
Merry Russia (January-March, 1895).

Iron Felix]

"So? How's the new painting going?" The security guard asks the patient calmly, in one of the open-air spaces of the mental asylum.

"Well I'm taking it easy, my brother also has lately some health problems, physically speaking. So I'm waiting for some more news from him before continuing with the painting." The asylum painter, van Gogh, explains calmly.

As the two men talked, a young man in uniform walks up to the guard. "Sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." The young man introduces himself.

Given this, both guards move away from van Gogh to discuss their affairs.

"My name is Felix, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky." Felix formally introduces himself to his superior, who shakes his hand.

"I know, I have some reports on you. I am Zachariasz Prus, your superior." Agent Prus seriously replies to Dzerzhinsky.

"Okay, what do I have to do, sir?" Felix asks promptly.

"Listen I know you got out of the gym recently, but don't get too excited. Our work is usually a lot of paperwork and little action, we're almost done." Prus mentions it simply. "This is this doctor, Władysław Mazurkiewicz, plans to assist Piłsudski to escape in June to Austria-Hungary, we are going to stop them before that happens."

"Understood." Felix readily accepts.

"Soon Felix took up position as the newest guard at the asylum, quite young but certainly talented (to some limit), and the Okhrana could easily get him into the guard position.

Dedicated yes, although not the best worker. Above all, what was remarkable about Dzerzhinsky was his loyalty to the Russian state, more than to other Poles (like us).

From 1895 onwards Felix would work with me as a kind of protégé, and he would not be the only one, in 1897 came the second. The two fools got along pretty well even though they didn't want to admit it at first. "

- Writings of Prus.


[There are no borders that can stop him]

Karl Liebknecht was on an internship in Paderborn, Prussia, German Empire, close to him young members of the left (Marxists and communists of revolutionary line) outside the SPD and members of the SPD (Marxists, with social democrats and democratic socialists mainly, with criticism of Marxists) fought among themselves in a heated debate.

Sometimes there were also problems with the more right-wing liberals and conservatives, whom the Social Democrats did not hesitate much to join against the Communists, but that did not happen that day.

On the contrary, the Paderborn internship was suddenly joined by a man of Russian origin who was taking a tour of Germany, sometimes threatened by pan-Germanists or other members of the anti-communist far right.

"Comrades, a pleasure to meet you." The Russian man exclaims in salute, suddenly drawing attention to his meddling. "If you will allow me to interfere for a few moments, you are not looking at the real problem of bourgeois democracy."


After the entry of the Russian, the Marxists and Socialists of the SPD had joined the Socialists of the revolutionary line outside the SPD as opposed to the Social Democrats, who were expelled from the site (or better said they escaped).

The Russian was well received among the Germans, obviously starting to gain prominence after his appearance. "I was told that you are the son of Wilhelm Liebknecht, your father's work is certainly inspiring."

"My name is Karl." Karl introduces himself to the Russian. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir, but are you sure the idea of going against the Social Democrats is a good idea?"

"Vladimir Ulyanov, a pleasure. The Social Democrats will ally with the right against any Marxist wing of the SPD to stop it to achieve the socialist revolution, Karl, and the revolution cannot be done with white gloves." Vladimir insists.

In a difficult situation in German politics, the Marxists and socialists (including several democratic socialists) of the SPD took the initiative to ally themselves with other hard-line or revolutionary socialists, the social democrats who offered no alternative to capitalism other than reforms, began to losing ground in the working class.

This was the product of many events, the radicalization of German policies as a result of infighting and foreign policy, the economic situation, etc.

That from the left, leading to an increasingly powerful revolutionary socialist movement (which the Social Democrats tried to strangle, but could not).

In this Vladimir Ulyanov's travels led him to meet Wilhelm Liebknecht and his son Karl, through Vladimir, Wilhelm got to know a little more about the labor situation in Russia and also Ulyanov would be an influence on young Karl.

