
New starts (October-December, 1877).

St. Petersburg World Exhibition]

"We are going to divide the St. Petersburg World Exhibition into two main areas: Culture and Science." Emperor Alexander III proposes. "So we divide each one into other areas. Culture into music, religion, painting, architecture, language and literature, etc. Science we divide into industries, engineering, chemistry and so on."

"At their Great Exhibition the English divided their pieces into manufactured goods, raw materials, machinery and fine arts." One of those in charge of the administration of the event mentions with curiosity. "Why don't we do the same?"

"First of all, we are not equal to the English. Second, we have much more to show. If only 100 ethnic groups from Russia each bring 1000 objects, we have 100,000 objects on display, twice as many as the British objects at their Grand Exhibition. of 1851! ". Emperor Alexander III sentencing.

The world exhibition of Russia would mark an event, Tsar Alexander III planned that it will last from January 7 to December 24, that is, practically a whole year so that foreigners and natives of Russia will observe the splendor of Russia compared to the rest of the world.

Enough time for there to be trade and diplomatic opportunities between Russia and the rest of the world, to give a push to the growing Russian industry and society to further strengthen ties with other states and societies.

The Centennial Exposition of the United States attracted a total of 10,000,000 visitors, Tsar Alexander III proposed that Russia should exceed that mark, by at least 1 million visitors.

Inside the Russian exhibition there would be objects of the native cultures of the Russian territory, and obviously demonstrations of the sciences and industries developed lately in Russia.

The point is that culture will be shown from Western Russia (Poland, the Baltic, Finland, Bessarabia and Malorossiya-Novorossiya) to Eastern Russia (Alyáska), not forgetting the north, the south and the Russian colonial world.

Russia, according to estimates of its size and data at the time, had a total of more than 189 ethnic groups native to its territory.

The peculiar characteristic of Russia with respect to other European colonial powers, is that its first colonial expansions were towards the east through the Eurasian continent, and not like Portugal or Spain (first colonial powers) that developed colonies in territories beyond the sea.

A kind of equivalent is the 13 colonies that gave rise to the United States, expanded from the east coast to the west coast and then set their eyes on other territories beyond their bodies of water.


[Novaya Gvineya: Economic-cultural development]

The port of Cape Maclay while growing, could not be the only source of income for the Novaya Gvineya colony for too long. Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay and Ivan Shestakov knew this, although they had different ways of looking at the Novaya Gvineya colony and its future.

But if there was something obvious, more infrastructure, more development and improvement of the quality of life of the natives of the area had to be built.

After the Great Meeting in April 1876, the Russian government agreed on plans with the Miklouho-Maclay and Shestakov governments to continue this development.

More experienced builders, doctors, agricultural experts and teachers were sent, after receiving a short course from Miklouho-Maclay on a minimum of Papuan languages, this group was ready to continue the development of Novaya Gvineya.

Dragon bean plantations began to be connected to dirt roads, while the first paved streets in Cape Maclay were made of more solid materials (cobblestones). Improving this would allow for a better walk between the farms, the can mill, and Cape Maclay Harbor.

New roads were also created to the coast, because new houses and ports began to be built for the natives who kept coming to Cape Maclay (to also avoid the accumulation of population in a disorderly way). In these ports, native activity led to an increase in fishing.

In more fertile areas, on the other hand, cocoa and rubber trees were introduced to diversify the economy of Novaya Gvineya and continue its development.

The cultivation of cocoa became one of the main commercial crops of the Russian colony alongside the dragon beans, although they did not yet have the capabilities to refine it into chocolate, it could still be sold within the colony and abroad.

The first rubber production however was not so remarkable as to become a great export, but an interesting idea was imported from Japan to Novaya Gvineya thanks to Tsar Alexander III and the Russian possessions of Tsushima.

The zōri is a kind of sandal, as the climate and geography of Novaya Gvineya was not suitable for common leather footwear, and there was not too much rice, rubber flip flops were created in the colony.

They instantly became the preferred footwear of the natives of Novaya Gvineya, they were simple, comfortable and allowed them to walk along the dirt or rock paths built in the tropical and humid climate. They were not as suitable for the most difficult terrain, but as if they were for the coast they worked.

