
Our free fatherland (July-September, 1882)

Anglo-Russian 'Detente'?]

In July threats from Edward VII (whose government had to solve problems at home) had not been enough to stop German interference in the Netherlands (placing William III's third son on the throne after the death of William IV).

Edward VII and Napoleon IV shared these concerns, but on the one hand the English government had many issues to attend to (the Urabi revolt in Egypt, vital to the Suez Canal, the problems in Ireland and the diverting of capital to France) and the French government. (even with Austria-Hungary) were not in the right state to totally oppose Germany.

It didn't help that the Gladstone government was indecisive about the Dutch East Indies (whether or not to intervene in the Pacific), which was leading to further decline of the Dutch colonial empire but also making Otto von Bismarck's job easier.

Faced with little possible help from the western states, the Russian Empire approached Germany itself as the Tsar traveled home, met with Crown Prince Frederick, a liberal opposed to Chancellor Otto von Bismarck and more conservative-nationalists elements in general of the German Empire.

The problem was the crown prince's lack of own influence within his empire, as well as being widely criticized within Junker circles for his support of the German Jewish community against anti-Semitism. (Also the tsar suggested to the crown prince to quit smoking so much, but Fredereick ignored him.)

German nationalism was strong, even among the southern states, giving strong support to Otto von Bismarck among the federal states of Germany. Pan-Germanicism (different from Pan-Germanism in certain ways) advocated the integration (at various levels ...) of the Netherlands into the German empire.

Speaking of covert activities, the Russian Empire had its hands tied, supporting the Chancellor's enemies could assume that Germany will support radical or separatist movements within Russia, something too risky.


"As such, Tsar Alexander III of Russia proposes a diplomatic summit between the great powers to resolve the issue of the regency over King William V of the Netherlands." The foreign minister explains in Germany.

"So Russia recognizes William V as King of the Netherlands?" Bismarck makes sure.

"According to Dutch law and constitution, it is. But there are certain concerns regarding the damage caused in the Netherlands, and the debt of the Dutch state to Russia." Girs responds.

The issue of the Netherlands' debts to foreign countries was undoubtedly a far more troubling and relevant argument for Bismarck than the concern of Tsar Alexander III.

This made the German Chancellor more careful, he planned to continue indebting the Netherlands to Germany, but the Anglo-Russian debts had to be disposed of. So he chose to put a 'Representative of Luxembourg' on the regency council, a position to mask the representative of German interests in the Netherlands, in the hope that he would not attract Anglo-Russian attention.

The ministry of the colonies would be a matter of the regency council (dominated by Germany) so at first Germany did not seem too dangerous towards Indonesia to immediately call its navy from Vietnam to the region.


[The Lord of Weapons]

The Russian Empire couldn't do much else in the Netherlands or Germany, so from Russian possessions a merchant ship accompanied by a 'repair necessary military escort' swept into the Lanfang Republic in late July-Early August, a tributary state of the Qing dynasty (nominally) .

But with Qing in decline and the situation in the Pacific, the republic was not going through its best time. However, in reality the ship and her escort were a Russian diplomatic mission to southern Borneo.

Originally Tsar Alexander III did not have much interest in Borneo, but with future German interference in Indonesia, it was obvious that he would eventually turn his eyes to new possessions.

The Russian Empire and the Lanfang Republic established relations so that Russian weapons would flow to the Lanfang militia so that it could defend itself from attempts at interference or conquest from abroad.

Also starting business for a deeper 'cooperation', so the escort stayed on the shores of the Republic of Lanfang (excusing that the local technology was poor so it would take longer than expected) watching in case of a German presence.

If the Russian Empire could not fight the German Empire in Europe, at least its colonial aspirations in the Pacific had to be weakened in some way.


[Ben-Yehuda case]

To make matters worse, further complicating Franco-Russian cooperation, Russian Jew Eliezer Ben-Yehuda is held guilty on charges of alleged 'dangerous activity' within the Second French Empire, but something seems suspicious within the case.

