
Nordic blood (July-September, 1898).

The Balkans: Macedonia]

The most recent war in the Balkans finally ends, with the liberal government in Macedonia (a presidential republic) establishing itself as independent through a peace treaty with the Kingdom of Greece and the Tsardom of Bulgaria, which Russia, Serbia and other countries Balkans also recognized it as valid shortly thereafter.

This makes it clear for the moment (1898) how the last totally "independent" Balkan territories (from the Ottoman Empire ...) have been divided, and the situation is a mixed mixture of positive and negative things.

On the one hand the region is not exactly unstable but it is still the Balkans (and there is a lot of external influence in the region), and on the other hand there are new independent regions with certain positive socio-economic developments.

Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania (to protect themselves from Greece and Italy) fall within a great Russian influence, Slovenia and Croatia were a German-Italian condominium, while Greece and Romania were particular cases.

Russia was quick to expand her influence into Macedonia after this country's independence, offering a rapprochement between Bulgaria and Macedonia (without directly threatening the new Macedonian independence of course).

The reason why this strategy worked is very clear, Macedonia had no access to the sea, so it would need countries with access to the sea if it wanted to export or import products.

Why not Greece? (Whose outlet to the sea would be much closer after Macedonia) Well, Russia offered first, and Russia had a much larger and more productive economy than Greece.

In addition, the three countries were Slavs, which meant cultural ties that the three countries could take advantage of to celebrate a pseudo-reconciliation.

Quite simple why Macedonia quickly began to fall into the Russian sphere of influence shortly after gaining independence.


The situation in Greece was curious, Greece had expanded a lot in a relatively short time and nationalism was high, as was the popularity of the monarchy of King George I of Greece.

The Megali idea however had not been completed, in Ionia (a Greek-Turkish state according to the Greeks, and simply Turkish according to the Turks) there were still many cities with a large Greek population, dominated by Muslim-Turkish generals (ex-Ottomans) .

A division came, the Greeks who were pointing towards Anatolia (such as the city of Smyrna) insisted on the liberation of the Greek urban populations, which with the Ottoman collapse had piled up in southwestern Anatolia.

The problem was that Ionia was indeed a mostly Turkish state, the rural population surrounding the cities with large educated and commercial populations of Greeks were Turks.

Furthermore, Ionia fell into the Russian sphere, and going against Russia could be a fatal mistake after Tsar Alexander III's proven ability to lead the Balkans (Slavs in particular) against his enemies.

That is why the other political half of the Greeks supported the idea of joining Fashoda against the British Empire, claiming the island of Cyprus.

Obviously this also had an opposition, because it would mean going to war against the British Empire (even if it was having the backing of Germany, France and Italy).


The Russian influence in the Balkans was consolidated much more than the German-Italian influence for very simple reasons, Tsar Alexander III led Russia, which was in peace and economic prosperity.

This also translated into good conditions for the Russian sphere of influence at that time, Tsar Alexander III had already had years developing especially Bulgaria, Bosnia and Montenegro. Now followed in particular Serbia, Macedonia and Albania.

Electrification began, railways arrived, products could pass through Russian territory and Russian products arrived very easily at the Russosphere.

There were still some tensions inside of course, the religious situation in Albania was just developing, Serbia was experiencing the consequences of regime change, Macedonia was experiencing a migration crisis after its revolution, etc.


* Migration crisis.

Many of the socialists, Muslims and ex-Ottomans who served in the revolution, after the coup against IMRO that led to the creation of the Slavic Republic of Macedonia, left the country.

This also caused a brain drain, trained personnel, military force and of course the population. Many of whom went to regions such as the United States, Russia or the Republic of Turkey.

One of the most notable of this migration was Commander Mustafa Kemal, who marked the beginning of the post-Ottoman Turkish socialist movement.

Until then socialism in the Ottoman Empire had been the idea mainly of educated minority elites such as Armenians, but Mustafa Kemal managed to turn it into an ideology suitable for the rural Turkish population.

With time of course.


[Slovakia and Hungary: Who will be the monarch?]

The Slovak authorities came to a conclusion, they had chosen Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov as the main candidate for monarch (king) of Slovakia.

