
Two arrows, hammer and sickle (October-December, 1887).

Four Arrows: Namibia]

New Petrograd (Новый Петроград, Novyy Petrograd), South West Slavic Africa On October 1 the Russian city authorities, loyal to Tsar Alexander III of Russia, reach a series of treaties with the northern and southern tribes in the Namib desert.

By the Treaty of New Petrograd (1887), these tribes become part of the Russian colony, not without advantages obviously and it is that everything is related to the strategic position of New Petrograd, Russian investment, trade and other various points ( the factor of the Russians as mediators between the northern tribes and the su) which allowed Russia to take over the area.

This is a considerable step forward in the Russian colonial empire, but such expansion raises both possibilities and problems. As mentioned, the Russians must play a mediating role, in the north of Russian Namibia live mainly the Ovambo of the Bantu, in addition to the Herero, Damara and Himba.

In the south on the other hand in the south are the Khoisan (Nama and San), among other peoples.

Each town with its particularities, whether in language, way of life, culture, religion, etc.

The northern groups (Ovambo) have a more nomadic and pastoral life, while the southern groups are somewhat more sedentary, although the region's climate does not help the population density.


Under the Russian administration then an early process for the improvement of the colony after the treaty began, on the one hand schools, roads, churches, hospitals, barracks and other infrastructure between Walvis Bay and New Petrograd were established.

These two cities within the plan of the Four Arrows of Russia in Africa, formed the main administrative centers, and it was obvious why. On the one hand Walvis Bay as a trade center and naval position to export and import products from or to the colony, as well as a position for the Russian navy or troop deployment in case of colonial problems.

New Petrograd on the other hand as an outpost towards colonial integration, a promotion of trade between various peoples, with the scope of hydrographic resources to support settlers and natives living together, etc.

Under the Russian colonization program, while native children could still learn and speak their languages and traditions, there were also educational programs in Russian, factual sciences, among others.

For such children to become a part of colonial life, administrators, soldiers, etc.

Speaking of the settlers, on the other hand, Russian Namibia could be seen from the outside as a "Russian Australia", an extremely difficult geographically but vast place, and potentially rich.

Geography (and some Russian-local forces) served as a natural defense to prevent outsiders from stealing the colony's resources, so it was "free" for Russian companies and entrepreneurs.

The problem was to reach the said resources, which would involve a reinvestment in the colony (and not just looting) to increase the infrastructure, thus making more profit and continuing with the productive development of the colony. To make money you had to spend money, a simple philosophy.

The "freedom" in Namibia also meant that, people went there to get away and a lot, from continental Eurasia, Nambia was not tropical so it did not have many diseases like Russian Cameroon, but it was still difficult.

Even so, entrepreneurs, miners and farmer-ranchers began to move to try their luck in the region, generally with success. Among one of the resources that attracted serious attention, it was the diamond.

The presence of these settlers, mainly of Slavic, Finnish, Cossack or other origin, had their influences on the regional tribes over time according to the development of the colony.


[Four Arrows: Somaliland]

With the Gulf of Tadjoura subjected to Russia, the Sagallo colony prospered more and more through trade and investment, with this the first Russian-Ethiopian business conglomerates were definitively formed for the development of Sagallo (New Moscow, Новая Москва, Novaya Moskva) and Abyssinia.

Tsar Alexander III in particular was concerned about the lack of development of Ethiopian agriculture and livestock, and not just the lack of modern industries. But that is another subject.

With the colony effectively free from native military threats, it was time to continue the economic development of the colony, on the one hand continuing to develop it as a center of commerce and industry.

Much Ethiopian workforce (of various ethnic-linguistic origins) was moving, be it merchants or laborers for developing farms and industries.

A population that naturalized to the colony, learned Russian and integrated due to Russian investments in the area, a pro-Russian educational system, religious ties with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, etc.

The colony would obviously favor Russians and Ethiopians (who were through the conglomerates trying to improve the Abyssinian economy, through education, investment, machinery, etc.) but European ships of various origins were also arriving from the Red Sea willing to trade and invest in the colony after its success at the St. Petersburg Conference.

In summary, Nueva Moscow and Sagallo were growing into a more commercial and cosmopolitan center, although obviously the agricultural sectors would still continue to be very important.

It also helped that through these points Ethiopian products could advance towards Russia or other parts of the world, which was very useful for Russian-Ethiopian economic ties.

A threat was approaching Ethiopia, but in Sagallo, on the other hand, hospitals, ample reserves of grain and other food were already being created, in addition to the diversification of the types of livestock and agriculture in the colony.


Worried about a foreign presence in the Horn of Africa (like the German East Africa, founded in 1885, expanding north into Kenya ), finally the Russian high command and its diplomatic service managed to move towards the lands of the Somali peoples.

The Somalis were divided into various kings, tribes, and entities throughout the horn of africa, outside the power of Ethiopia, Europe, or other African states at the time.

That is why it was easy to convince various small tribal kings to become a series of Russian protectorates-colonies, in exchange for accessing international trade through Sagallo (and receiving defense from the Russian army). Thus putting the Somali coast of the gulf of aden in Russian hands.