Not only in Karl but also in the German socialist movements in general (although Vladimir's time in 1895 in Germany was short, he had to travel to Switzerland and Italy).

After 1895, although Wilhelm Liebknecht was getting old, his last years were a revitalization of the Marxist movement of the SPD against the more reactionary and anti-Marxist members of the group, which continued to grow. And later Wilhelm's legacy was taken over by others like his son Karl.

The Zentrum was losing and at times did not hesitate to give space to conservative-nationalist views against the SPD and other members of the left.

The nationalists, pan-Germanicists, conservatives and some liberals saw the development of the SPD Marxists and as members of the left wing were joining with other Marxists and socialists of the revolutionary line, a serious and growing threat.

So they too had to turn up their game to compete, which would lead to further polarization in German politics.

This is why the Free Conservative Party and the German Conservative Party were united in the Great National German Reich Party (Große Nationale Deutsche Reichspartei, GNDR) which included the pan-Germanicists, right-wing nationalists, conservatives, militarists, etc.

In short, from the moderate or liberal conservatives to the far-right.

Prominent members of these movements would include men like Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff, among other members of the army and conservative politicians of the late German Empire.


[Ministry of war]

An airplane was flying over the clear Central Asian countryside, and suddenly dropped its cargo, a bomb that hit the "target" with a series of mannequins in gear representing the enemy.

In the distance watching Tsar Alexander III and the Minister of War Mikhail Skobelev observed this positive result of the development of airplanes.

Tests of other airplanes, capable of firing this time, were also positive.

Of course it was still a primitive technology that needed much more development, but the strategic bombing and exploration capabilities of Russian airplanes would be a good initiative for the war ministry and the use of such technologies in future wars.

It had been 9 years (almost 10) since the first flight in 1885, and the completion of the first military exploration aircraft was made in 1892 (that is, there were 3 years between the first military use and the development of bombers and airplanes capable of shoot ammo).

Of course these were achievements, but there was not yet what could be said to be an established or considerable air force, Russia had the upper hand on issues of antiquity but there were already some stakeholders within France, Germany and the United States.

With the tests completed, the following logistics of the future Russo-Turkish war continued to be reviewed, the war ministry had successfully made trains and heavy vehicles capable of loading artillery equipment, supplies and other needs to the combat field.

Russia continued to benefit from selling arms, equipment and rations to its Balkan allies and Kurdistan, the railways, navy and new Russian military capabilities seemed well-oiled for future deployment (only when the right opportunity will present itself), etc.

But there were certain concerns for Skobelev and Tsar Alexander III, winning the war was very easy and simple, the theme was winning the peace.

A treaty that would fulfill the Russian objectives, and to a lesser extent its allies, without causing problems with the other great powers.


*Skobelev and Alexander III.

"My hatred for the British has diminished a bit over time." Minister Skobelev exclaims. "But it still burns inside of me, we were so close to taking Tsargrad if it weren't for their protection to the Turks."

"Indeed, but at that time we were not in a position to bring down an English intervention, it would have cost us at least part of our achievements." Tsar Alexander III responds. "For now we just have to wait for the UK to wander off or at least take a stable position when the Ottomans screw it up."

"And do you think that moment will come soon?" Skobelev seriously questions.

"It's hard to say, I think it will come before the 20th century, but we still have 5 years before that happens, and 5 years is enough time for things to change." Tsar Alexander III, going to have some of his tea.

"In my opinion, a long time for the Germans to continue to arm themselves against us." Minister Skobelev claims seriously.

"Are you suggesting a pre-emptive strike? I want you to know that I am against that, it will cost too many Russians." Alexander III questions.

"No sir, that would make us look like the aggressors, I mean that I have prepared great defensive plans and counterattacks in the imminent and very probable case of a war against the German Empire ... and also Austria-Hungary, to a lesser extent the United Kingdom ". Skobelev explains, making Tsar Alexander III sigh."Do you know something, my czar?"

"What?". Alexander III asks.

