
The Polish update (July-September, 1894

Five Arrows: Ethiopia]

The Ethiopian Empire or also called Abyssinia, led by Menelik II, began to go through a good time in 1890s. The modernization of the army and institutions allowed the consolidation of the Abyssinian reforms and the imperial power centralized in the emperor, who together with his Russian allies began to work on various issues.

On the one hand, although Menelik II could not expand to Somali areas (under the interest of the Russians), this was not a problem, the emperor had to concentrate on other territorial and political areas.

On the one hand, it was necessary to create, as Alexander III and Menelik II called it, an "Ethiopian identity", a citizenship superior to ethnic-cultural or tribal issues, which would prevent the empire from being torn apart.

For this first Menelik II and his army, armed and trained by the Russians, had to put an end to the attempts of various individuals to restart slavery and the slave trade.

Russia proposed it in a simple way, by helping the tribes most affected by slavery, Menelik II would win the loyalty of these tribes, which would help his government. In addition, the Ethiopian army could confiscate property and money from those who still practice or try to practice slavery, a threat to the enemies and a possibility of money for the government.

This allowed Menelik II and Alexander III a strong point in the development of a single Ethiopian citizenship, the rule of law and the interconnections between the various groups, in addition to the Ethiopian Orthodox religion, commerce, etc.

Policies that began to be successful in the 1890s.

Why? Well, the great Ethiopian famine was over, not only the famine but also the plagues, droughts, and pest invasions.

The Russian-Ethiopian authorities propagandized that it was the joint effort of the Ethiopian and Russian people of course, ally of the Ethiopian people, who made this possible through cooperation.

Independent of culture, language, economic position or tribe.

For this reason, many figures from different parts of Ethiopia (and therefore different tribes or kingdoms) began to join the army and government of Menelik II.

And obviously with the end of the time of trouble, many began to follow that message of union promoted by the emperor, since the population was still quite superstitious, although it will start to be more educated, it would still take time.

The image of a united Ethiopia also benefited from the Ethiopian army fighting slavery, not only within Ethiopian kingdoms but also fighting attempts by other Africans outside Ethiopian territory to plunder Abyssinian lands for slaves.

In addition, Menelik II and Alexander III continued a successful trade on the Addis Ababa-New Moscow line, which allowed the introduction of new technologies to Ethiopia (while New Moscow grew more and more of this trade, immigration, etc).

It would establish Ethiopia's first bank, Ethiopia's first modern postal system, modern plumbing, and electricity (although it was only in Addis Ababa, the immediate palace of the emperor).

In addition, Alexander III gave Menelik II a Romanov car, which would be the first modern car to enter Ethiopia. Modified with the Ethiopian royal symbols.


[Moscow Governor's Office]

In his new post as governor of Moscow, after acclimatizing the Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov began planning with the city hall for a series of infrastructure projects.

Moscow was an industrial center and a modern city (for the time) in its entirety, still keeping many of its medieval wonders, with a vibrant middle class, bourgeoisie and nobility, etc. But the Tsesarevich insisted that there was always immense potential to improve the city.

To start the Tsesarevich he proposed the foundation of more (or improvements) for the technical and scientific institutions in Moscow, not only for the Moscow intelligentsia itself but also to attract potential from other parts of Russia or the world to the city.

For example there was the re-named, First Moscow State Medical University (later also known as Sechenov University), which received an expansion with the Moscow Institute of Medicine and Medical Research.

The Tsesarevich's objective with this was that the Moscow population could not only receive quality medical care (something especially worrying when Nicholas and Elena planned to have children), but also that Moscow would become a leading center for research, development and study. of medical sciences, educational activities for the population and students, and international cooperation in medical matters.

But the Tsesarevich did not focus only on the medical wing, but also on engineering, chemistry, physics and some other sciences.

He also proposed the expansion of the Moscow Metro, something accepted after more or less a decade after the last expansion of the metro.

And finally there were the plans of the Tsesarevich Nicholas regarding the radio, Moscow began to design the first sites for the use of radios in state communication.

Popov being a national inventor, Russia was quite advanced in this area, and some of the more developed models would be used for very important matters.

Other simpler models were used for the first tests in the Moscow administration, around minor issues.

Of course they were small steps, and there was still a lot to do, but the Tsesarevich was getting off on the right foot and investigating future developments for the city.

After his proposals, and the planning of their work, Nicholas had to discuss other laws and matters with the Zemstvo, the mayor's office and local institutions, meet with nobles and prominent personalities of the city, etc.

In particular despite his status as the heir (which brings a lot of upper-class attention), Nicholas began to focus on the masses of Moscow, visiting hospitals, shelters for the homeless or poor, some factories, military barracks, etc.