The Russian authorities were denied any kind of study or interference in the case, leading to some opposition within the Jewish community in Russia to the French state due to alleged anti-Semitism and lies regarding Eliezer Ben-Yehuda.

On the other hand, the rest of Europe does not care too much, the United Kingdom also has a certain negative reaction, but they consider that it is more important to support France against Germany at the moment.


[Soccer diplomacy]

The Italy against Russia match occurs, where the Russian team defeats the Italian team in a spectacular 4-1. The event receives attention mainly within Russia, but it is also notable within the other countries and undoubtedly a historical milestone for the history of football.

The participating nations have come a little closer despite the fact that in international politics the situation could be somewhat tense.

Unfortunately even so this will not change the foreign political situation.



The British fleet is mainly focused on the Mediterranean when, in early-mid-July, it advances towards Alexandria to bombard the city on July 13-16, to secure the Suez Canal.

Unfortunately the expedition was delayed due to the inability of French help regarding the Egyptian situation. Many Egyptian relics escape to Russia due to the Urabi government's dealings with Emperor Alexander III.

It is said that if it weren't for the pyramids being so big, the English would have taken them away.

On July 23, the Boers establish the Republic of Stellaland.

July 31, first Hebrew protest in Russia regarding the arrest of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda against the French government.

Between some point in June and October (potentially July) the Italian born Wilhelm Oberdank, better known as Guglielmo Oberdan returns to his hometown of Trieste, where he befriends another Italian irredentist, Matteo Renato Imbriani.

Oberdan is the bastard son of a Slovenian woman and an Italian father of the Italian army, despite this Oberdan is against military activities, in fact he is against the Austro-Hungarian Empire and believed in its complete dissolution to give freedom to all the nations within it.

Under Edward VII of the United Kingdom and Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone, Parliament accepted the Married Women's Property Act 1882. This allows women to buy, own and sell property, and keep their own earnings.

An interesting reform in the English government of the time regarding the rights of women.

August 20, Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, presents 1812 Overture.

On September 5, under the Hancock administration, the first labor day stop is held.

September 13, nominally the Regency Council takes control of the government of all the Netherlands (there are still some small centers of rebellion), closely linked to the German Empire.

This raises even greater problems for foreign governments when it is announced that for the payment of external debts and the reestablishment of peace, order and respect for private property of foreign investment, the Kingdom of the Netherlands enters a customs union. , among other agreements, with the German Empire (strengthening economic ties between them of course).

The Dutch colonies tremble, waiting to see which foreign power is going to make a first move, while only now are the English taking the German threat in the Netherlands more seriously.

On the one hand there was Germany, smaller but still industrialized and undoubtedly warlike, and on the other side there was Russia with an impressive and enormous territorial growth, but which did not seem very warlike. The British Empire had to make a decision quickly.

This in turn delayed the English operations towards Cairo, Egypt.


[Russia and Korea]

Another reason for the lack of possible opposition from Russia to Europe was to focus more on the Joseon dynasty, that is, the eastern territories of the Russian Empire. On July 20, Korean mismanagement after problems on the Seoul railway had caused soldiers to be handed rations of spoiled rice and sand.

Causing riots and riots among Seoul troops naturally, however the Russian Empire reacted early to this occurrence. The Russian legation was secured and the Russian Empire supported by its Korean officers presented the Four Point Plan:

* Camps run by Russia for food (and other resources) distribution.

* Change members of the administration with officers accepted by Russia ('for make it more easy for the Russian authorities to aplly the plan').

* Security of Russian and Japanese legations in Seoul through Russian presence.

*Allow more Korean migration to Russian Far East as a 'Safe zone'.

King Gojong hesitated at first, but the riots attempted action against the Russo-Japanese legation, leading to early Russian intervention.

