
Lord's Game

(This is my first novel. Please offer your suggestions politely. Thank you very much.)As the world faced apocalypse and the Divine descended, humanity's survival hinged on securing new territory through the Lord's Game. Chosen players ventured into different worlds to establish territories, expanding living space for humanity. Parker, an ordinary college student, was randomly selected and placed on a deserted island. Despite initial doubts about his suitability, Earth's onlookers rallied to support him off-screen, teaching him survival skills. To their surprise, Parker displayed remarkable talents – excelling in farming, breeding, and construction. The Earth villagers hailed him as humanity's hope and their chosen leader.

A_porter666 · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs

Volume One: Deserted Island Chapter One: The Arrival of the Divine

One unassuming night, the denizens of Earth were rudely jolted from their slumber by an awe-inspiring spectacle—a radiant flash of light that heralded the arrival of the Divine. As if a harbinger of doom, this celestial event marked the onset of an impending apocalypse, casting a shadow of despair over the hearts of humanity.

In the aftermath of the Divine's arrival, devastation reigned supreme. Once-thriving cities lay in ruins, reduced to mere remnants of their former glory. The fabric of society unraveled, and the prospect of survival grew dimmer with each passing moment.

However, amidst the chaos and despair, a glimmer of hope emerged—a mysterious opportunity known as the Lord's Game. Selected individuals were tasked with venturing into diverse realms, carving out their own domains to secure humanity's foothold in the face of annihilation. It was a chance for humanity to stake its claim on new territories and ensure its continued existence.

Yet, as humanity grappled with the magnitude of the situation, fear and uncertainty permeated the air. Panic spread like wildfire, gripping the populace in its suffocating embrace. Families sought refuge in each other's arms, while others scoured for means of escape from the encroaching darkness.

Meanwhile, the enigmatic presence of the Divine loomed large, casting an ominous shadow over the fractured remnants of civilization. Their intentions remained veiled in mystery, leaving humanity to speculate on their ultimate purpose. Some whispered of salvation, while others feared the Divine's arrival spelled the end of days.

As the Divine asserted their dominance, reality itself seemed to warp and bend to their will. The skies crackled with arcane energy, and the very ground trembled beneath their celestial footsteps—a sight that would forever be etched into the annals of human history.

And then, as swiftly as it had begun, the chaos subsided, leaving behind a world forever altered. Once-bustling metropolises now lay in silent ruin, their streets haunted by the specters of the past. Humanity stood on the precipice of a new era, facing an uncertain future fraught with peril and possibility.

Yet, amidst the ashes of the old world, a spark of hope flickered—a beacon of resilience and determination. Forged in the crucible of adversity, it heralded the promise of a new beginning, beckoning humanity to rise from the ashes and chart a course towards a brighter tomorrow.