
Lonely Existence

Still trying to figure out what’s gonna happen. .... BL novel will be featured. It’s a novel so not my work.

SlothfulxQuiet · Otras
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140 Chs


Translator: StaringAtAStar, SnowTime

SnowTime: A mistake was made in the previous translations and has been fixed, King City was not actually a name, but referring to the capital. The actual name of the capital is Cannes.


A few days later, the group finally arrived in Cannes City, the capital of the Yi Empire. The capital was built halfway up a mountain, lofty and layered, with winding roads coiled around it. It was made from a large piece of smooth mountain stone, the road on either sides filled with shops and their endless hawkers shouting prices and a continuous stream of negotiating merchants. Refined carriages of various shapes could be seen everywhere, all dancing along to the song of prosperity.


As the main character of the selection ceremony, Yitamo quickly parted company upon entering the city, but Neil stayed. He volunteered himself as their guide, arranging accommodations for everyone and, at the same time, taking them on a tour to familiarize them with their surroundings.


Since the Shu Clan arrived late, most of the hotels and taverns were full. Without Neil's help, they might have had to camp outside the city. The capital's prosperity shocked this group of simple farmers, who marveled and then marveled some more as they walked. Fortunately, the masks on their faces perfectly obscured their country-bumpkin expressions of awe, creating an illusion of cool mystery.


A wide range of tinkling goods caught their eye, but though they wanted to buy them all, they were brought back to cruel reality by the high prices. After that, Cannes City's beauty was no longer able to even slightly excite them. Their simple outlook on consumption allowed them to always act frugally; all meaningless luxury was relentlessly rejected.


However, this doesn't mean they lived in poverty, on the contrary, with the skills Shang Ke passed on, their standard of living was superior to the average minor aristocrat. The difference is that this superiority was created by them with their own two hands.


While they were marveling at the luxuries of the capital, many people were also attracted to them because of their uniquely delicate clothing and unearthly ornaments.


"Eh? Is this the War Temple?" With Neil as a guide, the Shu clansmen came to a majestic temple, on either side of the entrance lay two male lions, the main wall rising up at least a dozen meters and was gilded with bronze, with dozens of large stone columns that towered over them and several guards patrolling back and forth in front of them.


After seeing this, the Shu clansmen couldn't help thinking of their God Uno's ugly and decrepit temple; even after several repairs, it couldn't compare to the War Temple. This was simply the difference between refugees and royalty.


The Shu clansmen resolved bitterly to help God Uno rebuild his temple when they returned. They were now brightly dressed; but their God Uno, who gave them everything they had, still lived in a humble and cold temple. It was only now that the group realized that while God Uno imparted his skills to them every night, he never asked them to rebuild his temple in return. A majestic temple symbolizes the dignity and status of the god. Most believers would go hungry rather than neglect their god.


The Shu clansmen were very pious to their god, but their frugality influenced the way they built his temple. It wasn't until they saw the War Temple that they realized their shortcomings. They've enjoyed God Uno's blessings, but did not give him similar quality offerings in return. If this were any other god, they might have long been abandoned.


God Uno was truly a great god, one that appears once in a millennium. His generosity and magnanimity made them ashamed. (Shang Ke: Don't give him the "Nice God Card" willy-nilly, he won't be able to find himself a spouse*.)

T/N: A play on the "Nice Guy" card, when someone is friendzoned. I personally disagree, friends are the best partners! Prefer nice and ugly (or in this case, nice and masked) over mean and handsome any day of the week.


The main hall of the War Temple is open to the public, and believers can worship in it at any time. With learning and touring in mind, the Shu clansmen stepped into the main hall one after the other.


Neil didn't go in, instead leaning next to the stone lion while he waited for them to come back out. He is the Love God, but didn't want to overstep into another god's domain.


Once they entered the main hall, Shang Ke was hit in the face with a sense of familiarity.


He separated from the body of the god, only to see in front of the temple's main hall a seven-meter high statue of a god standing on a stone pedestal, wearing delicate armor, his magnificent figure framed against a striking cape blowing in the wind. He held a sword straight in front of his body, with two large hands folded over the top of the handle. His head was crowned with a helmet and he wore a cold look, with a pair of fierce eyes staring straight in front, as if staring disdainfully at the world out of the sides of his eyes.


Although the Shu clansmen were not the War God's believers, they couldn't help shivering upon seeing his majesty.


They bowed down, respectfully performing ceremonial salutes before silently exiting the temple. Stepping out of the gate, they all unconsciously let out a sigh of relief. His godly might was truly worthy of a War God who has survived for a thousand years.


However, their own God Uno was not lacking either. At least in terms of personality and life skills, the War God could not compare, the Shu clansmen thought proudly.


Shortly after they left, the statue in the War Temple flashed with a faint golden light. He looked at the Yu clansmen exiting the temple with two clusters of golden flames that ignited in his cold eyes.


After visiting the marketplace, the Shu clansmen and Neil returned back to their lodging. They rented several homes, since this type of accommodation was much cheaper than hotel rooms.


The grand imperial concubine selection ceremony will take place in three days' time, so the group of people still had some time to rest, regroup and organize themselves.


When night came, the weary Shu clansmen quickly fell into dreams.


Shang Ke floated out of his wooden carving, hovering cross-legged in the garden while both enjoying the night's scenery and recalling the familiarity he felt in the War Temple.


