
Lonely in You

1994, there was an unknown energy below the Pacific encountered by some fishermen. Countries worldwide compete to get that unknown energy because they think that whoever gets that energy will become the richest and lead the world. But... The competition changed to war. It was called officially in the news as Energy War. Here, the normal Liandy family. Alex Liandy, Stephanie Liandy, and Lily Liandy are living peacefully and in harmony in one of these countries. 2008, it changed their peace and harmony. War became more harsh, and many people demonstrated to stop the war but none of them ever noticed. In the end, these three powerful countries fly their nuclear to each other. What is the adventure they will face after the Energy War? And how they will survive in this apocalypse? The story of an ordinary family to survive in this unordinary world has begun!!

Geonfy · Ciencia y ficción
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11 Chs

The World Change (4)

Last night, it was really dangerous. My leg is hurt, and my body feels sick. As a result, this is me now. Lying on the bed and my wife take care of me.

My wife carefully takes my compress. "Rest well darling." Said her with a worried face.

"Hey mommy... Is daddy will get better?" Said her with a worried face and sad voice.

She put down the new compress again. Unfortunately, there is no P3K and some medicine in this basement. All of our medicine is in the house, but I can't bear to watch my wife risk her life there.

Pant* pant* pant*

I don't know when it will end. I just want... to... sleep.


"Mommy, Is daddy will be okay?" Asked my daughter to me.

I stroke her hair slowly and softly. "Yes, your daddy will be better." Said me.

I have no proof of that. The most terrible possibility, he will not be able to gain consciousness. Please, Alex, you are the most reliable person at this moment. Please, be well rested and don't die.

At first, I was surprised when I looked at the sky. Many things lights come down from the sky. It's beautiful but, not always about beautiful is kind and good for ourselves.

The same as me. I am not kind and good either. My dream is to have a normal family but apparently, it's not enough. But, I never imagined that those light things were nuclear bombs.

But, Why did my husband know that was the nuclear bomb? Is it because it can lighten the sky? Or maybe it's just so clear and normal to think that was the nuclear bomb? He didn't even know what nuclear look. Or, he does?

I should ask him after he gets well. From now on, I will try my best to support my family.

Aw~ My daughter is cute when she hugs me like that. Even with a suit, I still can see her cute face.

I crouch and look at my little angel. "It's okay, mommy is here." Said me.

She nods at me. She still looks worried and sad. She even didn't ask to play outside or do something else to bother us. Really, she is the same as her father. But, I hope she didn't love to take high risks like him too.

I walk to the cover in this basement.

"What are you doing Mom?" Asked her curious with a worried face.

"Sssh... I will be back. Be a good kid okay?" Said me with a smile to her.

She nods at me and waves her hands. I wave my hand to her.

Now, I need to search for that P3K he had in his room. This whole event makes us think so boldly. If we think in a normal way, we would bring that P3K instead of this stove.


The wind feels strange. I look around. There is nothing around. Perfect! I can sneak to the house.

While walking, I was surprised to see this scenery.

"So beautiful."

I know this is post-apocalyptic but, this scene. Ruined town with the sun rising on the east. And the horizon too, it's perfect to me draw. He really thinks about his dream to be a normal family. After complimenting that scenery, I continue my step.

He was so cold and just cared about his world. Work, take a risk, and nothing more. I even didn't know what his purpose of doing that. You are already rich so why do you want more? It's not like you had a hobby and something to spend about.

But, it changed after we had Lily. He becomes like... Romance guy. He even tried to flirt in front of me. But, he's suck.

It's still funny to remember that event. When in the middle of the night in the bar. He sits near me and looks at me seriously. I thought he wanted to talk about our divorce plan. That's why at that time I was very nervous.

His best friend told me that he just needed a child to show it to his parent. And he said again that my husband never needed me in his life.

Ah! This is the P3K. And... The medicine is in there. I bring it and...

That's his sniper. Maybe I should take it back to the basement. I try to bring it up. It's surprisingly lighter than I thought.

This is my lucky day. There are no mutants here. And I walk safely to our basement.


Our little angel ran to me and hugged my leg. Wow, she didn't even slip her leg while running with this oversized suit. Maybe, should I ask my husband to make a hole below her feet.

The time goes on...

Playing with Lily, storytelling... Three times a day I change the compress on my husband's head.

I look at the desk, there are just food cans. The drink is only mineral water... That's good though.

Ah! He is waking up. I turn on the stove and heat the food can. It's fish and some porridge. As we stay here, we already get used to this weird combination. Just depends on the time we will get bored.

After the food is ready, I touch my darling body to wake him up. Slowly, he opens her eyes.

I bring the food and ask him to eat. I forgot to at least pick up some spoons.

He moves up his body. He notices that there is some medicine near his bed. "S-Stephanie... How you could bring that medicine."

Ah! He looks at it huh...

"Y-Yeah... Are you angry?" Asked me with worry.

He looks at me with a terrible face. It's not like he never got sick, it's just he always took himself to hospital before I knew it. This makes me feel nervous because it's the first time I take care of my husband in his weak state.

"N-No, it's just... Thank you." Said him gently.

Once said, people will change if they are in their weak state. Some people act according to their condition, some of them are still normal, and then, some of them will behave out of their personality.

Like him... Why did he act cutely in front of me? Ah! Don't think of it like that... He is my husband... So that's legal. Ah!! No! I am not the type to be happy like this looking at someone suffering, especially my husband.


I move my finger to the porridge and take the food, trying to feed him. I hope he will remember this humiliation. I mean, even in his state there is no way he will let me do it.

"The plane is coming..." Said me keep trying.

He opened his mouth and said. "Ahh..."

Aw~ He is never so obedient like this. So, you are this kind of person. Then, let's continue this until I 

I-It's like feeding children.

After feeding my husband, I asked him to sleep again. While feeding my husband, it seems my daughter feels sleepy too so, I hug her and sleep near her bed. Even with this suit... It's feel hot.

I just hope she didn't feel hot inside it.


After two days...

"Darling, this is your breakfast." Said her softly with her smile.

Huh? Breakfast? It's already noon. But whatever...

I remember something... Something quite absurd and not in my normal daily activity. Oh yeah... I remember it now.

What was that with my face? I obediently just acted as she told me. And what's with that plane going inside my mouth!?

She looks at me with a curious face. "Is there any problem darling?" Asked her innocently.

"N-Nothing... It's just... Yeah! Nothing." Said me blushing in front of her.

Why? Why do I keep getting nervous?! She is my wife... No, That's legal so that's okay.

"Daddy, you keep blushing." Said my daughter while munching her food.

"Y-Yeah, maybe because it's hot I think?" Said me with an awkward laugh.

She gives me the food can and uses her hand to feed me.

"Wait, wait... You should not do that! I am an adult." Said me getting embarrassed.

She surprised. Huh? Am I the one who is wrong here? No, no, no...

"B-but, I already took it with my hand." Said her with a sad-looking face.

Argh...! Fine!

I open my mouth and eat the food in her hand. While eating that food I said to her. "Happy now?"

She laughed a bit and said. "Your sulking face is cute."

At that time, I didn't know what was happening to me. It's just I get more embarrassed. It's like my heart is fluttered by her words. Why? She always flirted in front of me back then and I never felt anything about it. It's just... Why now?

"You look cute again dad." Said my daughter while munching her food.

What about me? Acting like this is not suitable for me.

Feel free to be happy...

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