"His concern for the Russian people is truly admirable, I maintain that the autocracy in its current direction is near-perfect. What I call a dictatorship with a heart." Minister Skobelev proclaims.

"Yes, I remember reading some of that in the newspapers you collaborate with." Tsar Alexander III mentions, at which point Skobelev begins to delve a bit into his ideology.

Not that the tsar was a very theoretical person, he was much more practical and pragmatic up to a point, but Skobelev's thinking was in line with the Alexandrian government.


[Ministry of Navy]

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov presented his plan for the expansion of the Russian navy, reviewed and approved by Minister Stepan Makarov.

The plan consisted of the creation of the first proto-Drednouts, the standardization of new military technologies, scientific-technical development, the doctrines of training and strategy, and obviously the expansions of the fleets of the Russian Empire (mainly in competition with Japan and other regional powers of the Pacific but without entering a naval race with Germany and the United Kingdom, the defense of the Baltic, White Sea and Black Sea, in addition to colonial defense).

Tsar Alexander III officially promoted the Grand Duke to the position of Deputy Minister, while ordering the implementation of Grand Duke Alexander.

The Russian Empire was already in an investigation about the potential use of radars in the navy, beginning to implement radios, the development of drednout, etc.

In 1895 the budget for the plan was given and the large amounts of construction or modernization of ships, production of equipment (weapons-ammunition, other necessary supplies for logistics, etc.), troop training and greater use of new technologies took place. .

Of course these plans were quite remarkable on the international scene as they came out, especially for the UK and Germany respectively. As the first proto-Drednout came out after the developments of Grand Duke Alexander's plan, English politics believed it needed to respond properly.

This meant more spending on the British Royal Navy, which caused the response from Germany, and the United Kingdom felt threatened so it responded again, which caused another German response because they felt threatened by the United Kingdom and had their own interests.

A cycle started by Russia, which did not follow this cycle, focusing on its plan relatively calmly, while English finances suffered some problems and the Germans continued to burden the Dutch.


[American investors]

February 20, 1895.

The new free silver policy of the United States was a boom for farmers mainly, but a damage to many industrialists and potentially everyone in the long term.

However the United States Treasury still needed money, John Pierpont and members of the Rothschild family offered a gold loan with a value of $ 65 million dollars, on the condition that free silver be abandoned, but President Adlai Stevenson I and his cabinet refused.

Before this J.P Morgan simply took the money from him and began to distribute it in other regions, mainly in Europe, one of those places was Russia.

Similar to some Brazilian oligarchs, more and more American millionaires began to move their money to Russia, although they mainly did so to the United Kingdom, France and Germany.

Russia was a good fourth or fifth place with respect to the places where more deposits or "business" trips (rather pseudo-vacations) were made by American entrepreneurs.

Regarding the situation in the United States, Tsar Alexander III simply watched without doing much, Russian monetary policy was also bimetallic but it had not gotten so much out of control because Russia did not promote an unlimited expansionary monetary policy.

Witte used the situation in the United States as another reason to move completely to the gold standard, as inflation and prices rose (without wages being able to keep up).



January 13, some Italian farmers in Tunisia rebel against the Italian monarchy.

They are crushed by the Italian military forces in the region, but it is clear that the situation in the Italian peninsula is not the best either.

The farmers of the colonies are as poor as those of the peninsula.

February 9, the Mintonette sport, better known as volleyball, is created.

February 20, Adlai Stevenson I rejects the offer of gold worth 65 million dollars.

February 25, Spain rushes to accelerate the deal to sell Cuba to the Second Mexican Empire, this due to news of the first violent and scrambled incidents against Spanish rule on the island.

Of course King Carlos VII does not want Mexico to find out, and for the moment he is successful.

The idea of the sale is going from strength to strength, probably being completed in late 1895 or early 1896 as predicted by the Spanish.

On March 1, attempts to eliminate the spoil system are eliminated by President Stevenson, precisely someone who uses the spoil system a lot to place Democrats in positions he considers to be better off under his party.