He had wanted to take a closer look, but had been so suppressed by the War God that he didn't even dare raise his head. The power gap between them was so large, he had no power to resist at all.


According to the original storyline, the War God should still be sleeping as of now. It wasn't until Tima became a princess and the Shu moved into the vicinity of the capital and accumulated more believers, that the power of the Evil God truly strengthened. It wasn't until he became a god, and the Yi Empire scrambled the sky and the earth, that the War God woke from his slumber in order to seal him.


The Evil God of that future hadn't been the War God's opponent, let alone the current him. As such, it was best not to disturb the War God for the time being. He would rather not be exterminated by him the moment they meet.


Right while he was in the middle of these thoughts, he suddenly felt his body turn heavy, then fall from the sky without warning. It was like he was nailed into the ground; he couldn't move at all.


This familiar scummy aura, the insufferably arrogant, and oppressive aura, it couldn't be the person he was just thinking of right?!


Shang Ke lay on the ground with his limbs all splayed out, staring in shock at the person gradually appearing in the sky. A helmet adorned his head, while his body was covered in black armor. A translucent black cloak fade in, out, and behind him like rolling smoke. A pair of cold eyes arrogantly looked down at him.


War God Saya, it really was him! How could he be here? What happened to the agreed "he would wake up after a dozen years"? Is it really proper for the plot to be randomly changed like this!


"Unos." An ice cold voice echoed near his ear, "Why did you come to Cannes City?"


Although he was pressed into the ground firmly, Shang Ke remained unafraid and calmly answered, "My believers are here."


Saya expressionlessly stared at him and ordered, "Take your believers and get out of the Imperial Yi Clan's territory!"


Telling him to leave the moment they meet!


"Why are you driving me away?" Shang Ke expressed his refusal to comply.


"I do not permit slaughter and curses to occur on the Imperial Yi territory." Saya's tone remained hard.


"So, where are the slaughter and curses? Don't randomly convict other people alright? Cannes City is clearly so peaceful it can't be any more peaceful!"


Saya: "..."


Shang Ke continued to argue for his rights, "I am a man defeated by you. I have the courage to come, so why don't you have the courage to let me stay?


Saya: "..."


"Back in those days you killed all of my believers, forcing me to suffer by my lone and impoverished self in the ruined temple for a thousand years. Now that I finally get to see the light of day again, must you utterly eradicate me? At least give me a chance to turn over a new leaf."


Can an Evil God turn over a new leaf? Saya stared at his face doubtfully, was there a problem with his eyes? He keeps having the feeling that something was wrong.


"Since you aren't speaking, I'll take that as agreement."


Saya slowly landed by Shang Ke and suddenly reached out to grab his mask. He had wanted to pull it off, but it was as if it was glued onto Shang Ke's face, so Shang Ke was dragged alongside it.


Saya's hand almost completely covered the mask, while behind his mask, Shang Ke was dangling in the air like the ghost of a hangman, rocking side to side.


Saya felt an itch in the palm of his hand, so he loosened his grip and at the same time used his powers to hold Shang Ke in place.


And then, he saw the strange change to the mask.


Shang Ke: (≧︿≦)


The features on the mask were all scrunched together.


Saya grabbed the edges of the mask and tugged down, as if he was trying to return the mask to its former appearance.


Shang Ke: (°ˊДˋ°)


Saya pinched his nose.


Shang Ke: (〒◇〒)


Saya: "..."


For a mask to be like this, even Lord War God can't control himself from playing with it.


"Lord Saya, have you played enough?" Right at this moment, a faint voice came over from not too far away.


Neil had his arms crossed against his chest, his expression odd as he watched Saya.


Was this guy in front of him that was playing around with a mask really that dignified and solemn Lord War God who neither spoke or smiled much?


"He wasn't like this." Saya suddenly spoke, "The him from a thousand years ago wasn't like this."


"Oh? You guys know each other?" Little Mask had actually survived for over a thousand years?


"We've dealt (fought) with each other before." Saya understated.


Shang Ke pouted (▔ヘ▔): Right, all they did was "fight". They even fought very hard.


"Really?" Neil looked at him, then looked at Shang Ke who was fixed in midair and spoke, "If it's not too big of a grudge, then may Lord Saya be magnanimous and let him go."


Was the grudge of having his clan being exterminated considered big?


Shang Ke →_→ sized up Saya.


Saya remained silent for a while, and at last, released Shang Ke from his prison.


Obtaining his freedom, Shang Ke's first thought was to flash to Neil's side. But he had only floated part of the way to his goal when he was pulled back once again into Saya's hands.


What else do you want!


Shang Ke glowered at him; then, he was stupefied (⊙△⊙)!


What did he see? There's a mole on Saya's palm!


He glanced over; the other hand has one too!


He wanted to question this world of gods, do they all have a mole on their palm!!!


Shang Ke covered his face, he was unwilling to accept this reality.


Saya pulled his hand away so it couldn't cover his face.


Shang Ke's horrified expression immediately returned to being sinister. Like Buddha's teaching was bathing his mind in its light, he returned to being serene.


Saya's face sunk, he seems to be unhappy about not being able to see Shang Ke's expression change.


Shang Ke: "..."


Enough! Isn't it just a mask that likes to exercise its freedom of expression? Do you need to keep playing around like this?!