
You screwed it, again. (October-December, 1903).

Urbanization and internal migration]

The Alexandrian period of Russia saw considerable urbanization (both in quantity and speed) compared to its predecessors, land reform and mechanization of agriculture, added to many other factors, led of course to a migration from the countryside to the city and a population explosion that helped the urbanization of various parts of the Russian Empire.

It was standardized that once it reached 10,000 inhabitants, a settlement received the title of city, not very important but it simplifies the Russian administration.

However, this is not in itself the important thing, the important thing was the development of the peripheral territories.

Mongolia-Tuva and Xinjiang (in addition to some other areas of central Siberia for example) had an obvious lack of population density.

The Russian Empire had partly dealt with this by bringing in workers and their families for the construction of infrastructure, but obviously the training and use of local workers (more integration) reduced part of this strategy (although it was not useless and would continue to be used ).

With this, the Alexandrian government began to create edicts, similar to those used in Central Asia, to begin offering land to families willing to work a local plot of land.

Of course this strategy could not work with all regions, but it certainly continued to help increase the demographic density and integration of the regions.

Galicia (not as depopulated as Xinjiang or Mongolia but which was part of these edicts for integration purposes) was easy, very close to traditional Eastern Europe. Mongolia and Tuva were not too complicated but not as simple as Galicia, families from Central Asia (ethnic Russians and others) moved to a greater extent, more accustomed to similar regions.

Xinjiang, however, could not receive this treatment, simply because its geography was not very attractive in this regard, with the exception of some cotton fields and the military administration was not attractive to everyone, but it was necessary in the early years of the government. Russian about the region.

Russia was advancing in considerable strides, but not all regions could advance at the same pace.

However integration plans in Xinjiang continued through the construction of infrastructure for the integration of the native population (Uyghur, some Han and Chinese Muslims, etc).

They would grow faster than the ethnic Russian population of the region (simply because they were older to begin with and would receive the benefits of improvements in infrastructure, food and medicine, etc.), but as long as they integrated into the multi-ethnic Russian society they would not be. a problem.



At the beginning of the reign of Tsar Alexander III, literacy in Russia was less than 20%, the majority of people who could read and write were generally well-off people, ethno-cultures with a broad literate tradition (Jews and Poles) and some other group-individuals.

Illiteracy was simply rampant among the vast majority of peasants, after the educational reforms in Russia, more than 40 million people became "basic literates."

In 1890, more than half of the Russian population fell into this category, and during the following period, this number did not stop increasing from 68-69% to even higher percentages. It meant that people knew a minimum of writing and reading, enough to read newspapers, sign, or know the alphabet.

This eradication of illiteracy was one of the largest social projects in Russia, undoubtedly helping to alleviate economic problems associated with lack of aid.

It also allowed associated projects, the educational reform had made Russian courses compulsory in universities (and equalizing university degrees in all parts of the Empire, allowing greater freedom of movement between places like Finland to other parts of the Russian state territory).

These new professionals also began to form the basis for educating citizens of lower educational levels in Russian (gymnasium / lyceum, school, etc.), although the Poles were the group that showed the most resistance at first (and eventually fell), the majority other ethnic groups followed this trickle-down education more easily.

The acquisition of new territories, such as areas of Armenian Anatolia, the Straits, Xinjiang and Mongolia meant that new illiterate citizens arrived (who would obviously receive education) or did not meet the Russian criteria to be considered "basic literate" or Similary.

The Alexandrian government assumed that their literacy already exceeded more than 70% of the population (although with the new territories it was difficult to know if it was 80-90 or where Russia was located).

Tsar Alexander III and his ministries raised the need for a new series of surveys to learn more about the entire territory. This of course included a literacy survey, population census, and other associated data.

During the early years of the 20th century, the Russian Empire continued to expand its educational institutions, universities, gymnasiums, schools, and kindergartens (which were becoming increasingly common, especially in the European part).

During which more than 12 million children attended to receive education in various parts of the Russian Empire.


