
Lonely Existence

Still trying to figure out what’s gonna happen. .... BL novel will be featured. It’s a novel so not my work.

SlothfulxQuiet · Otras
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140 Chs


"I don't want to eat apple. I want to eat panda," Feng Juan requested somewhat inarticulately as he lay on the hospital bed with a swollen face. It was only in front of Shang Ke that he would show such a willful appearance.

Shang Ke spoke while peeling an apple, "Okay, I'll go buy you some panda later." The panda Feng Juan wanted was actually a black and white chocolate. He liked to eat it when he had nothing to do.

Feng Juan was satisfied with his response and picked up an apple slice Shang Ke had peeled, crunching on it.

Shang Ke looked at his terrible face and felt both pained and amused. After a moment, he took his cell phone out from his pocket.

Feng Juan was immediately on guard, asking, "What are you trying to do?"

"Taking a picture as souvenir." Shang Ke opened his phone's camera.

Feng Juan immediately used his hands to cover his face and protested, "You can't do that!"

"What are you afraid of? Scars are a man's medals. The more you have, the greater your glory." Shang Ke scooted closer to him with an evil smile.

"Yeah, right! Being beaten until my face is unrecognizable, what about that is glorious?" Feng Juan covered his face and refused to budge.

"Be good and move your hands." Shang Ke continued to persuade him, "If you let me take a picture, I'll give you a kiss in return."

Feng Juan stopped struggling and parted his fingers slightly to reveal two black eyes. "Really?"

Eh? He actually wanted his "kiss"?

"Yep." Shang Ke nodded.

"Okay." Feng Juan somewhat unwillingly removed his hands and spoke cooly and elegantly, "If you want to take pictures, then take some more. One picture for one kiss."

Shang Ke couldn't help but laugh. He sat beside Feng Juan and raised his cell phone, taking a shot of the two of the together. His soft hair brushed against Feng Juan's face, leaving an itchy sensation. Feng Juan turned his head to look at Shang Ke, his eyes gentle.

Shang Ke suddenly raised his head and landed a kiss on Feng Juan's forehead, his cellphone faithfully taking a picture of the scene.

Receiving his kiss, Feng Juan felt that his wounds were worth it.

Seeing Shang Ke putting his phone away, he immediately asked, "You're taking so few? My left cheek, right cheek, nose and mouth all need pictures."

Shang Ke stared at him silently. Wanting a foot after winning an inch shouldn't be done so blatantly.

At this moment, the Ferrg couple entered the sickroom and worriedly fussed over them for a while.

The two of them both put on obedient fronts.

A short while later, Shang Ke used the excuse of going out to buy candy and disloyally abandoned Feng Juan.

He had just walked out when the smile on Shang Ke's face faded. In front of him were Rowan and a couple other unfamiliar officers.

"Shang Ke, come with us to the police department. We have some questions we need you to answer," Rowan said solemnly.

Shang Ke nodded, turning back to look at the sickroom before finally following the officers out of the hospital.

Shang Ke knew that the police would take note of him after he revealed his hacking skills. The rescue operation had only taken around three hours. His efficiency was so high that it rendered them speechless.

After the event, a police technician had analyzed his work. Not only had Shang Ke hacked into Star Technology's server and obtained their information, but he had also hacked into the Port of Lena's storehouse rental management office. The former was a technology company with numerous excellent programmers, while the other was a semi-official agency. Neither were places that someone could easily access, but Shang Ke, a thirteen year old child, had combed through them in a mere dozen minutes. His level was already far above normal technicians.

If they found out that Shang Ke had also hacked into the police's surveillance system, and used the Jumping Virus to monitor several peoples' cell phones, they would likely be even more shocked.

"Shang, we want to give you a test," Rowan told him.


"Yes," Rowan spoke with a nod, "If you pass the test, then we hope that you will help with a police case. As you are still a minor, and it was in order to save someone, we can treat the hacking from before leniently."

