
chapter 1

Rays of sunlight shone on travis face has he stood up from the bed and yawned he got into the bathroom ^ooh my I have run out of toothpaste^ he quickly ran outside of his room going into a master bedroom down stairs.

^oooh my Travis aren't you suppose to be ready^ said from a female voice which was coming from the kitchen opposite the master bedroom .

^Sorry mom I kind of woke up late just want to borrow some toothpaste^ shouted Travis who has already entered the master bedroom bathroom.

^Okay dear you better hurry fast you know this is your first day of senior year in highschool and you don't want to be late dear^ shouts back the female voice he just attoned the age of 18 years

Having taken the toothpaste he then ran back to his room with a toothbrush with paste in mouth standing in front of the mirror looking at his abs and tone body

^man this boy is hot men^ said Travis

^Dear food is ready you better be fast in bathing so it won't get cold^ said the female voice

^okay Mom coming^ said Travis who had already gotten under the shower scrubbing his body with sponge

having finished bathing he made is way downstairs getting into the kitchen he frozed when he saw his mom cause of puberty hormoneslooking at his mom whose shape is that of an hourglass and as a very beautiful though pale face and a long silveer hair running down her back

^dear if you are done feasting your eyes on me kindly do that to the food on the plate also^ said his mom in a very gentle and almost angelic voice

having already been caught red handed he sat at the table devour his food ^mom what did you add to the pancake it's so delicious^ said Travis in an excited voice

^it is a secret recipe dear^ said his mom looking at him with a lovely gaze

^Damn am gonna be late for school see you later mom^ he rushed his eating then gave her a kiss on the chick and took his backpack which is at the sitting room then rushed outside of the house

A pair of beautiful silver eyes stared at him as he left the house in a rushed manner

Walking into his garage and taking is bicycle he got on it and started riding it to his school

having reach the entrance of his school he looked up at the name of the school at the school gate ^hmmm Clifford am back baby^ smiling he strode into his school with his bike he suddenly heard his name

^hey travis^ said a boy who was in the school uniform black skinned and breathing heavily

^have been shouting your goddamn name since ^ panted the boy

^well Jacob I heard it just decided to not answer^ said Travis who finished bucking his bicycle at the pole then begin walking into the school hall

^hey will you wait for me ^ said Jacob

having cathing up to him ^so what is your plan during this senior year in school you know you are the hottest boy and the captain of the basket ball team^ said Jacob excitedly