

A man who was reincarnated After being shot, saving three innocent lives. God gave him seven wishes for saving three innocent lives. However, the guy wanted to go on his own based world. But God said it is rules of law to go the world where luck of wheels land. and wheels. I landed on the lookism verse However, that guy never fought, had no experience, and could only rely on the wish he made.

Legend_Man_1262 · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 23


Walking in the hallways Baek-huk came in front of Tae-suk."Where are you going?" said Baek-huk.

Tae-suk replied, "Gangdong."

"Can I come with you?" asked Baek-huk.

"No, baek-huk, you are far too weak to get into these crew things; go to your class right now," Tae-suk said.








'He has improved. In one day, good' thought Tae-suk.

"No, how can I leave you alone out there?" Baek-huk asked, making Tae-suk smile. Tae-suk placed his hand on Baek-huk's head.

"If you are worried about me, go back to your class; I will take you the next time," Tae-suk said.

"But—" Baek-huk did not finish his sentence. Tae-suk responded, "Then you were not worried about me then." Listening to this, Baek-huk did not say anything and went to his class.


"Those bastards always leave me behind," Tae-suk said in front of a karaoke venue near Gangbuk.

"I believe the fight has begun," Tae-suk said, cubing his hair.

Before going in, 43 guys approached him, and one of them said, "He is the one we have assigned to beat."

"Yes, sir," the guys behind him replied.

'I believe they were assigned from Ansan, and the leader is certainly strong,' Tae-suk thought, looking at their leader stats.







Tae-suk thought, "Oh, that is interesting; let us see what a former special forces member has to offer."

The leader took out a cigarette, lit it, and said, "Go beat him and bring him here."

"Are you sure?" Tae-suk asked in a cold voice.

"Yes, I am; what could a second generation kid do to me? I heard you took down the three crew heads on your own," the leader stated.

"Who assigned you?" inquired Tae-suk.

"Hudson, the head of Ansan. "What is so special about you that he hired me after so long?" asked the leader.

"Go you guys," declares the leader.

Tae-suk thought, "Well, at least these guys are strong enough to entertain me, and they are all in SR AND SSR."

They rushed at Tae-suk and punched him, but Tae-suk easily dodged and punched the guy in the gut, causing him to lose consciousness.

Four men attacked Tae-suk, but he grabbed their faces and threw them to the ground.

One man approached him to punch him, but Tae-suk grabbed his throat and crushed him away without looking.

Tae-suk knees them, causing others to hit as well, and leaving Impact out. Six guys came from behind to hit Tae-suk, but Tae-suk dodged it without looking and elbowed them in the chest, causing the six guys to lose consciousness.

Afterward, all the remaining guys came at him with their strongest technique, but Tae-suk used Destruction, causing all 32 guys to lose consciousness and crush the ground, causing a hole in it.

"Is this all you have got, disappointed?" Tae-suk asked calmly.

The leader's jaw opened like a hole, and after regaining his composure, he said, "You are an interesting one, second generation kid," throwing his smoke and confronting Tae-suk.

"You know these guys you beat, they are from the second generation; I did not bring the first generation because I thought you were weak," the leader said.

"I am going to break at least three of your bones," said the leader.


Leader punched him, only to discover that he was in the air and crushed on the ground.

'This kid is strong,' thought the leader, blood on his face.

"Cough," the blood flowing through his mouth, and he said, "You got me there, but this time You will," attacking him with his technique. Tae-suk did not bother using his techniques; instead, he dodged and punched him in the face, causing impact on the leader's body and blood to flow like water, and he collapsed in shock.

"So this is all you got, first generation guy," Tae-suk said, disappointed.

The leader awoke with struggle and said, "No, I have 30 lethal moves left."

"I guess this is what I expected from the first generation," said Tae-suk.







'Hmm, interesting,' thought Tae-suk.

The leader cracks his neck and hand and says, "It has been a while since someone made me this serious kid."

"Ho Ho Ho, then come at me," Tae-suk stated.

Leader charged at him with full speed and punched him, but Tae-suk dodged and elbowed him in the face before punching him in the gut, causing an impact.


The leader's eyes widened. "This guy is stronger than me," the leader thought.