[Immigration to Russia]

As mentioned above, second-generation immigrants (and some immediate generations) are quite beneficial to a country, generally successfully integrating and participating in national economies.

Although some ethnic groups suffer the stereotype of being "model ethnic groups" and other "non-model" ethnic groups are ignored-despised. An example is for example the United States, where Germanic immigrants are model immigrants, while Eastern Europeans suffered discrimination and generally lower levels of quality of life (and that in the case of whites, it is not necessary to speak of many cases of 'non-white' ethnic-cultures).

Russia was a particular case for its time, since the Russian Empire did not apply discriminatory laws regarding immigration to the Russian state. As did the United States, Australia, etc.

For this reason, during these times, Russia received different lines of migration.

A western line that came from Europe, particularly from Germany and the Balkans.

An eastern line that came from some members of the Russosphere (Siam, Aceh, Novaya Gvineya, etc), Hawai'i, Japan and China, and occasionally from the United States.

And a southern line coming from the Russosphere in Anatolia-Middle East, and Persia.

This was caused by various factors, on the one hand local crises in Russia and on the other hand Russian strategies.

In particular in the case of the Russosphere, Russia bringing some of the best intellects from its sphere of influence to the empire to further strengthen the Russian state. One of the first uses of the so-called brain drain.

On the other hand, situations of economic and political instability attracted immigrants from their homelands to Russia, especially when Russia had already accepted labor and refugees from various regions of the world.

Other cases were more proximity and looking for opportunities.

But the important thing is the importance of immigrants in Russia, a country is not built alone, it is built by both citizens of the territory and the people who will live there (they become natives too, or their children feel more and more native).

Although some immigrant neighborhoods were formed or some were more integrated than others, the Russian state fought to avoid racism and attacks on these communities and continued to support immigration to Russia (with due precautions, such as possible diseases or espionage, of course) , and eventually the development of immigrant communities in Russia.

One of the most famous cases would be the Han population in European Russia, the Volga Germans, the French in Saint Petersburg or other ethnic groups.

Although not all roads are easy, many immigrants found their way and a decent life, manual workers, factory workers or private entrepreneurs.


Post-Fashoda crises in particular helped, such as the crash of various equity markets and associated local crises (homelessness in Prussia). But there were some things that never changed.

The British generally did not move to Russia, although it was considerably cheaper than immigrating to other parts of the British Empire or the United States. Partly because of the language barrier and prejudice against the Russian state.

The Germans, French, and Italians were simply less fussy, and historically more friendly with Russia.

Yes, even the French were more willing to move despite the Patriotic War (war between the Russian Empire and Napoleon I).



The Russian Empire tried not to give any significant support to Charles Maurras, the rebel side in the French conflict, this was difficult no doubt due to the control of Maurras supporters in Egypt, thus dominating Suez.

But there was a diplomatic and material commitment to the legitimate government in the conflict, so Russia supported Pierre Curie and Jules Guesde.

Meanwhile, Germany was busy with the Haitian conflict and the UK was supporting many sides, watching the French kill each other. A good thing in British opinion after the betrayal of the Second French Empire to the British Empire with the Fashoda crisis.

This was not technically part of the Great Game between the British Empire and the Russian Empire, but it was curious. Russia supported only one side, and Britain supported several (both legitimate and illegitimate) simply to further destroy France.

Meanwhile, Tsar Alexander III does not hold back much and in exchange for giving more support to the central government, he begins to buy various objects from France from the governments of Paris (north-central France) and the socialists of Guesde (in Brittany).

This included art, artifacts from Wallonia-Belgium, and items from great churches in France. The tsar tried to buy the crown of thorns, but at least the Paris government refused (the socialists were more willing to sell religious articles).

However obviously the tsar did not get the crown of thorns, for now.

Other nobles of the Russian Empire somewhat followed the example of Tsar Alexander III, Russia as a strange island of stability, performed quite well in these deals, mostly during the month of October.