The demand for flip flops increased, so did the effort to grow natural rubber. Better still, the first shoe factory (flip flops) of the colony was built, a small wooden building, mainly handmade. With the sale of some of these in Hawai'i, demand from abroad soon also increased.

A new economic sector had emerged in the Novaya Gvineya colony, some more native Hawaiians asked and were able to move to help grow the region's economy (the bilateral ties between Russia-Hawai'i were important for the colony and fortunately they were growing) .

This was a process where the Russians and the Papuans expanded, urbanizing the areas of the northeast coast of New Guinea.

This had two effects: Migration and 'urban' (rather developing) -rural inequality.

Inequality in German New Guinea (Deutsch-Neuguinea) had already caused natives of the German southeast to move to the Russian northeast, where they considerably increased their quality of life and integrated into the Russian colony.

But now other natives of the mountain and jungle tribes (among other climates-geographies of the island) have moved to the coast to join the growing urbanity.

This meant that an inequality will develop between the growing communities (towns becoming cities, or the 'urban' environment) and the populations that remained on their land, becoming the 'rural' environment.

And obviously there was an inequality within this, the roads, hospitals and schools were more easily accessible from the most populated centers.

Fortunately the urban centers were always open to all, and the Russians under the direction of Miklouho-Maclay sent monthly doctors to inspect the natives far from the center of power (Cape Maclay).


The Russian sailor watched the mixed-race and native children start running down the street, most of them were still too young to be of importance, but in part these children would be the future.

"Hello Admiral Shestakov!" One of the natives sending his wares to one of the Cape Maclay markets greets Governor Ivan Shestakov in Russian, with a somewhat strange accent, but the Russian had gotten used to it.

"Hello." The sailor salutes, moving his cap a little, calmer.

With the morning people were going out to sell their personal crops, some came pulling wheelbarrows (without pack animals, they had to do the work) bringing pumpkins, cucumbers, dragon beans and coffee beans.

Posters written with paint in Russian were beginning to appear on the sides of the store, very useful when within a city more than 14 different languages are spoken in a population quite similar in size.

Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay is seen by Shestakov, the teacher is not relaxing on the beach, instead he is drawing in the sand with a stick to teach the children the Cyrillic alphabet and mathematics (the lack of paper provided ingenuity, no doubt) .

The children were imitating Miklouho-Maclay's example with some success or difficulty depending on the child. After class ended both men went to the 'headquarters' of the colonial government.

"You know? Language is not my main area of study, but I think there are some problems translating Cyrillic, made for Slavs, into Papuan languages." Miklouho-Maclay exclaims with some concern.

"Well, they don't have an alphabet. What other solution can there be?" Shestakov asks curiously.

"There aren't really many options. Modifying an alphabet could create superfluous characters, and I'm pretty sure creating an alphabet is not within our capabilities. We could ask the St. Petersburg government for help with this, or we can let the natives follow their own 'course'. They are as civilized socially speaking as we are after all, they are the ones who will eventually decide how their language evolves. " Miklouho-Maclay exclaims.

Linguistically speaking, it would take a few years, but a Papuan-Russian Creole was developed, using the Cyrillic alphabet and a mixture of the Slavic language and the diversity of Papuan languages of Novaya Gvineya.

Creole arose from the interaction of merchants, settlers, and members of the Russian people with native merchants, workers, and farmers living in northeastern New Guinea, the Russian part.

The miscegenation between both communities only helped the conception of this popular language.

The colonial administration actually did little to change the Cyrillic, some modifications would arise but it remained almost entirely intact. After all, it emerged as a unifying factor for the more than 800 languages of New Guinea.

Said Creole would receive the name of Nash-Russkiy (Наш-русский), which translates as 'Our-Russian'.


More ships came and went from Novaya Gvineya, some were navy ships that left supplies and personnel for the defense and administration of the colony.

Others were commercial ships, which carried the resources produced in the colony (mostly copper and agricultural products, recently also flip flops).

However there was also a discovery in one of the Novaya Gvineya mines, there was gold. Of this obviously the government of St. Petersburg was first notified for a decision to be made.

Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay was concerned about what this meant for the Papuans, in response Tsar Alexander III sent a judge from Russia to Novaya Gvineya. Now anyone who came had to answer to the law, if the laws of the colony were violated.

This included the theft of native land, theft of all resources, violent attacks on natives, labor rights, etc.

The discovery of gold caused new interested settlers to come from the Russian Far East, but these were to integrate into Novaya Gvineya, not appropriate and dominate (according to Miklouho-Maclay).

The first wave was not the biggest, it was mainly men, obviously interested in gold. The new production and sale of gold brought another boom to Novaya Gvineya's economy and its workforce.

Much of this money would be reinvested in the capacities of the Novaya Gvineya colony, its slipper and rubber production business, the possibility of refining cocoa, etc.

Everything grows with time and the necessary conditions.

The discovery of gold was not only an economic boom, but also a military one, a strong and stable navy was needed to defend the colony and its inhabitants.

The arms reserve was increased, the Marines created a school where they could train themselves and native volunteers (who formed their militias similar to the native militias of Alyáska).

There were coastal ships for the safety of Russian territorial waters, etc.


[Kurds and Russians]

Mountain Kurds, Kurdish cattle herders, princes and representatives of Kurdish clans, etc. A considerably large group of Kurds, some from Russia and others still from the Ottoman Empire and Persia (who received proposals to move to the Russian Empire) met in Bitlis with the Russian authorities led by Tsar Alexander III.

There were also some Armenians for the meeting.

For years Armenians and Kurds have coexisted relatively peacefully, or at least neutrally, Armenians and mountain Kurds have coexisted, and hostile sentiment between the two peoples has not been particularly great.

"If the Kurdish people of the recently conquered regions accept Russian nationality, the leaders of the Kurdish clans and others will be granted princely titles or positions in the regional goverment. The Kurds will be given the autonomy to educate their children in their language, religion and customs. You will keep your business and land as long as it does not conflict with the law. As long as the law is respected and taxes are paid, the Kurds will generally not be bothered by the authorities. " Emperor Alexander III explains, which is translated by one of his representatives into Kurdish.

Kurdish leaders and representatives speak among themselves. "Is there some kind of military requirement?" Kurds question.

"Muslims can join the army if they volunteer, other than that they are usually not forcibly recruited." The Russian authorities explain.

Among all the Kurds stood out Sheikh Ubeydullah, a Sayyid supposedly descended from the prophet Muhammad through Abdul Qādir Gīlānī, who traced his ancestry back to Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib son of Fatimah bint Muhammad. Part of the Şemdinan clan, part of the various Kurdish principalities that were ousted and lost autonomy-power due to Ottoman reforms.

"I was born in the south of now-Russian territory. I am not interested in the rule of the Ottomans and the Qajars of Persia. My wish is Kurdistan, a state for my people, free from the Ottoman and Persian rule." Sheikh Ubeydullah proclaims. "The Russo-Turkish war has left a void, a perfect void for the Kurds to decide their own fate." The Kurdish sheik exclaims.

"I think you are the first to search for a Kurdish nation state, Russia may turn a blind eye to certain ... border activities. But let's say if something happens. If the Ottomans carry out a massacre like in Batak ... Russia could support the Kurds. " Tsar Alexander III explains through his interpreter. "However there are certain conditions."

"Which?". Sheik Ubeydullah asks.

"You cannot attack Persian territory and take care of the border between you and Russia, turning the world against the Persians will be somewhat more difficult without the right situation." Emperor Alexander III responds.


Sheikh Ubeydullah left Bitlis for the south, not angry at all, but his intention was not to move to Russian territory, his intention was to unite the Kurdish tribes and leaders that still remained in Ottoman territory. For the formation of an independent Kurdistan.

In the new Russian territories however the absolute majority of native Kurds remained, tribal leaders and other elites received titles related to the old principalities of Bitlis, Hakkari, Dojhik and Bayazid. And some other new title.

Thus a kind of Kurdish autonomy was re-established within Russian territory, at least cultural autonomy and to some extent administrative since the Kurds entered the Russian civil service to administer these areas.