The so-called police files were compilations of information for people with special skills, and who were dangerous to a degree, but have accepted the government's and police's supervision. They have guaranteed not to jeopardize society, and were occasionally dispatched by the government. Of course, it would be even better if they joined the government. However, if they did so then they would have to obtain the government's permission if they wanted to go abroad in the future.

Shang Ke had already made mental preparations, and very readily agreed to their request.

Since he had already exposed himself, he did not plan to hide anymore. During the test, he performed remarkably well, using a very small keyboard to ruthlessly awe everyone present.

A thought suddenly flashed through Rowan's mind. The reason why those people kept watching the two children might not be in order to kill them and shut their mouths, but because of Shang Ke's excellent skills.

After the test ended, Shang Ke walked on all the jaws that had fallen to the ground as he left under Rowan's escort.

Shang Ke felt that exchanging his freedom for the police's protection was worth it.

When he returned to the hospital, it was already evening. The moment Feng Juan saw him, he asked, "Where did you go? Why did you leave for so long?"

"There weren't any panda nearby, so I went to Lin City to buy it." Shang Ke threw a bag of candy to him.

"You spent seven hours buying this candy?" If he had known it would take this long, Feng Juan would rather never eat panda for the rest of his life. He had waited for Shang Ke for so long, and his calls weren't going through. He almost worried himself to death.

Based on his current reaction, Shang Ke knew that the Ferrg couple hadn't told Feng Juan anything. That was for the better, so that he wouldn't be anxious while staying at the hospital.

"Oh, right. How's the situation over at Star Technology?" Feng Juan opened the bag of candy and asked.

"Corson has been detained for now, and as for Star Technology…" Shang Ke snatched the panda from his hand and threw it in his own mouth as he replied, "Don't worry, I already dealt with it."

After Feng Juan was sent to the hospital, Shang Ke once again hacked into Star Technology to place a trojan horse. At the same time, he revised their announcement to leave behind a message: "I came and patiently waited for five minutes but no one found me, so I left, and left a great gift while I was at it. You're welcome." The name left at the end was simple and cruel—Hacker.

Someone had quietly intruded their server and no one noticed after five minutes, and their announcement was also changed. If it was a normal company's website, then it wouldn't have mattered much, but Star Technology specialized in internet security, so no one doubted its ability. Such a company was actually easily hacked by someone, and they even left their name behind before leaving. This clearly left a sound smack to the company's face. Plus, the Corson father and son duo were both "invited to drink tea" with the police, so they were thoroughly discredited. The company's profits took a nosedive.

As the saying goes, you can provoke anyone, but you can't provoke a programmer.

After this unfortunate event, Feng Juan made a decision. "I want to register a company under Mr. Ferrg's name.

"A technology company?" Shang Ke asked.

"Yes," Feng Juan nodded and said, "Online technology makes rapid progress every day. Time is money, so the earlier we join the larger our advantage. If we only started venturing in it after becoming adults, we would likely miss many opportunities."

Shang Ke smiled as he responded, "I support you, and I believe that Mr. Ferrg will also support you."

Feng Juan revealed a smile and held Shang Ke's hand, a passionate light flickering in his eyes. "We will venture into the industry together, and develop the best technology together."


Time slipped by, and four years passed in an instant. Shang Ke and Feng Juan had entered the most famous high school in the city. The company they established was called "Mr. Bruin" (Mr. Bear, made from the combination of their English names.) and was also successful. With regards to network security, they might even surpass others in the same field.

Beside Shang Ke's "super advanced" knowledge, Feng Juan was also talented with computers, and was also a significant factor to their success. Shang Ke used his knowledge of the future, while Feng Juan used his own brain to design the new future.

In this time period, Shang Ke accepted several secret government missions, and with cooperation from both parties, the police was able to collapse Tabimu's power earlier. Now Shang Ke and Feng Juan no longer needed to worry about being threatened by them.

Shang Ke silently swept away all of their problems, and protected Feng Juan so that his life would go smoothly.

Feng Juan, who was maturing by the day, soon reached the age of love. His height, appearance, and ability caused him to stand out, and he became their high school's Mr. Perfect.