[The Vatican and Russia]

The relations between the First and the Third Rome are a curious subject, the beginning of the reign of Pius X was undoubtedly curious. Pius X (birth name James Gibbons) was already much more liberal than Leo XIII (not very difficult by modern standards, but very remarkable at the time).

The first American Pope (from the United States) was also very reformist regarding the participation of the Christian world in labor matters (the socialist-union movements) and was also quite interesting in matters of diplomacy.

Pope Pius X believed that in essence, the small renaissance of the Christian world had ended shortly after birth. Affected by violent socialist revolutions in Iberia, Italy and now France.

The Pope was particularly shocked by the situation in the Holy Land, where the Maurras' allied rebels gave concessions to the Arabs in exchange for loyalty and soldiers, and as Catholic Christian priests they operated in southern France.

This is why Pius X reached out to Tsar Alexander III and the Orthodox world, not for heretical reasons, but simply to continue to strengthen ties and help with a new "era of Christian diplomacy."

Both in the labor aspect, where Christians participating in unions could carry out a peaceful struggle for labor rights and international relations, in particular the Vatican of Pius X wanted to restore a level of diplomatic relations with Socialist Italy.

Tsar Alexander III in particular was a supporter of these ideas, the Vatican was not a very important partner economically and without a doubt the Christian world was irreparably divided, but anyway it was good to have a "friend" amid so much international chaos.

In addition, Tsar Alexander III also promoted the rapprochement between the Italian socialists and the Vatican, at least during what remained of his reign and the reign of Pius X.

This caused some commotion among the most reactionary parts of the Catholic Christian Church, especially in the Kingdom of Italy, but these movements did not have much impact due to the global economic weakness and certainly the fact that Pius X was not assassinated.



October 6, the High Court of Australia meets for the first time.

October 10, many of the UK women's suffrage movements are banned or harassed by the political and police authorities of the Social Aristocratic government.

Many of these disappear in the south of England, Wales and Scotland, while they survive with relative success in the north of England and Ireland.

November 1, among the Russian diaspora abroad, various leave the Mensheviks or are expelled from labor circles by Bolsheviks such as Vladimir Lenin.

This still marks the course of both groups, where the Bolsheviks gain a certain primacy although they do not always stick together, and the Mensheviks simply become more regional and less media.

The Iskra for example remains a widely popular Bolshevik newspaper, especially in Germany.

November 2, Maggie Lena Walker becomes the first African American woman to charter to a bank.

Between November 3-6, the rebels of the government of northern Haiti, led by Anténor Firmin, simply increase their tensions with the government of the nearby Dominican Republic.

Finally shortly after when border conflicts begin, United States Marines launch a rather poorly planned invasion of the Dominican Republic.

Surprisingly, it results in a fairly successful invasion, but amid the increase in the US Navy it results in bigger problems with Mexico, Germany, and some local states (offended by this invasion). In addition to delays for the US military.

November 13, Colombia and Venezuela attempt military operations to recover Panama, however they are not very successful.

The southern Haitian government is on the verge of defeat, but in the midst of all this the US and Mexican navies are beginning to get closer and closer to the conflict.

November 17, the War of Acre ends, between the Republic of Acre and Bolivia. With a surprise victory for Acre over Bolivia, after a victory in the southeast of the territory it will lead to the eventual victory of Acre over Bolivia.

With the respective treaty, Bolivia recognizes Acre as an independent nation-state of Bolivia, and in a short time other countries of the Americas do, such as Uruguay (the first country to recognize Acre post-treaty).

Of course this also marks the end of Acre's golden age, landlocked and in the midst of economic crisis, where synthetic rubber products begin to compete with Acre rubber.

November 18, the Haitian conflict finally escalates after a culmination of bad decisions years ago. A battle breaks out near the territorial waters of the island of Cuba between the United States and the Second Mexican Empire, leading to conflict between both parties.

Mexico joins the Haitian conflict on the German side, along with Venezuela, Colombia and the government of southern Haiti, while on the contrary is the United States and the government of northern Haiti.