From Quelpart, Tsushima, and the Russian Far East the Russian Empire set up camps in Pusan, Seoul, and other more scattered parts of North and South Korea. The Russian army then had to start distributing its stored supplies among the population to solve the problems caused by the weather (which caused agricultural problems).

Especially being accepted in Pusan, where the Russians already had a history as somewhat decent occupiers.

King Gojong was cornered in his own city by angry soldiers, forcing him and Queen Min to seek refuge in the Russian legation when announcing the execution of the ringleaders did not work.

Corrupt officials and nobles were of no help, but Russian-trained Korean troops were on the other hand 'put in charge' by King Gojong (according to news, though it was actually an initiative of the loyal Russian and Korean military) to reestablish the order.

The Seoul armory was taken over by the Russians, preventing the Korean rebels from having modern weaponry, and giving it to elements loyal to Russia in Korea.

This allowed the Russian-Korean regiments to reestablish order in Seoul between July 23 and 26. 'Unfortunately' some of the main ration makers fell between the clashes, and the opposition received a serious slap in the face due to loyal Russo-Korean speed in the face of instability.


The Japanese legation was shocked but safe, which was good, but some had to leave with an escort to Japan to report the events, which was allowed.

While on the other hand the Russians received permission from King Gojong to further protect the legation and 'strategic buildings of Seoul'. Meanwhile the administration had to receive certain changes.

De-facto Russia was seriously controlling the Joseon dynasty, having infiltrated Russian-trained Koreans into the Korean army in Seoul and eliminating the most dangerous elements of the administration. You just had to make sure that the situation was sustained until a certain time, which was possible now that Russia was successfully feeding the Korean population (gaining sympathy).

Speaking of Japan, the legation left at the beginning of August, when just Qing received news of the Imo Incident, which involved the dispatch of a Chinese ship with troops.

In the Yellow Sea on August 5, Qing's ship shot down the Japanese ship 'by mistake', obviously causing a diplomatic crisis between the two nations. Qing acknowledged that it was a mistake but refused to apologize when Japan complained about this action against its diplomats.

Qing could not fixate on Korea, while the Japanese resentment towards Qing grew considerably.


[Korean migration]

Similar to the migration already present previously, the Russian offers and poor conditions of the Joseon dynasty now mobilized more to the Russian Far East.

This brought a new working mass that began to work in the Russian economy, for example many of the most basic links in the construction of the trans-Pacific telegraph or Bering telegraph were of Korean origin.

In addition to training a workforce in industrial production chains, in companies such as SEiPK (Serbskaya Elektricheskaya i Proizvodstvennaya Kompaniya).

These immigrants also formed their own businesses, mainly in basic and simple aspects of the economy, such as the food industry.



Tchaikovsky, a protégé of Tsar Alexander III, presented '1821 Overture', a piece that quickly became a favorite of the Emperor of Russia.

However after the presentation the Tsar presented certain ideas to Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky for the establishment of a: 'State Anthem of the Russian Empire' (Государственного гимна Россійская Имперія, Gosudarstvennogo gimna Rossiiyakaya).

Russia, our sacred state,

Russia, our beloved country.

A mighty will, great glory

Great Rus' united forever.

These are yours for all time!

* Chorus:

Be glorious, our free Fatherland,

Age-old union of fraternal peoples.

Banner of all the people, given by our forebears!

Be glorious, our country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar lands

Spread our forests and fields.

You are unique in the world, one of a kind -

Native land protected by God!

* Chorus:

Be glorious, our free Fatherland,

Age-old union of fraternal peoples.

Banner of all the people, given by our forebears!

Be glorious, our country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar lands

Spread our forests and fields.

You are unique in the world, one of a kind -

Native land protected by God!

Wide spaces for dreams and for living

Are opened for us by the coming years.

Through tempests the sun of freedom shone to us,

Our loyalty to our Motherland gives us strength.

Thus it was, thus it is, and thus it will always be!

We grew our army in battles,

We will sweep the vile invaders out of the way!

We shall in battle decide the fate of generations,

We shall lead to glory our Fatherland!

