
Lonely Existence

Still trying to figure out what’s gonna happen. .... BL novel will be featured. It’s a novel so not my work.

SlothfulxQuiet · Otras
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140 Chs


Translator: StaringAtAStar


Shang Ke noticed that Lord Saya was acting a little strange recently. Every day, regardless of whether he was busy or not, he'd wander over. He wouldn't say much, just move a little, flip the sleeves of his robes. His presence in his life was very strong.


If Shang Ke didn't know that this was a spirit god that lacked emotion and desire, he would have almost thought that Lord Saya was using his soldierly bearing and aggressive arrogance to attract Shang Ke's attention.


Shang Ke had done just that himself previously; he'd seamlessly appeared in front of Saya to show off his proud figure, wild temperament, sexy animal hide skirt… However, the War God was completely unmoved. Shang Ke guessed he did not like strong men; after all, he'd previously always gone the beautiful, mild-mannered man route, so maybe he couldn't adapt to the sudden change in styles.


Shang Ke eventually gave up. For him, a slow and steady elderly couple was more reassuring. He wants love, but doesn't want to lose painfully every time he puts himself forward. Feelings that burn too fiercely might burn him until there's nothing left.


So this was fine—he'll just silently watch as nature takes its course.


Shang Ke looked with an unconscious, sunny smile (≧ˇ≦) at Saya, who appeared in front of him like a billowing black cloud .


The depression that Saya had accumulated these days vanished like smoke under the offensive might of Shang Ke's smile.


The War God decided to give Shang Ke time to realize how he'd neglected and slighted Saya.


Shang Ke intended to directly ask Lord Saya what he was doing dropping by practically every day. Now that all the gods knew that he and Saya were "having an affair," no gods dared give him trouble.

撒牙见尚可似乎想说什么,便挥挥衣袖,好整以暇地等着,却见他的表情,突然从(^ ^)骤变成( °△°),然后毫无征兆地,如水泡一般消失在他眼前.

The War God saw that Shang Ke seemed to have something to say, so he waved his sleeves, and waited calmly in the midst of chaos. However, he saw Shang Ke's expression suddenly change from (^ ^) to (°△°), before disappearing like a bubble right in front of his eyes, without any warning.


The War God's expression sank and he spread his divinity until he discovered Shang Ke's spirit had already left the capital and returned to his statue in Mount Altia.


What happened? The War God frowned, and with a flash of his figure, also swept towards Mount Altia.


Shang Ke had left suddenly because he'd received a distress call from the Shu Clan. When he arrived at Mount Altia, he saw a raging fire causing red hot air to rise towards the black sky, which had become tinted red as blood. Countless animals tried to escape the sea of fire, struggling and giving pitiful cries. It was like hell on earth.


The Shu Clan's houses were engulfed in flames. Their farmland, manors, gardens… all had been torched. The Shu clansmen were all gathered at the Evil God's temple. The youth had picked up their knives and axes, and were desperately clearing the nearby foliage. Old women and children crowded the temple, tearfully kneeling in front of the status in prayer.


Shang Ke looked at them, a wave of anger filling his chest: Are you guys idiots? Why didn't you run down the hill? If I hadn't come back, would you just die here? The temple can be rebuilt if it's ruined, who needs you to rescue it unnecessarily?


The fire spread quickly, like a mad monster, pouncing madly on the temple.


Shang Ke couldn't maintain his anger. Instead, he reached out his hand while a stone hammer appeared from thin air. Then he rushed towards a nearby mountain, gathered all his strength, and began hitting the face of the mountain.


With a loud bang, rubble went flying as the sky and earth and everything in between trembled.


The Shu clansmen looked at what caused the sound, only to see a muscular silhouette floating in midair, waving a hammer that was being used to incessantly smash the side of the mountain.


"God Uno!" The Shu clansmen were filled with elation; joy and hope instantly replaced the grief and despair previously on their faces.


Their god had come to rescue them!


Shang Ke ignore the cheers below as he concentrated on repeatedly hammering the mountain wall. His power was steadily depleted and his body gradually began to flicker.


Swish! A stream of water suddenly emerged from the crack within the stone, immediately followed by crackling echoes as the rocks splintered and a large jet of water gushed out, through Shang Ke's translucent body, and spilled into the sea of fire beneath the mountain.


Shang Ke looked back, the spout of water was still a long way from the temple; if there was no outside pressure, the water would not be able to put out the rapidly-spreading fire near the temple.


Shang Ke picked up his hammer and used divine power to divert the water, pulling out a few strands of ribbon-like liquid, and sending them flying in the direction of the temple. He is not a god associated with water, so he does this entirely with his divine power. Other gods would never waste their power like this, since doing so would not only fail to enhance their strength, but even exhaust previously accumulated divine power.


As an Evil God that has done all things evil before, yet held a heart that wished to save all living things, there probably wasn't a god out in this world that is more "neglectful" of hid duties.


