
Long Lost Twin

After the war against the hoplite of Kòrinthos, the Archon of Asgard fell ill and his lifespan reducing. With only a few more years to live he decided to choose the next king without any bloodshed. He chose Dion his last and adopted son but his other sons and relatives were against saying that Dion was not of their bloodline and should not bear the crown. This led to quarrels and scheme in the palace trying to kill Dion. After the death of the Archon, the Keres or Exile a group of death polemistís were sent to kill him and with fear he ran away far from home with injuries all over him but was saved by a girl of unknown origin living with her grandfather their love story began here. But it didn't last long as The Exiles discovered him, not wanting to implicate her ran away not knowing that she was pregnant. Few years later, the Archon of Asgard sent people to massacre the village they were staying and killed a lot of people. Her grandfather used his ability and opened a portal to teleport them but in the process of opening the portal got sperated from her older twin. Years went by and she discovered a shocking transformation on her surviving twin. Why did the Archon massacre the villagers?? What is the origin of Dion??? What change did she see?? What is her origin!!!? Will the twins ever meet!!!!?? Did the Archon really die???? Read to know more

Khaimah · Acción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter Eight: The Truth (4)

" I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship"

** At the Royal Garden **

Dion is seen squatting beside a flower and talking to it.

" Why is my life different i do not even know my origin, I don't know who I am, I don't even know my real parents, who exactly am I ". He has asked himself this question for over a dozen time and can not seem to figure it out.

As he standing up, he happened to touch the flower beside him by mistake only to see it wither moments after he touched it and that scared him out.

" Even the flowers reject me haahaha am cursed " he said to himself as tears began coming out of his eyes.

" No am a boy, boys don't cry " he told himself but the more he thought about it the more tears come out. He turned around to go only to see his father in front of him.

Charis felt heartbroken when he saw his son like that it broke his heart " I am sorry " he said and stretched out his hands to touch his face.

Dion slapped his hands and yelled " Don't touch me go away "

But Charis turned a deaf ear to his words and hugged him. Dion kept on yelling as Charis hugged him but instead of releasing his hold on him Charis hugged him more.

In this situation he is not a father, or a general but rather a father who felt heartbroken.

" I am sorry for lying to you all those years am sorry for hiding the truth from you but that was my only option and beside I did it out of love and care i didn't want to hurt you but it seems i was wrong ". After saying those things Charis hugged him tighter.

" I can't breathe, you are suffocating me " Dion said helplessly

" Oh oh am sorry, I got carried away by my emotions " Charis immediately released him but the air around them became a bit awkward.

After releasing him bent down and looked straight into his eyes and told him " Am sorry and I promise never to lie to you again " he said as he ruffled Dion's hair.

" I don't trust you " Dion replied with a bit of uncertainty un his voice.

" I promise so do you forgive me "

After thinking for a while Dion replied

" Promise" he queried.

" Yes I promise "

" Okay I forgive you "


While in a room upstairs Aspas and Zephyr were looking at them through a window with envy and muderous gaze hidden in their eyes which was obviously directed at Dion.

" Some times i wonder why we get different treatment when we are obviously fathers real child " Zephyr said with a frown and anger laced in his voice

" Yeah it bothers me too its like we are not his own children " Aspas replied with an unhappy expression.

" We need to do something about this, like have him killed" Zephyr said with a menacing gaze and hatred in his eyes.

" You talk like you can defeat him, you couldn't defeat him in a friendly fight now you are talking about killing him with that measly strength of yours " Aspas snapped at him and looked at him in mockery.


Hi guys how was your day i wouldn't lie when i was writing that part " I can't breathe " I thought of late George Floyd RIP👊. Most of you might know him but that's that. Comment and tell me what you think. Love you guys❤️❤️ Khaimah.