[Sunburned land]

Central Asia, a huge region (and poorly defined geographically but that's another issue), composed of a variety of ethnic groups, with difficult geography and a multitude of problems, but since the Alexandrian period conquered the region there have been quite a few developments (railways, modern schools and administration, new technologies, abolition of slavery, etc).

Although there were improvements, it did not mean that the problems diminished or disappeared, the problems simply changed with time and the socio-economic and socio-political developments of the region.

Keep in mind that literacy and railways increased, crime and infant mortality decreased, among many other changes, something very good but with certain unexpected consequences to some extent.

The region was still economically primarily agricultural, with the exception of certain particular centers (administrative capitals, large commercial sites, strategic military sites, vital railroad stations, etc.) which possessed notable industry or commerce.

But this supposed that there was a new youth and educated classes that felt that they could not exploit their full potential in the region, and new working masses looking for work.

What were these people doing? If they did not find jobs in factories, positions in the administration or did not feel comfortable with their economic situation (or other thing like, they don't have the support for an artistic career in Central Asia), they went to greener lands seeking a better quality of life.

They went to other areas of the Russian Empire, to the big cities of Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Saratov, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, etc (and sometimes they went to the rural environment).

Many times these were second children (or from second child onwards) who were not going to inherit much or did not find work due to competition with their relatives (older brothers or cousins).

Due to its geography, Central Asia was difficult, agriculture and space were complicated due to the climate, there were also still many desert areas or mountains where the population density was very low or it was difficult to access services such as medicine (sometimes both ).

Although access to the railways could facilitate this, there were still limits to the possibilities of the time.

Tsar Alexander III was concerned about his people, Central Asia needed further economic development (the Transcaspian and Kazakhstan were doing well, but what about the rest?). But the diversion of the Aral Sea could also prove catastrophic.

For this reason, in certain areas, the Russian government started "De-desertification" programs, aimed at fighting the desert and creating green areas with greater agricultural potential.

Currently Russia already had some experience in this, they were able to do it in Ili with the cultivation of lavender.

But this new project involved other crops and difficulties, it would be more extensive and intensive in certain ways.

This was an innovation and ecological engineering background, regarding the desert greening, which used tactics such as:

* Reforestation.

* Soil restoration.

* Sustainable pastoralism and agriculture.

What began to be called the Green Wall of Russia.

There were areas that were destined for greening (mainly those near the Aral Sea and some rivers, the border with Xinjiang and particular regions of Russian Turkestan), and areas of the desert that were conserved due to the concern of Tsar Alexander III regarding the damage to the ecosystem of the desert (the possibility of extinction of species).

That is why some new reserves and zoos were created in Central Asia while political effort was invested in the project.

The Green Wall project would allow greater productivity, more cultivable land for the natives and therefore better living conditions, more cities and services.

Provided they were created under certain sustainable conditions of course, but investing so early in these projects was one of the Alexandrian feats.

The tactic did not go unnoticed as other actions of Alexandrian Russia, in particular interest to France, with the huge Sahara desert in its colonial empire, there was the need and initiative to make more arable land (partly due to the expense and process of the Trans-Saharan).


[National Democracy]

With the PPK (Polish Boulangist Party) destroyed, many of the separatist leaders underground or in some Russian institution, the political sphere of the Russian Poles was simply depressing at best.

The elimination of separatist aspirants (in the sense of a violent separation, revolution or uprising to end the Russian rule of Poland) brought about a change in the internal Polish political circles of the Russian Empire.

Some still thought about the possibility of regaining Polish independence directly, but they would disappear into obscurity after 1895.

In 1894 the turn of Polish nationalism began in Russia, from independence to autonomy first, the thought that a deal was necessary with the Russians.

A turn that was led by the "National Democracy" (founded just in 1897) or "National League" (founded in 1893, which was the basis of the National Democracy) of Roman Stanisław Dmowski (born in August 1864), that's why Dmowski is generally taken as one of the fathers of Polish nationalism.

One of the important concepts of Dmowski was Polskość (Polishness), as opposed to trójlojalizm (triple loyalty), there had to be a Polish national identity supported by all social classes, independence however was a long term issue not a short term , since any Polish uprising or state would be crushed by Germany, Austria-Hungary or Russia.

The National League ruled because of the inactivity of the Polish students, many of the university students simply left and the rural classes plus the Austro-German Poles in Russia were not very interested.


But you have to explore a little more Dmowski's thinking, he was strongly opposed to socialism and federalism, supporting the idea of a strong and national Polish state, not an international state.