The Hungarian authorities on the other hand were still primarily undecided, so with the permission of Tsar Alexander III they entered a state of "regency without a monarch" for the time being.

Maybe because they wanted to wait for Slovak decisions or something else.

"Is this legal?" The Tsesarevich Nicholas questions his father.

"I explicitly asked them not to prohibit a personal union and not to make specifications regarding the monarch's religion. You are also not obliged to spend the rest of your days in Slovakia, only to consent to some events and to sign some papers. Every possible legal gap is covered by me and the Russian authorities, in reality we run the country and not so much the Slovaks, but you are not obliged to accept. "Tsar Alexander III responds without giving it much importance.

"...What is your opinion?". Nicholas asks one more time.

"Personally, I would trust you more for the position, after all it would be a purely constitutional position that would not interfere with your duties as governor of Moscow or my heir. Also later you could divide your titles among your children, there is nothing that forbids you. " Tsar Alexander III responds.

"I see...". Nicholas exclaims.

The Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich decided to accept the position of King of Slovakia, becoming Nicholas I of Slovakia, surprisingly the situation did not change much in both countries, partly due to the consultations of Tsar Alexander III with the Russian Orthodox Church, the propaganda and the economic situation.

The Tsesarevich did not convert to any foreign religion, and only went to be crowned in Slovakia and inaugurate the first session of the Slovak government.

The Slovaks had a mixed reaction at first, mainly because they had a monarch who, although Slavic, was Orthodox, when most of them were Catholics.

But the Russians made up for it with what was once a juicy treaty, certain investments in Slovak agriculture and industry (especially agriculture), bilateral permits for Russian skilled labor to do private jobs in Slovakia, or for Slovak students to attend. to study in Russia and qualified Slovak labor to get a job in Russia.

A juicy deal at the time, but one that caused Russian influence in the main Slovak economic sectors, formed generations of pro-Russian students and led to the Slovak brain drain heading towards Russia.

In short, a solidification of Russian control over Slovakia through relatively simple tactics of economics and soft power.

Russia also began to export cultural products to Slovakia as a series of experiments to other Slavic states, documentary films, comic books, books for all ages, etc.


[Switzerland and Russia]

On August 20, the Russian authorities sent special forces (Войска́ специа́льного назначе́ния, Voyská spetsiálnovo naznachéniya or literally "Special Operations Forces / Special Purpose Military Units") to Switzerland, with the intention of withdrawing all the Russian gold that is in the country .

This is due to the nature of the Fashoda war, an insane war involving all of Switzerland's neighbors.

Northern Italy was on the verge of a total socialist revolution, and France and Germany already have a history of dividing their neighbors (Belgium), so it is obvious that Russia cared about any gold from the Russian authorities and citizens that was there. .

Other nations soon followed suit, but the problem came with nations involved in the war, such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy.

Everyone was putting their eyes on Switzerland, which was between three very difficult places ...

Many saw that Swiss neutrality was in jeopardy with the constant violation of Swiss territory by members of the war (more specifically the anti-British coalition).

But what could Switzerland do? Not much, any defense action would require costly guerrilla warfare and the destruction of certain infrastructure.



* [Fashoda]

On July 1, it is undoubtedly surprising that the Second French Empire advances surprisingly on Morocco. On July 3, the last defenses of the last independent state in North Africa had fallen after this attack.

The French attack on Morocco had different intentions, on the one hand it prohibited any British ship from resting there, avoiding French attacks in Moroccan waters or passing weapons to African rebels towards French Africa. It also posed a strong threat to British ships and positions such as Gibraltar.

Of course pacifying the region was another task, but the swift surrender of the Moroccan ruling dynasty was already a remarkable victory for the French.

On July 4, the English ship Cromartyshire collides with an American transatlantic ship while trying to intercept the SS La Bourgogne, a French ship.

One of the major consequences of British maritime policy during Fashoda, fortunately this does not mean the United States entering Fashoda, but they do present certain complaints to the British.

In the midst of this small British arrest, on July 7, Venezuelan troops bombard ports in British Guyana, starting Venezuelan participation in the war after a declaration of war.

