
Goodbye Cheongliang (3)

[ I started rereading the Cheongliang arc and realized that I screwed up with the time period.

If I start correcting something in the previous chapters, then I will definitely screw up, so I am writing here.

The main character is now 14 years old and he is at the end of the 2nd year of middle school. I will keep you updated.


Several readers asked me to use English names instead of the original (Korean). I do not see a problem yet, but if there are enough comments with the request, I can switch to the English version.

Or I can create different chapter with characters and their images for easier track and understanding. Peace.]

To my surprise, Kim Miru turned out to be an active and, most importantly, interesting conversationalist. I planned to ask her to introduce me to Ho Bin on the second day of chatting, but I got carried away and forgot.

Perhaps in vain, because crowds of people began to leave their houses and gather at the foot of the mountain, and some crazy person shouted about an attempt of murder on the shaman. Seeing people with furious faces heading up the mountain, holding knives, pitchforks, scythes, and sledgehammers in their hands, I put on a cool, calm face and did what anyone would do in my place - I closed the window with the curtains and barricaded myself in the room.

The next day, I heard the shocking news.

The shaman had died.

The entire city mourned his death, while his son took advantage of the situation to become his replacement.

"A quick bastard. A moral monster like his father couldn't have had a normal offspring. Fortunately, I won't set foot here again."

Kim Miru stopped responding to my messages, which was expected given the chaos that was going on.

Although I didn't see Ho Bin, this situation isn't so bad given the commotion that was created, because I can calmly get out of here. I'll still have time to participate in main story.

Walking peacefully along the shore of the river to lake, I began to enjoy being here again, because I knew that no one was paying attention to me anymore.

Almost the entire remaining week had passed since the death of the shaman, and I preferred to be in nature rather than in the city, which is still mourning and serving Lenten food without salt, pepper or sugar.

There is nothing good left here and I can't wait to get out of here.

I opened the lunch box and took out onigiri, which were surprisingly in demand here, considering that in such remote places they still fiercely hate the Japanese.

Having bitten off a piece, I began to chew it and looked ahead, seeing something ahead.

"Another rock or stone? No, wait, I see black, white-yellow and gray colors."

Coming closer out of interest, I was horrified and ran forward.

It was a human!

- Hey mister, are you okay? - I touched his shoulder and felt how cold it was.

Turning him over from the side to his back, I was shocked. There was a chain tied around his neck!

"Fucking town, there are only psychopaths here!"

The chain was not tied around his neck too tightly, so there was still hope for his saving. Having removed them, they left bright red marks on the skin.

Pressing my head to his chest, I shook it a little and heard the sound of water flowing inside.

I began to do indirect heart massage and artificial respiration through the nose.

After three minutes, I was already thinking of giving up from fatigue, but he suddenly began to shake and cough.

I immediately tried to turn him over, but I managed it with difficulty. Only now did I notice how massive and muscular he was.

As soon as he finished coughing, I immediately took off all my outerwear.

The only clothes he had on were gray pants, which I saw from afar, but they were completely soaked to the threads.

My hoodie was too small for him and I began to wipe the moisture off his body. But the sweater underneath was made of stretchable material and with difficulty, but completely fit him, hugging the edges at the forearms.

Looking at his naked bottom and lifting my pants and looking at my underwear, I sighed.

"I wore them at most twice. Goodbye underwear..."

After changing his clothes, I took him away from the shore, throwing his gray pants into the river.

I began to think hard, brainstorming about his future, while he ate my lunch box.

"He doesn't know his name or what he even did before. He has amnesia.

Of course, I could take him to the local hospital, but the only thing he could clearly tell me was that he wants to escape from here.

Not to leave or move, but to run away. You can see that he is afraid in his eyes, even though he doesn't remember anything.

It is precisely engraved into his body - Fear.

Eeeeh, I think it has already been decided.

I decided to live a decent life after receiving a second chance and I don't want to suffer from conscience after such a wonderful start. I will simply consider this a kind of trial for the balance of karma or something like that. "

Returning to the town in a half-wet hoodie and sneakers without socks, I bought clothes, saying that I went swimming in the river, but the clothes were carried away by the stream.

You could easily see from their faces "oh, these typical clumsy city people~", but when they heard that I decided to buy more clothes as souvenirs, they immediately lit up.

Having collected my things and changed the poor guy and myself into sportswear, we began to wait for the driver.

Seeing us both in the Cheongliang brands, the driver immediately brightened up, and after the exciting and sad story of my unlucky fellow traveler, whom I agreed to give a ride, he shed tears.

A bear attacked the poor guy, who was riding a bicycle around the country, and he lost all his stuff.

And after a gift in the form of a dangling shaman-shaped dummy, he, satisfied, no longer bothered us, occasionally asking about our impressions along the way.

Moving away from the town, I turned so that the driver could not see me and smiled, showing the middle finger.

"Goodbye Cheongliang. I hope forever."