March 15, Michael Cleary murders his wife after insisting that she was abducted by fairies and replaced by a changeling.

March 30, Rudolf Diesel renames his business holdings to R. Zavod dizel'nykh dvigateley (R. Завод дизельных двигателей) or R. Diesel Engines Works.

The company is primarily engaged in engine repair and production, with decent success among the competition of the various automobile companies and related industries in Russia.


[A man of steel]

A series of bodies had been hung in front of the students of priests, criminals who had been sentenced to the death penalty, it had soon been discussed regarding this event among the students.

"That was horrible." One of the students suggests.

"Despicable, they didn't deserve that." Another exclaims.

"Guys, we are talking about criminals." Iosif contends seriously. Some of the students gulped when Iosif started to speak.

"Yes but ...". One of the students exclaims.

"Criminals do not deserve much sympathy. Or rather, I do not have much sympathy for them. If they are sentenced to death it is for something, be it the violation of the law or because they deserved it. There is what is called, law. If the law is violated, there is a penalty, a price to pay. " Iosif responds.

"And what about the laws of God? You will not kill, the messages of Jesus?"

"Well, Jesus also believed in destroying the market in the temple and using violence to merchants, breaking God's laws also implies punishment. What do you think of that?" Iosif questions.

There was a very strange silence.

Somehow the students ended up hitting each other, Iosif was the winner, it wasn't the first time.

"This is inadmissible, Dzhugashvili." One of the rectors maintains after the fight, there was a little blood and some bruises on the young man, but he was still quite well preserved.

"Very good. I don't think I did anything wrong." Iosif stands firm.

Because of this, it is not known for sure if Dzhugashvili resigned or was expelled from priesthood studies, a rather intelligent man simply decided to go another way, read books and do some poetry while he thought about what to do.



In February the Russian royal family receives great news from Moscow, Princess Elena of Montenegro is pregnant, a news celebrated within the Romanov family.

She later notified the court and newspapers, undoubtedly causing celebration in court and some cities, especially in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Port Arthur.

The news is also sent to Montenegro, where Nicholas I of Montenegro and his family also celebrate on a trip to Russia. Taking the opportunity to discuss other important business between Russia and the Balkan nations.

Trade relations between Austra-Hungary and Serbia were weakening, as a result of the treaties between the two states not being renewed (Kaiser Franz II had other things to do and to spend money on, in addition to more beneficial trading partners and money- resources of the colonies in Borneo).

But the Serbia of Alexander I was not ready for a rapprochement with Russia and the rest of the Balkan powers.

Tsar Alexander III motivated a policy of non-intervention for the time being, if Serbia wanted to intervene it would suffer the consequences of this, and if Serbia wanted a rapprochement they would have to come first.

Meanwhile, Russia's economic ties with Bulgaria and Montenegro continued to strengthen, and to a lesser extent with Romania and Greece.

After all, Russia could sell them a lot of weapons and food in huge quantities.


[Russian Soccer League: Round of 16]

The eighth edition of the Russian Soccer League arrives, first the edition begins with the presentation of the song "Merry Azerbaijan", honoring the city of Baku, which holds the event:

Next come the first matches.

* Baku vs Minsk: The Baku team beats the Minsk team by 1 to 0.

* Kharkov vs Warsaw: The Kharkov team beats the Warsaw team 2-0.

* Murmansk vs Helsinki: The Helsinki team beats the Murmansk team 2 to 1.

* Erivan vs Astrakhan: Astrakhan's team beats Erivan's team by 3 to 2.

* Kazan vs Sevastopol: The Sevastopol team beats the Kazan team by 2 to 1.

* Novosibirsk vs Grozny: The Novosibirsk team beats the Grozny team by 1 to 0.

* Moscow vs Kiev: The Moscow team beats the Kiev team by 1 to 0.

* Vladivostok vs Saint Petersburg: The Vladivostok team beats the Saint Petersburg team by 2 to 1.