A man heavily influenced by logic and reason of his time, Dmowski promoted the idea that romantic nationalism should be abandoned, there should be more Polish scientists and businessmen. Unfortunately Dmowski's science was a social Darwinism, where there were strong or dominant nations, and weak or dominated nations.

Poland, for Dmowski, was not a cultural or spiritual idea as proposed by previous theorists, he rejected many traditional Polish values. Proposing that Poland was actually something physical, to be achieved through negotiations.

* He opposed the tolerance of the former Polish Commonwealth (according to one of the main reasons for the fall of the Commonwealth).

* He opposed Polish nationalism influenced by Christianity.

* He opposed the traditional Polish elites.

* He opposed the Jews (insisting that Zionism was part of the Jewish plan for world domination, and that the Jews were Poland's most dangerous enemy).

* He opposed the Germans (believing that Germanization was more successful than Russification in the Poles, and that a strong Germany was inadmissible).

In Dmowski's words, Poland needed a "healthy national egoism" (healthy among many quotes). In Dmowski's opinion there was no room for any ethno-cultural minority within Poland (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews and Lithuanians), the Polish bourgeoisie did not need competition and minorities would be forced to emigrate or polonized.

Due to his opposition to the Germans (in Dmowski's view a common enemy of Russia and Poland), and his ideas that an uprising would lead nowhere, Dmowski favored the idea of cooperation with the Russians to gain Polish autonomy (now the majority of Polish nationalists in Russia favored this idea rather than immediate separation).

Dmowski himself would adopt Neo-Slavism, with the idea that Poland and Russia could have a future together with common enemies.


The problem was that Dmowski was more of a pawn than a king, he believed that the Poles were culturally superior to the Russians, and obviously his anti-multicultural ideas went against the ideas of Russia.

So the Russian government simply started using Dmowski to destroy more pockets of Polish nationalism in the Polish Congress.

Which prevented Dmowski from realizing his own weaknesses, he believed himself more than he really was.

Which Polish scientists and businessmen are going to be interested in Poland when wealth shifts to other parts of Russia, and Russia offers many more scientific job opportunities than the Polish congress?

Why would the (rising) Austro-German Poles choose an independent Poland over Russia, a much more preferable state for them?

Russia was a dominant nation, and Poland was a dominated nation. Tsar Alexander III simply decided that the Okhrana would leave Dmowski alone, use him until necessary, and when he gave the slightest sign of trouble, get rid of him.

Divide and further weaken Polish nationalism within Russia, and further support the ideas promoted by Russia within the Poles.


[France and Marxism]

Some point between August and September.

Marie François Sadi Carnot was transferred to a new prison, his clothes were dirty and he had received a few blows, but the 57-year-old man was able to join together with other prisoners in the same cell.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Carnot." Another of the prisoners exclaims receiving the republican.

"Ah, thank you. Who ... who are you?" Carnot still asks with some difficulty.

"You can call me Jean Jaurès, Mr. Carnot, I am a fan of your work against Bonapartism." Jaures (34 years old) exclaims greeting Carnot.

"Welcome to our corner." Another man (48 years old) exclaims . "I am Jules, Jules Bazile although I also work under the surname of Guesde".

"I ask you to not feel intimidated by our fellow, sir." Jaures exclaims.

"Have you ever read Marx, Mr. Carnot?" Guesde exclaims promptly, embarrassing Jaures.

"Are you socialists here?" Carnot exclaims stunned.

"Indeed, some of us already entered under the banner of socialism, we declared the need for the abolition of the dictatorship and a democratic reform, but as you can see Mr. Carnot, it did not end very well for us." Jaures explains politely.

"And many others are becoming more radical, although not so much Jaures, he still believes in bourgeois goverment democracy." Guesde emphasizes.

"The revolution will alienate the people." Jaures responds.

"Yes, alienate to join the revolution, because when peaceful reform is impossible, violent revolution becomes unstoppable." Guesde proclaims, soon many of the prisoners were supporting Jaures or Guesde, the noise angering the guards, leading to a quick crackdown.

"Where the hell have I been?" Carnot, a simple Republican exclaims after the last blow he received. Like many other French prisoners, the jail becomes a nest of Marxist socialism, some in a reformist position like Jaures, and others in a revolutionary position like Guesde.


[Parisian Poles]

"I regret to report, that the Polish Boulangist Party has been destroyed in Russia, our attempts to contact other members have failed and we have lost any support we obtained in the Russian Empire." The general secretary of the Parisian Poles at the University of Paris, Józef Wierusz-Kowalski reports.

"What happened to them?" Maria Skłodowska questions, like other members she is stunned.