Shortly after, on November 23, the mobilizations of both sides began near the border between the North of Mexico and the South of the United States.

Of course, this does not take long to involve the armies of both countries, but they start at first, small sporadic uprisings in northern Mexico. Criminal gangs and some other groups supported by the United States against the government of Porfirio Diaz and Maximilian I.

During this period, Victoriano Huerta betrays the Mexican army and leads to an American victory on the border between Texas and northern Mexico.

In the midst of all this, the world economy is undoubtedly falling even further after giving it all to stay on its feet. The war involves serious problems and the closure of the Tehuantepec Canal in southern Mexico, by Mexican orders and the combat between the German side and the United States.

This marks a serious setback in the Atlantic-Pacific trade, and a drop in values in various parts of the world. Production goes down and costs in all parts of the world go up.

The United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia can hold their own (and Germany to some extent) but they certainly suffer various damages, but it doesn't take anything away. Many historians consider this the true beginning of the Great Depression, with its global economic impact seriously marking an era.

On November 28, important events occur, the Mexican entry fueled the conflict in Cuba, but through the island the German navy launches the beginnings of a successful naval operation, attacking with force the US navy for a possible invasion of the United States. continental.

In addition, during this time Mexico obtains its first victories on Mexican soil against US troops with German support, delaying even a little the advance of the Americans outside a few kilometers north of the border.

Some criminal groups just started hitting both sides.

December 17, in the Haitian conflict, US air forces are deployed for the first time. In general, although the American design is not bad, they simply lack experience with German air forces and suffer from quite a few problems.

November 28, the German Empire finally launched its invasion of the United States thanks to the victories of Cuba, between the Mexican and German navy against the United States navy.

Of course this caused a detour, since the original plan was to attack the east coast of the United States, but it was not possible from the German position in Cuba and the Caribbean. So the Germans decided to attack the American South (regions of the Mississippi delta and Florida).

The operation certainly involved more than 300,000 men (a great cost to Germany, in every way) and took the United States by surprise.

A fierce fight began on American soil, shores taken by surprise, some Germans had it easier than others. The more defensible regions fought hard of course, but less populated and defended regions didn't get much of a chance.

But it was not the end of the Haitian conflict, the Americans were not going to surrender so easily, and the Germans were just beginning their operation.

December 30, fire of the Iroquois theater in Chicago, which ends with the death of 600 and 250 injured (in various degrees).

December 31, Sweden and Norway also begin to repel feminist suffrage movements in their countries.


* Perspective, Second Mexican Empire-United States War.

Second Lieutenant Douglas MacArthur marched with the United States Third Corps of Engineers through northern Mexico, leading from the front despite his lack of experience, trying to pass through Mexican lines.

The group was passing through the Mexican state of Chihuahua. "Let's teach those -". The second lieutenant exclaims euphorically, about to make a racist comment when the Mexican "cavalry" is thrown at them.

Actually a group of diverse people, locals and criminals (some ex-financed from the United States) to attack the invading body.

MacArthur and the rest of the expedition obviously returned fire, at first they believed they had managed to resolve the matter, but then a private individual had taken command of this pseudo-militia.

The Mexicans on horseback and their 'soldiers' began to outnumber the US forces on the ground, the little siege short-lived when the withdrawal of US troops was called.

But finally as MacArthur was leaving, a bullet went through him. General Arthur MacArthur's son lay in the Chihuaha sun for a few moments. Up close he could see one of the people who was riding, they were like centaurs.

The 3rd Corps of Engineers of the United States was massacred within Mexican territory, one of the dangers of the expedition and one of the Mexican victories on November 28.

The battle was led on the one hand by Frederick Funston and on the other by Francisco "Pancho" Villa, a former Mexican bandit who was briefly financed by the United States, before the news of the US invasion and the defeats of 23 December spread. November.

It was one thing to take the money from the United States to fight the wealthy Porfirian landowners, and another to help the enemies of Mexico to invade the land. Or so Villa saw his demise from the pseudo-mercenary side of the United States to go against the United States.