A column of water poured onto the flames, and a black plume of smoke billowed out.


The Shu clansmen cheered loudly amidst the mist, they cried out their joy, completely unaware that their god had almost exhausted his power in order to save them.


Just a little longer and the large fire would be completely extinguished.


Shang Ke's body was almost transparent, all his concentration focused on his steadily depleting power, completely unaware that danger was near.


"Unos, I didn't think you'd be able to rise back from the ashes." A violent voice erupted from behind him, "You didn't really think you'd get the chance to regain the power you used to have, did you?"


Shang Ke gave a start as he looked back and saw a fire snake coming towards him.


Just as he was about to get swallowed up by the fire snake, the snake exploded less than three meters in front of him, as if blocked by something.


The War God's tall figure appeared in front of Shang Ke.


"War God Saya?" The fire that filled the sky slowly coalesced into a tall and sturdy man.


Shang Ke's looked over War God's shoulder and his gaze fell on a man. This man was dressed in a robe that resembled flames, with a wild head of curly hair and a ferocious look that resembled a human-shaped lion.


Shang Ke remembered the system providing information on several other deities in addition to Saya who confronted the Evil God. The Fire God Helu was one of them, but there wasn't much detail on him since at that time, the Fire God was like an ant in the Evil God's eyes.


It turned out that the fire was not an accident, but deliberately set by the Fire God. Presumably his followers had discovered the Shu Clan, who lived near the Evil God's temple, which drew the attention of the FIre God. A god cannot destroy another god; however, if he kills all the other god's followers, or if his power far exceeds the other god, he can seal the other god. Although he can only seal the other god for a limited period of time, he can still significantly weaken the other side.


It's now been more than a thousand years since Saya sealed the Evil God in Mount Altia, so the seal has long since disappeared, allowing the Evil God to once again see the light of day.


"Helu, what are you trying to do?" The War God asked coldly.


"What am I trying to do?" The Fire God thought this question was strange, "Isn't that obvious? I'm going to re-seal the Evil God."


The War God looked at the burned down mountain under his feet, "Setting fire to the mountain, tormenting people, this is how you were going to re-seal him?"


"The fire wasn't set by me," the Fire God refuted. "My believers saw the Shu Clan's ironworks and wanted to trade with them, only to be rejected. That's what led to this conflict."


"This mountain is so humid, how could the fire spread so rapidly without your support?" The War God remained unconvinced.


The Fire God angrily responded, "War God, isn't the most important thing right now sealing the Evil God?"


"Unos is now under my jurisdiction; I will determine whether or not to seal him." The War God stood in front of Shang Ke and enveloped him in his protection.


The Fire God looked at the War God incredulously, "He's under your jurisdiction? You mean to let him gain power under your very nose?"


"That's correct."


"You're crazy, War God!" The Fire God raged, "He's the Evil God Unos, when he regains his strength, the continent will fall into a mess of bloody massacres again."


"I won't let that happen."


"How can you guarantee that? With your godhead?"


The War God looked at his coldly, "Do you doubt me?"


Under the War God's military might, the Fire God immediately quieted and instead gave Shang Ke a hard look.


The War God seamlessly moved half a step over to block the Fire God's line of sight.


The Fire God didn't read too much into this, he just couldn't understand why Saya would defend this scourge. Was it so he could feel a greater sense of accomplishment when he finally seals him after he's matured?


The Fire God was endlessly angered knowing that he wouldn't be able to seal the Evil God immediately. He spit out a few flames before resentfully leaving.


The War God watched him leave, before turning back to Shang Ke, only to see that he was so weak he could barely appear.


The War God immediately flew to Shang Ke and supported him with his divine power. Just as he was about to help him solidify, his body turned into countless stars before his eyes and disappeared.


The War God's hands kept its position as he felt a sharp pain in his chest; a strange emotion welled up in his mind, spread throughout his body, and made his spirit heavy.


What happened? The War God held his chest with a gloomy expression.


The fire on Mount Altia was extinguished, and the Shu clansmen rejoiced. They didn't know what happened between the three gods because the War God had created a boundary around them. The Shu clansmen just saw their great god smashing the mountain wall with his hammer, drawing out water to put out the fire, and saving everyone's lives.


Shang Ke was exhausted and had returned to the state of a god without a spirit. However, unlike his situation previously, he now had many believers so it wouldn't be long before he regained his strength.


Five days later, Shang Ke finally solidified again, but this time some things had changed. In the process of solidifying, his body had unexpectedly changed, becoming more solid and full, finally becoming flesh and blood.


Short jet-black hair, a well proportioned figure, strong muscles, bronzed skin, slender legs, with the animal hide skirt now gone from his waist. However, the sinister mask remained on his face.


Shang Ke couldn't help but wonder if his face was really just this mask!