* Chorus:

Be glorious, our free Fatherland,

Age-old union of fraternal peoples.

Banner of all the people, given by our forebears!

Be glorious, our country! We are proud of you!

Россия, наше священное государство,

Россия, любимая наша страна.

Могущественная воля, великая слава

Великая Русь объединилась навсегда.

Они твои на все времена!

* Хор:

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,

Многовековой союз братских народов.

Знамя всего народа, данное нашими предками!

Славься, страна наша! Мы гордимся вами!

От южных морей до полярных земель

Раскиньте наши леса и поля.

Ты единственный в мире, единственный в своем роде -

Родина охраняемая Богом!

* Хор:

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,

Многовековой союз братских народов.

Знамя всего народа, данное нашими предками!

Славься, страна наша! Мы гордимся вами!

От южных морей до полярных земель

Раскиньте наши леса и поля.

Ты единственный в мире, единственный в своем роде -

Родина охраняемая Богом!

Просторы для мечты и для жизни

Для нас открываются ближайшие годы.

Сквозь бури нам светило солнце свободы,

Верность Родине дает нам силы.

Так было, так есть и так будет всегда!

Мы в боях росли армию,

Мы сметем гнусных захватчиков с дороги!

Мы в бою решим судьбу поколений,

Мы приведем во славу Отечество!

* Хор:

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,

Многовековой союз братских народов.

Знамя всего народа, данное нашими предками!

Славься, страна наша! Мы гордимся вами!

Rossiya, nashe svyashchennoye gosudarstvo,

Rossiya, lyubimaya nasha strana.

Mogushchestvennaya volya, velikaya slava

Velikaya Rus' ob"yedinilas' navsegda.

Oni tvoi na vse vremena!

* Khor:

Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,

Mnogovekovoy soyuz bratskikh narodov.

Znamya vsego naroda, dannoye nashimi predkami!

Slav'sya, strana nasha! My gordimsya vami!

Ot yuzhnykh morey do polyarnykh zemel'

Raskin'te nashi lesa i polya.

Ty yedinstvennyy v mire, yedinstvennyy v svoyem rode -

Rodina okhranyayemaya Bogom!

* Khor:

Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,

Mnogovekovoy soyuz bratskikh narodov.

Znamya vsego naroda, dannoye nashimi predkami!

Slav'sya, strana nasha! My gordimsya vami!

Ot yuzhnykh morey do polyarnykh zemel'

Raskin'te nashi lesa i polya.

Ty yedinstvennyy v mire, yedinstvennyy v svoyem rode -

Rodina okhranyayemaya Bogom!

Prostory dlya mechty i dlya zhizni

Dlya nas otkryvayutsya blizhayshiye gody.

Skvoz' buri nam svetilo solntse svobody,

Vernost' Rodine dayet nam sily.

Tak bylo, tak yest' i tak budet vsegda!

My v boyakh rosli armiyu,

My smetem gnusnykh zakhvatchikov s dorogi!

My v boyu reshim sud'bu pokoleniy,

My privedem vo slavu Otechestvo!

* Khor:

Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,

Mnogovekovoy soyuz bratskikh narodov.

Znamya vsego naroda, dannoye nashimi predkami!

Slav'sya, strana nasha! My gordimsya vami!


*[Austro-Hungarian perspective.]

"Are you sure we can trust France and the English?" Emperor Franz Joseph asked Friedrich Graf von Beck-Rzikowsky, the Chief of the General Staff.

"The English will probably not allow further German advances, but we are not in a position to wage war against Germany and Italy at the moment, even with English support." Beck-Rzikowsky answers objectively.

"Then we should try an appeasement with the Germans and stay neutral ...". Franz Joseph thinks.

Beck-Rzikowsky was silent.

Franz Joseph had planned to make certain turns towards Austro-Hungarian foreign policy, until that moment aligned against Otto von Bismarck and the German Empire, but first the emperor had planned to go to Trieste