
Long Lost Twin

After the war against the hoplite of Kòrinthos, the Archon of Asgard fell ill and his lifespan reducing. With only a few more years to live he decided to choose the next king without any bloodshed. He chose Dion his last and adopted son but his other sons and relatives were against saying that Dion was not of their bloodline and should not bear the crown. This led to quarrels and scheme in the palace trying to kill Dion. After the death of the Archon, the Keres or Exile a group of death polemistís were sent to kill him and with fear he ran away far from home with injuries all over him but was saved by a girl of unknown origin living with her grandfather their love story began here. But it didn't last long as The Exiles discovered him, not wanting to implicate her ran away not knowing that she was pregnant. Few years later, the Archon of Asgard sent people to massacre the village they were staying and killed a lot of people. Her grandfather used his ability and opened a portal to teleport them but in the process of opening the portal got sperated from her older twin. Years went by and she discovered a shocking transformation on her surviving twin. Why did the Archon massacre the villagers?? What is the origin of Dion??? What change did she see?? What is her origin!!!? Will the twins ever meet!!!!?? Did the Archon really die???? Read to know more

Khaimah · Acción
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13 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Fated One

He wanted to be free and not to be caged in this palace where he saw as a prison in disguise and was always fascinated by the stories about the world he read in those books but as always " Reading ten thousand books is not the same as travelling ten thousand miles ".


" Greetings My princeps " a voice interrupted him which broke him out of daze.

" Hmmm " he replies absentmindedly

Then the guard opened the library door and he stepped in only to be overwhelmed by the books in the library. Everytime he steps foot, into this library he always get fascinated by the huge amount of books inside.

As he wandered through the library, looking for something new and exciting to read he stumbled upon a certain book in a corner which caught his attention. So he brought it out of the shelf only to see it covered in dust

He thought " Seems like it hasn't been read in a long time "

He cleared the dust particles that was on it and the name was revealed.

" Origin "

" Sounds exciting "

He took the book and went to sit as his favourite spot to read it. When he flipped to the first page what met his eyes was a text written in a language he hasn't heard nor seen before but he felt like he understood it but at the same time not.

As he tried to recall where he had seen the text something strange happened the text began moving like it had a life of its own.

He raised his hands to touch it only to discover it had stopped moving so he brought down his hands.

The moment he brought down his hands, the text began moving again so he raised his hands to touch it again but it became still, tje same thing happened over and over again until he became bored of it and stopped.

He tried flipping to the next page but no matter how had he tried, he couldn't he was getting a little frustrated and opt to close the book when he heard a voice in his head.

" Drop some blood "

" Ha!!! " he shouted and almost threw the book away

" Who is that? " he questioned but was met with absolute silence

" Show yourself " he repeated

" I am inside your head fool " the voice replied lazily

" Now drop your blood "

" My blood?? "

" Yes "

" Who are you?? "

" Your guardian spirit!!, now stop asking nonsensical question and drop your blood "

" Guardian spirit?? " he mulled

He bit his finger and a drop of blood came out and fell on the book but nothing happened.

He was about to criticize the voice in his head when he noticed the blood was slowly being absorbed by the book.

" What is .... " the shock was obvious on his face, he couldn't believe it.

A blinding light erupted from the book and suddenly he lost his grip from the book.

The book began hovering in mid air and a voice which was neither male nor female thundered from the book saying

" Fated One "

He was perplexed and completely baffled, so many things had happened in such a short span that he had began to feel a bit dizzy.

" Fated one??? " he thought to himself.

.While he was lost in thought a small light ball came out of the book and settled on the back of his left hand.


Hey guys been long right. Am a student in high school and i had exams coming up that was why i haven't updated in a while. Pardon me.