Of course Venezuela is not completely alone, counting on the support of the German colonies in America (former Dutch colonies) and French Guyana, which can finally escape the worst consequences of the British embargo and strongly attack the British colony in South America.

Unfortunately Guatemala does not take the opportunity, but with Venezuela it is good for the moment. With this there is more pressure for a Brazilian front to start in the Fashoda war from European empires, while US citizens have some doubts or problems with extending Fashoda to the Western Hemisphere.

The Guyana-Venezuela front is very similar to the Congolese front, full of tropical diseases.

On July 7, worried about the entry of the war in Venezuela, by the Caribbean state, and the fear that the United States will take the islands more quickly, the United Kingdom supports the withdrawal of King Carlos VII to Puerto Rico to found the "legitimate authority" Spanish monarchy on the island.

Of course with a base for the British Royal Navy. In essence turning Puerto Rico into a British protectorate.

July 9, in Madrid the Spanish socialist authorities establish the brotherhood between the Spanish and Portuguese socialists, with the socialist forces (more a militia than an army) marching towards Portugal to support the Portuguese socialists who are fighting against the royalist and British forces in the south of the country.

July 25-August 23, both sides in Fashoda begin various expeditions against the islands and ports of their adversaries, with the aim of destroying, looting or conquering various positions mentioned.

Among the whites for example are New Caledonia, Hainan, various African islands, etc. Of course most fail or have mixed results (forces destroy a port / plunder a port and leave after work).

New Caledonia is one of the few regions captured (by British forces).

September 2-September 18, British Royal Navy troops launch another attack on the Sudanese shores of the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, but entering the Red Sea through the British side (the Arabian peninsula side), the troops are surprised by attacks by French troops established in Eritrea.

The Red Sea becomes a gigantic trap as Italy, Germany and France reinforced the region for such an operation. The battle spans weeks through gunboats, artillery, proto-Drednouts, and the first massive British, French, and German bomber deployments. The Italian navy in general just sinks.

The British are forced to pull back momentarily to amass MORE troops against their enemies.


*French penal regimes.

On July 30, the Boulanger regime initiates order 22.367, which creates the Battalions / Penal Regiments, a regiment made up of criminals who want to shorten their prison sentence in exchange for serving in the armed forces.

Always guarded by a team of officials of the authorities of course (the commanders or members of the intelligence services).

This allows France to pull many more soldiers against France, but only continues to confirm the horrible and authoritarian nature of Georges Boulanger's regime over France.

It is a technique that other later authoritarian regimes would adopt.

Most of these penal regiments are deployed in various parts of conquered British Africa or in defensive positions attacked by British troops in Africa.

This is another reason why Pierre Curie (acting through Józef "Joseph Conrad") began to secretly distribute information and photographs against the current Boulangist regime, through the "Paris Metro".

By this we mean the various Parisian organizations opposed to the monarchical-boulangist rule of Emperor Napoleon IV and Georges Boulanger.



Important events for Denmark take place on August 13.

Previously for days the Norwegian-British troops had continued to defeat the Swedish-German troops in Scandinavia, in the North Atlantic the British-Norwegian and German-Swedish presence had only increased in the region due to military activities, this of course had damaged various parts of the Danish economy (mainly Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands).

In the beginning the Danish satire called it the "Cod Front", the only beneficiaries were the cod while the fish industry was seriously damaged by the conflict and the British embargoes.

Germany and the United Kingdom were both interested in their diplomatic relations with Denmark, for the pan-Germanicisms of both states, the Fashoda war, economics and diplomacy.

Unfortunately there were many problems, Denmark was not strong enough to defend itself by land from Germany or by water from the UK.

It was the loss of mainland Denmark or the loss of the dependencies of the crown.

Under this situation, King Christian IX of Denmark allowed a Russian proto-Drednout (offered by Tsar Alexander III) to protect in particular the Faroe Islands, north of the United Kingdom.

King Christian IX and the Danish government then agreed to a plan to allow the independence of the Faroe Islands (and potentially Iceland) in the event of a war with the United Kingdom.