The only thing left out of Kurdish rule was military matters, the Russians were creating railways, fortresses and fortifying the region in general for a future war.

Interest in this led some Kurds (mainly sons of Kurdish noble-princes, and some accompanying commoners) to create a volunteer Kurdish cavalry unit for the Russian army.


Economically speaking, the Kurdish regions of Russia were not overly developed, more from the primary sector at least. The Kurds were cattle herders although there were merchants and artisans.

Due to the establishment of property titles, either on shared or separate farms, the Kurds gradually began the remnants of a nomadic lifestyle towards sedentary life.

Economically speaking Russia also began to seek mineral resources or resources for extraction in its new territories, so in the south the Kurds who were not farmers became labor for the Russian mines (in addition to other peoples).

In general, the Kurdish Muslims, and the Nestorians of the territory, did not suffer particular religious repression, and the war with the Ottomans did not affect them in this respect. So they were easily integrated in that regard.

However, there was still a lot to do in 'Russian Kurdistan', the great Russian Armenian-pontus, etc.


*Dealings of the Kurds.

The Kurdish merchant advances through the Russian-Ottoman border with his caravan, such a large border leaves spaces open or little guarded. In the worst case, you can always bribe a guard to turn a blind eye.

"Salam". The Kurdish-Russian merchant greets his contact, a Kurd from Ottoman territory.

"Peace be with you". The Kurdish-Ottoman responds in exhilaration to receive his partner once again.

"I brought what he asked for." The merchant exclaims, moving a little to start taking the products out of him. Inside a box, hidden, comes a rifle from the 'shooting club' of the new Russian regions.

"Oh perfect." The Kurdish-Ottoman buyer exclaims inspecting the weapon. Delivering then an equivalent exchange in gold and / or silver.

The Kurds on both sides of the border supported each other in certain ways, the Kurds in Russia for example did not hesitate to 'lend' arms to the Kurds under Ottoman rule, and food, in exchange for gold and silver, or other materials.



On October 2, a mining disaster occurs in Ireland, causing the death of a total of 200 miners.

New unions are formed in southern ireland.

On November 21, Thomas Edison announces the creation of the phonograph, although the machine is only demonstrated on November 29.

On December 17th, a counteroffensive disaster occurred by the Kingdom of Spain led by King Alfonso XIII against the Kingdom of Spain led by King Carlos VII. Both claimants of the House of Bourbon.

The counteroffensive destroys part of the northern lines of the Alphonsist army, allowing the Carlists to advance north of the central plateau and the Valencian community.

Diplomatically speaking the UK tries to get in touch with both sides to find out what to expect once the conflict is over, which is causing concern in some other European countries.

In the Balkans, on the other hand, Serbia and Bulgaria carry out processes of economic modernization (partly thanks to the money saved and obtained in the recent Russo-Turkish war, trade with Russia and other countries, etc).

Mainly the modernization goes to railways, infrastructure and the army.


On December 30, German businessmen and politicians finally began their movements from the North Sea to the Pacific, with the intention of competing with the rest of the European powers in the colonial world.

Although Chancellor Otto von Bismarck objects, he has little to do other than accept the actions of politicians and businessmen in Hamburg and northwestern Germany.

Politically speaking, the success of the German 'commercial-colonial navy' is all the rage among the nationalist population of the German Empire.

Private hands of the German Empire begin to invest more in the security of their properties in Southeast Asia (German Indochina) against the natives of the region.

Diplomatically speaking Bismarck tries to secure safe sea routes for German economic interests, but in London Queen Victoria and Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli press for clauses against Russia. Something that Germany does not want to get involved in due to not wanting to link up on military matters outside of its current ally, Italy.

Causing the second failure of Anglo-German diplomatic discussions, which is undoubtedly another sign of the 'imminent war' predicted in German newspapers.

In France obviously the public nationalist is angry at the 'menacing growth and ambition' of the German Empire.

This leads to discussions with Austria-Hungary, between Napoleon IV and Franz Joseph I, as they have their own plans that point against the dual alliance and the German navy can pose a problem.