Shang Ke also became increasingly remarkable, and although he did not have a strong aura like Feng Juan, his scholarly temperament had its own charm.

The two brothers received a lot of attention, but never had girlfriends. It really left one puzzled. Many people even started betting to see whether anyone could nail one of the two.

Nowadays, Feng Juan was a bit vexed, because Shang Ke insisted on sleeping in a separate room from him.

They had grown up, and it was difficult to avoid excess hormones. Feng Juan had urges every day, and almost applied those desires from his dreams to reality. Keke probably couldn't take his "passion" anymore, and therefore wanted to sleep separately from him.

Feng Juan was firm in his decisions with other matters, and it was only his feelings towards Keke that he was not honest with himself. Although Keke did not refuse to be intimate with him, it was limited to regular familial interactions, and was completely different from the desires in the depths of his heart.

He feared that one day he would snap and do something harmful to Keke. However, the more you tried to repress something, the harder it was to resist.

Feng Juan drove the car to the school's entrance and looked up to see Shang Ke speaking with a mature twenty-six or twenty-seven year old woman. He wore a gentle smile, and his soft, short hair waved gently as he spoke. His straight body, slender legs, and outstanding temperament made him look so dazzling.

But the reason why he appeared so dazzling was a woman.

Feng Juan's eyes dimmed and he opened the car door, walking up to him with large strides.

"Keke, I'm back." Feng Juan stood beside Shang Ke, his expression icy as he sized up the blonde woman. Her chest is too big, her looks are too charming, she doesn't fit Keke's tastes at all!

Keke should like someone with sharp features, a somewhat muscular figure, sharp eyes, and a strong aura! (Feng Juan: That's right, I'm talking about myself.)

The blonde young woman was a bit uneasy from being stared at by Feng Juan, and left with some words of courtesy.

"Who is she?" Feng Juan asked after they got in the car.

"A friend."

"Which of your friends do I not know?" Under his constant watch, how could a fish have slipped through his net?

"I know her from online." That woman was actually a technician from the government, and they often chatted online.

"Online?" Feng Juan's face dimmed. After he clarified his feelings, he had challenged Shang Ke to computer-related matches several times, and was defeated every time. He therefore had no choice but to sign a nonaggression pact regarding each other's internet privacy.

Afterwards, he only knew about Shang Ke's online activities if he went ahead and told him himself.

"I want to violate you today," Feng Juan suddenly said.

If those words were heard by someone outside, their thoughts would certainly run astray, but Shang Ke was already used to it. Whenever this guy wanted to compete with him at hacking, he liked to use the wretched word "violate."

Shang Ke did not know that Feng Juan's actually meant his words literally.

"My hands have been sore lately, so next time." Shang Ke really did not want to compete with him anymore. Feng Juan was progressing at lightning speed, and he almost couldn't beat him anymore. In order to preserve his last bit of superiority, he could only choose to avoid a fight.

"If you don't want to be violated by me, then sleep with me," Feng Juan changed his condition.

"No!" Shang Ke did not even think before rejecting.


He still dared to ask him why?! Because of someone's vigorous energy, he was about to become an expert at washing underwear!

Although Shang Ke had already made preparations to accept Feng Juan, he wanted to at least wait until he grew to adulthood. Plus, he still wasn't quite resolved to the idea of two men doing that kind of thing.

Did this guy believe that he didn't have any idea of his desires? His desires were about to break through his underwear, alright?

The two of them were currently dangerously close to the edge of their self-control. If they continued to sleep on the same bed, it likely wouldn't even take half a year before something happened!

He still wanted to maintain his integrity, and wait for Feng Juan to grow to adulthood.

Feng Juan was completely unaware of Shang Ke's thoughtfulness. His completely mature body was about to turn into a Ninja Turtle.[1]

[1]The joke on ninja turtle is the first character that makes up ninja, which is to bear. A godly enduring turtle. Turtle is also slang for the lower half if I remember correctly.


The two of them secretly sighed in their hearts.