
Long distance

katariya_asha · Fantasía
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3 Chs


she was sitting with addy as her name was spoken by the lady standing on the reception.

As she walked in their were one madam, two sir.

The lady told rose to have her seat but ....

exactly the twist came here the lady asked her to let the chair look classy it was 2 years we haven't changed it can you please change this chair within half an hour but without replacing new one...."you know what I mean" she look into rose eyes like she would eat up rose completely...

Rose was not that student who leave the work without been completed so she thought that she was having only half an hour and I can do here is just can paint that chair so she went to take her essentials and started to paint that chair which was really looking horrible...

after painting one stand she was still 25 minutes far from the target so she continued after painting she was having still 10 minutes remaining she run outside and brought a cloth which was of her design she than stich that cloth with that horrible and stinking seat.

The judges started countdown as they reach 5 she was completely done with her work

and guess what the chair was looking like we bought it from a furniture store right now...

The lady was shoked and was so happy with the work of rose...

so rose take your seat please...

now she can seat on her self made chair...

the next question was from the second sir who was the left side of mam

he asked why this tell me miss rose why designing as you are good at all your work as I saw all your result?

she said it politely with a soft tone "sir! It my passion to create new opportunities as this Field can give the right balance of challenges and also it will teach me the value of time"

"good, very good, excellent actually you know what... you know what to speak where"said second sir.

"I am really surprised by your answer" said the first sir.

Now it's time for the last question from the first sir ..

He asked her "what will you do if you are hired in this company... I mean what will you contribute for the company....how can we believe that you will work honestly for us ....and most importantly how far you can stay here?

she gave answer to him as faster as he questioned him...

she said"sir I can make your all need satisfied as you can see the example live"she pointed chair and she said"sir I hope after first task you can believe in me that I can complete your task even in every difficulties..

And the matter of staying in the company is upon the time and condition...what if I'll get married...so sir I'll serve here as long as I can...

"I hope I have given my answers correct...",

she said.

"okay kiddo you can go now your results will be announced day after tomorrow till than stay tuned and by the way I am completely satisfied with your answers"said the first sir.

"Thank you " she said and leaved from There

after leaving that room interviewers were like "wow what a spirit"

they all were impressed by her.

when she came outside addy was waiting and she just jumped and hugged her she just realized that she was not in her room and leaved him after they leave from there he took her to a very beautiful place...

she was blind folded and she was not knowing that where they were going to.

when they reach there she unfolded her and she was surprised and said what is this addy .

she was not imagined this in her whole life

There was a great new Mercedes standing at there garage she was shoked.

she took her at the back of the car he open the backside of car and the second surprise

the car was fully decorated there was a platinum ring there.

she said "pinch me addy".

he laughed off and said darling it's real and you are not dreaming.

she said but why so suddenly..

addy said I got my promotion..

she was more happy about that and they hug each other and Rose Said let's have a long drive please...

okay as you say my princess..

they left from there....