With Russia backing the plan of course, it would mean in the case of the Faroe Islands placing Prince Carl, son of Crown Prince Frederick, as "King of the Faroe Islands".

On August 11 precisely, hostilities began between a Danish and British ship in the middle of a German intervention against the British embargo.

On August 12, Denmark and Russia formed the Kingdom of the Faroe Islands, independent from Denmark and led by Carl I (Prince Carl, grandson of Christian IX) who declared neutrality to the conflict with the help of Russia.

Germany, France and the rest of the continental states recognized it, the United Kingdom did not take long to do it either ...

But on August 13, despite the attempts of the dowager queen Alexandra of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Louis Alexander Mountbatten declared war on Denmark.

Iceland and Greenland soon fell to the Royal Navy, while the Baltic and the North Atlantic continued to descend into madness.

The problem was that Denmark was not exactly on the German side, the cooperation between the ground troops of the German Empire and the Kingdom of Denmark was delayed for weeks and even months, ending in various disasters for the German-Danish troops on various fronts.

(OOC: Cod Front = Cod War).


*[Latin revolutions]

July 17, the Iberian socialists begin the siege of the city of Lisbon after advancing through the center-south of the Portuguese state, meanwhile the United Kingdom begins to move forces throughout the Portuguese and Spanish colonies.

Luis Felipe of Portugal, "visits" London to stay on a long vacation by the way, just like Franz II of Austria-Hungary.

September 10, the Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni shoots and finally assassinates King Umberto I as a consequence of the military repression against the Italian peasants and Italian socialism.

Umberto I's death marks the rise of 28-year-old Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, married to Kaiser Wilhelm II's sister, Margaret of Prussia.

Lucheni is executed because he successfully assassinated the monarch, the only case accepted for legal execution in Italy.

According to Lucheni, before he died, the act was a de facto propaganda in favor of the Italian socialists, who successfully continue their opposition to the monarchical regime in northern Italy.


August 24, British troops and Louis Philippe of Portugal sign an agreement that cedes Goa to the British Raj.

August 25, 15 English citizens are massacred on the island of Crete, Greece. The situation is escalating diplomatically, but has not yet led to war between the British and the Greeks.

August 28, American pharmacist Caleb Bradham names his soft drink Pepsi-Cola.

September 21, Empress Dowager Cixi (and other conservative Chinese elites of course) launches a coup against Emperor Guangxu, who is placed under house arrest.

This marks the end of the so-called Hundred Days' Reform, returning the backward and conservative measures of the Qing dynasty.

No Chinese problem is solved in this way.

Geert Adriaans Boomgaard, a German-Dutch, becomes the first person to be 100% confirmed and recognized as a supercentennial (110 years of age or older).



On the west coast of the United States, a large number of Turks and Muslims gathered to pray in a new mosque, like so many other days according to Muslim tradition, but this mosque was much more elaborate and crowded than the rest of the mosques.

And there were certain peculiarities, this mosque was sponsored and visited by the former sultan Abdul Hamid II, who was no longer sultan of the Ottoman Empire or caliph of Islam, but still had money, donations and a retinue of various immigrants from the Empire Ottoman (and other Muslims) in the United States of America.

Şehzade Mehmed Selim, second son (and surviving eldest son) of the sultan spoke, appointed spokesman for the House of Osman by his father. "May Allah be with you. It is a pleasure to have you all gathered here." The Ottoman prince (who by the laws of the House of Osman, is not heir to his father) exclaims.

Around the streets many Muslims were in position praying inside or in the vicinity of the great mosque sponsored by the Ottoman émigrés and the house of Osman. One last glory of the Ottoman Empire.

"Look at those ... strangers." Several white Americans mention, at best it is the least racist. The Turkish-Muslim population of the USA was growing rapidly with the wars in North Africa, the Arab peninsula and the end of the Ottoman Empire.

And of course, these new immigrants who were looking for work (and received less than their white counterparts) were mistreated or frowned upon by elites and the white upper-middle class, or even by some workers and homeless.

Mainly because they were a strange religion, and other strange traditions from their home regions, and they were not afraid to speak about Islam to the black or white populations of the United States.