his son privately.

Looking at his son, the duke asked. "How was your training today?"

"It went well." Loki replied shortly. He still slightly awkward with his new father.

"I see." The duke does not mind with his son attitude, he thought that his son still affected by the test result. Then he continued, "Loki, do you know what makes Asgard strong?"

"I-its you, Father." Loki replied hesitantly.

"Wrong. Maybe I am a level 5 mage, but my own power would not make our enemies fear us. It will not enough for those nobles to respect us. It will not enough, Loki. The fact that Asgard still stand till today was because our people loyalty.

As a level 5 mage, I might be strong, but 4 level 5 knights could contend against me. So, it was easy to kill me as an individual, but we are not individual. We, Asgard was a noble who has lots of loyal soldier serving our house. Do you know how strong our soldiers are?"

"We have uncle Ben, uncle Leon, and Uncle Zu who were level 5 knights, 56 of level 4 knights, hundreds level 3 knights, and tens of thousands level 1 and 2 knights as for the ordinary soldiers we have hundreds of thousands. Uncle Ru was the only level 4 mage in our household, we have 70 level three and below mage." Loki replied confidently.

The duke smiled listen to his son answer. "Our forces could rival with those of small kingdom and might e slightly stronger, but that is not enough to make the Arman respect us."

"Father, do you mean, we have hidden forces?" Loki asked hesitantly.

"Hahahaha. Our full power almost comparable to that middle-sized kingdom. I could assure you that even the Arman attack us, we could still survive the attack. They might be strong, but we are not weak either. Besides they have too many enemies out there."

"B-but Father, was not our house the vassal of the Arman?"

"Heh, those Arman, they pretend that they are friendly with us, but I know what their true color. They would do anything to make us weak." The duke said disdainfully.

"But… why?"

The duke smiled and then replied. "Because we are.. Asgardians!"