"The Okhrana carried out a cleaning, they found the brochures and newspapers, identities and secrets of many participants in the movement. Those who are not dead are locked up in prisons or mental asylums." Wierusz-Kowalski responds.

"... Then we must discuss a new strategy." Skłodowska responds.

"What do you propose?" Wierusz-Kowalski and others question.

"Well if we cannot develop Polish nationalism in Russia we must continue to press from abroad." Skłodowska started.


"This is Pierre Curie, a good friend of mine." Józef exclaims amiably greeting the French, the son of a native of Alsace-Lorraine.

"Maria Skłodowska." The Pole introduces herself to Curie, who greets her politely,

"A pleasure." The Frenchman responds.

"You see Pierre, we are looking for some more spacious place for scientific activities, and maybe some other projects, and I thought you could help us." Wierusz-Kowalski explains, allowing Curie to think for a moment.

In France, the Parisian Poles set out to become a nationalist political force within the country, proposing a model of reform, the future of Boulangism and of Europe according to a series of ideals. In theory democratic in values, with ethno-cultural nationalist elements (the supremacy of a Western and Catholic identity, civilization over barbarism, etc.), militants, social conservatives and in favor of certain workers' rights but only to avoid a socialist revolution.

Among other particular issues, the Parisian Poles supported an independence from Poland, a Poland closely tied to France, which would regain Alsace-Lorraine and exact its revenge on Germany.

Some adopted the Prometheian ideas of Piłsudski but not all. Some were divided on whether to accept a kind of federation or centralism.

The group was originally called Party of National Unity of Paris(Polish, Partia Jedności Narodowej Paryża, French, Parti de l'unité nationale de Paris) or PNUP, but it was known more informally as the Parisian Poles.

This because of the obvious influence of the Poles in the foundation, and in addition to the fact that the Poles brought many of its elements to the thought of the PNUP, such as even greater influence of Catholic Christianity (and an element in Bonapartism-Boulangism, due to the influence of Catholic priests in anti-German propaganda, but the Poles took it a little further).

Maria Skłodowska, Józef Wierusz-Kowalski and for example Ignacy Mościcki were some of these outstanding Parisian Poles, the community was increasing based on the Polish elites and separatists fleeing from the Okhrana in the Russian Empire (or from Austro-Hungarian poverty, or of the German Empire for various reasons, but mostly the Parisian Poles were made up of Russian Poles).

Also the Parisian Poles began to affiliate with the French, some with a more prominent role than others.

For example Pierre Curie, he married Maria Skłodowska in 1895, initiating a relationship not only emotional, but also scientific and political, where Skłodowska had a strong influence on Pierre (in his ideas and movements, promotions, etc) from 1890s onwards.



On July 4, in Hawai'i, Queen Liliʻuokalani founds the Hawaiian temperance movement. European-style education (based on Russian and Anglo-Saxon models) means that some economic activities are growing among the natives, but there are still many problems.

One of these problems is precisely alcoholism, which is killing native Hawaiians, although this movement does not prohibit the sale of alcohol (still) it begins to damage some commercial interests (that of alcohol sellers).

But not much can be done, the great powers agreed to maintain an independent but neutral Hawai'i, and the queen has powers and the support of the people according to the constitution.

On July 6, a fire in Chicago destroys most of the remains of the 1893 exhibition in the United States.

July 22, the first automobile competition in France takes place, the Paris – Rouen Competition for Horseless Carriages.

This type of competition already existed in Russia, and the Russian events plus Paris-Rouen would help to further popularize this type of competition in other areas of Europe, especially central Europe.

On August 31, New Zealand creates the world's first minimum wage law, with the passage of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act of 1894.

This law only came into effect on January 1, 1895.

September 1, a fire in Hincley, Minnesota ends with the death of more than 450 people.

On September 4, some 12,000 New York tailors go on strike over the poor conditions of the sweatshops.

September 18, Colombian President Rafael Núñez dies, allowing Vice President Miguel Antonio Caro to rise to power.

Núñez led the movement known as Regeneración (Regeneration translated from Spanish), which put an end to the Colombian federalist regime.

The Colombian government at the moment is led by conservatives and moderate liberals, the opposition of the former radical liberal governments or "Radical Olympus".

September 20, French journalist Géraud-Richard mysteriously disappears after writing articles against the French regime.

In these last articles, Richrd denounced various members of the high society of the Boulanger regime of debauchery and celebration of orgies, including personalities such as the banker Jean Paul Pierre Casimir-Perier, of the Perier banking dynasty (one of the founders of the Bank of France).


[Sports culture]

Another 4 teams are chosen for the next Russian Soccer League.