The colonial authorities of Sagallo and Russian Somaliland were not officially separated, but de facto they were two different colonies and realities.

On the one hand, Sagallo would continue to focus on commercial development, with the first steps of an Addis Ababa-New Moscow railway.

On the other hand, Russian Somaliland, although it would also have its economic developments, had more expansionist plans in the Horn of Africa.

For the first time, a Somali administrative elite began to be educated in Russian schools, and forces of Somali origin loyal to Russia through academies, local leaders, etc.


[Manchurian project]

The Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich first met with various groups of Cossacks, officers and some new settlers, there was a very important matter, criminality and security.

Obviously Russia established police forces, but due to infrastructure issues, numbers and the new administration, in addition to the criminality inherited from Qing, the jurisdiction of the new police was mostly to border areas with Russia and cities.

There were areas of the countryside that were still the victims of groups of Chinese bandits.

With this group, Nicholas Alexandrovich planned to form a security for the construction of the Transmanchurian railway, and to pacify at least a considerable part of the countryside.

The Cossacks were attracted to the possibility of forming an official Manchurian Cossack host, the settlers were obviously interested in work and economic growth, and the officers served the Tsesarevich.

There was also an added reason, with this the Tsesarevich demonstrated that Russia had the strength to sustain Inner Manchuria and continue its development. The Tsesarevich forces (the police and peacekeeping forces) maintained order in the cities, and began to maintain order in the countryside as the construction of the Transmanchurian progressed.

This was something very important, because not only would it attract more Qing-Chinese settlers and peasants who wanted to take advantage of this to continue economic progress, but it was also a show of force for the Manchu-Chinese clans of the local nobility to align themselves with Russia. .

A nobility who knew the terrain, who could integrate into Russia, who were part of the native population, etc.

Some clans like the local Ma clan and others easily bowed to Russian strength in the region, after all Russia had the military and economic resources and success that Qing did not have. Qing lost the mandate of heaven.

Some clans were not so convinced, but the important thing is that they were not rebelling, and the Tsesarevich was able to hold some meetings with them to continue discussing their integration into Russia.


* Perspective of Nicholas.

The Tsesarevich Nicholas watched from a stump as in their rest the Cossacks were doing some Russian boxing having fun with some violence.

Management and planning in its initial phases assumed that Nicholas was traveling between Mukden and Port Arthur for the development of parts of the Transmanchurian.

A trip that had to be mainly on horseback because the roads and railways were under construction (and there was a lack of cars). This left Nicholas simply having room to hang out with Cossacks, natives, and railroad and field workers.

The Tsesarevich was "going native" so to speak, to some extent of course, horseback riding, archery, etc. Although "going native" in Russia is not very complicated, there are many ethnicities and cultures, Nicholas was only integrating well with the locals while in turn he was integrating Manchuria in Russia.

Of course as long as there was no very scandalous news there would be no problems.



At the beginning of October it better establishes the dominion of the British raj over the region of Balochistan.

At the beginning of November, the results of the Michelson – Morley experiment regarding the speed of light are published.

Also at the beginning of November, A Study in Scarlet is published for the first time, the first appearance of the character of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle.

On November 8, Emile Berliner obtains a patent for his gramophone.

November 10. The German-American anarchist Louis Lingg, sentenced to be hanged for his alleged connection to workers' strikes in Chicago, commits suicide via a dynamite detonator smuggled into the prison where he was.

This further detonates about four hidden bombs in Lingg's cell that were not found, causing considerable damage to the prison (and some injuries).

Lingg's legacy before he died is that he used his own blood through a wound to write "Hoch die anarchie!" (Hurray for anarchy!) On the walls of his cell. Interestingly in 1893, Governor John Altgeld would give a pardon to all 8 men associated with the crime who were executed by him, saying that they were actually innocent of the crime for which they died.

On November 11, the socialist-anarchists August Spies, Albert Parsons, Adolph Fischer and George Engel, in addition to other men, are hanged for their participation in labor strikes, inciting riots and inciting murder.

On November 13, the so-called Bloody Sunday in London occurs during the government of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom. During this episode in Anglo-Irish history, where numerous Irishmen (10,000-30,000) protested unemployment, the release of Irish nationalist leader William O'Brien and the coercion law in Ireland (law that provided a legal basis for increasing the state powers to repress popular disengagement or disorder).

Several of these Irishmen were members of the Social Democratic Federation and the Irish National League, and between November 17 and 20 they faced police and military repression in London. The event is remarkable because not only are there injuries due to the police batons, but also due to the use of some bayonets by the police and horses that on some occasions ran over participants.

Among the casualties there are more than 200 dead, 400 injured and 6,000 arrested. Because of this editor William Morris the Socialist League, an offshoot of the Social Democratic Federation, calls for a "holy war" to prevent London from becoming a great prison.

An idea that may attract even more to some Irish socialists, who do not completely abandon their Catholic Christian religion despite the ideas of an international-world workers' revolution (this last is the type of socialism advocated by Morris).