
Long Story Short, We Fell.

Victoria Noman is an orphan girl, sweet and loving. She never knew her parents and grew up in Donalika orphanage until she turned sixteen and was adopted by a loving couple unable to bare children. Victoria is kind, loving and positive and tried her best to impact the lives of people positively. Micah Hurmley born a billionaire and heir to Hurmley Technologies Inc, is a self absorbed person with no care of anyone's life or mental health. He doesn't care about whether or not people like him. He is cold and heartless. These two are total opposites, one dark the other light. What happens when these two meet, will darkness absorb light, or will light do what it does best and brighten the darkness?

Fadzai_Kangausaru · Adolescente
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1 Chs

Long Story Short, We Fell.


How I was freed:

I got called in by mother Yolanda.


I had, literally no idea, but I was terrified.

I mean I'm a fourteen year old girl, being called to the head office of Donalika orphanage, I'm terrified.

As I walk in I see her speaking to a man and woman, both their backs faced towards me.

"Well, Victoria is quite a...oh here she is." Mother Yolanda says and stands up. "Come in darling." She says sweetly and I advance towards her.

I look at the couple in front of me, and well they are beautiful.

The woman is petite with beautiful, curly strawberry blonde hair and gorgeous, yet innocent baby blue eyes. Her husband is just as good looking with muddy, messed up brown hair and emerald green eyes.

"Hi." I say nervously and the, kind woman smiles with happiness.

"Hello, my name's Sarai and this is my husband, Abram." She says and her husband

"I'm Victoria, but you can call me Tori." I say and she giggles.

"Oh, well hi Tori." The husband, Abram, says.

"Tori, Mrs and Mr Hyde are actually interested in adopting you." Mother Yolanda says and I look at them shocked.

"Really, I mean don't you think I'm too old?" I ask and Sarai chuckles.

"No actually, Abram and I don't like babies. We know it's weird but they're not only expensive but need a lot of attention that the two of us can't give, so." She explains and I nod in understanding.

"What do you guys do for a living?" I ask and mother Yolanda clears her throat.

What? If I had to stay with them, I wanted to know if they're financially stable.

"Well, I own a fashion boutique and Abram is currently the CEO of a famous enterprise." Sarai says and I nod.

"Well sounds okay. I'd love if you adopted me." I smile at them and they smile back.

"Well, I'll get the documents ready and by the end of this week you'll be with your new family." Mother Yolanda says and I smile.

And that's what happened. At the age of fifteen years old, I was adopted by a loving couple who were well established.

It didn't last that long though.

Here's how I went from orphan, to being liked by the heir of a famous business.

Just because of kindness.


Fadzai Kangausaru

Thank you all for reading(those who did)

Really I put zero thought in this book, but I have hope in it.

Stay blessed and beautiful<3.< p>
