
How it ends? (January-March, 1900)

Rattanakosin and the Tsar's List]

The Russian government with its protectorate established in Thailand, communicates in early January to the government of King Rama V and other notable allies, the POSSIBILITY of the creation of a "Thai Canal" (or Kra Canal, a canal of the Isthmus of Kra).

This Thai canal would connect the Thai Gulf with the Andaman Sea, as early as 1677 proposals were made for the creation of a project that would allow a better commercial situation in the region, but there were always technological and political limitations.

There were still technological limitations and possibly other problems (for example environmental), but Tsar Alexander III only discussed the idea and seized possible building rights.

Now there was a possibility to fulfill this project, similar to how the Germans achieved it in Tehuantepec or the French in Suez.

In addition, Russia had diverse interests in the construction of this canal, it supposed that the exports and commercial lines of the New Silk Road would depend less and less on British Singapore (especially those coming from Africa). As an added bonus, it would make more money for Russians and Thais (especially Russia with private rights, but that was another matter).

The single idea marked a powerful political and economic weapon, for various interests there were people who might be interested in avoiding or supporting the idea that Russia (led by Tsar Alexander III) relatively openly.

The British understood it as a threat to Singapore, which meant that they were increasingly forced to discuss face to face with the Russians (a sum of the international situation, the needs of diplomacy, etc.) and various stakeholders precisely in the decline. from Singapore (Japanese, German, French businessmen, etc).


Perhaps most importantly, for the first time in the Russian Empire and its pseudo-vassals (the protectorate over the Rattanakosin kingdom) there was talk about the "white list" or the Tsar's list.

The white list, also called the Tsar's list, refers to the list of countries towards which Russia has preferential treatment at a commercial level (and therefore, to a certain political extent).

It was mentioned because of the Russian rights to the proposed Kra canal and the benefits that Siam / Thailand (Rattanakosin) would receive accordingly for the use of said canal.

Russia had already formed a good sphere of influence that received preferential treatment, the most important examples occurring with the Balkan countries in the straits. Where, for example, Bulgaria received lower rates than other countries outside the Russian sphere and could conduct business much more easily.

The list was a multi-purpose tool for the Russian government, and a very useful weapon against members of the Russosphere.

On the one hand, it was very useful, it supposed commercial advantages and better connections with the great commercial partner of these countries, a freer and more open market that would allow the exchange of resources and products between both states (although Russia had the dominant role).

And it is precisely the latter that is remarkable, the Russian influence on the minor partners that appeared on the list, Russia through its "preferential treatment" towards its partners, would get something in return (resources, rights, allies, exclusive deals, etc. ).

Obviously such influence was not going to want to leave easily, the countries on the other side (members of the Russosphere) could obtain Russian capital, resources, technical personnel, cheap products or technology (among other things, this just to start the example). But in exchange for their place in the Russosphere, in essence they would lose sovereignty, lose economic independence and so on, attempts to leave the Russosphere easily would not be accepted. Russia would obviously also defend and propagandize its most useful partners on the international stage.

In short, the list represented the problems of being minor countries, one had to live under the thumb of much greater powers. The problem was the era of unbridled imperialism, where precisely the imperialism of the white list of the Tsar, was much softer than English, French or German imperialism.

And as a result of the Russian economic dominance, the historical and diplomatic conditions of the time, in addition to various short-term capitalist ambitions (economic classes of both countries) among other factors, many countries of the Russosphere accepted (and even promoted) the "existence "of the white list of the Tsar as a concept.

Merchants and economic elites interested in those economic advantages, and the politicians of the time very interested in collaboration and short-term profit for their countries (members of the Russosphere).

Russian policies flowed from the empire proper into its sphere (although such policies were also designed to Russia's advantage of course), and all members wanted their share of the pie, even if it was less than Russia's share.

Entrepreneurs from Kuwait, the two Iraq and Kurdistan for example would compete for their deals with Russia in the Middle East, competition for construction contracts in Pacific positions between Bali, Aceh and Siam, etc.

Quite a competition where the house (Russia) always wins of course.

(OOC: Just a small demonstration of how in exchange for a "good deal", Russia maintains its sphere. Similar to the previously explained deals and relationships between Kurdistan and Russia).



An earthquake in the southern Caucasus left more than 1,000 people homeless, particularly affecting the city of Akhalkalaki and dozens of other smaller towns, very close to the Russian city of Tbilisi.

This obviously required a response from the Alexandrian government, aid services, social services and other public authorities worked to repair the damaged infrastructure and help the population involved in various ways.

But it was also taken advantage of by the Alexandrian government in other ways, since they could take care of this matter alone, but they could do different things.

On the one hand, create various urban design projects to replace the old towns with new cities of the Russian Empire (transferring even more citizens and workers to the South Caucasus, etc.) and on the other, start moving resources to the border regions of the Russian Empire.

This with the motive of observing the situation in the Russian sphere and abroad, in particular preparing defenses regarding the possibilities and consequences of the Fashoda war.

That the war was going to end sooner or later (as Tsar Alexander III predicted) did not mean that we had to lower our guard, at various times Russian ships and members of their sphere were in danger, and there were many possible consequences of the war, from epidemics even terrorism, etc.



While Russian movements in his Rattanakosin protectorate in early January were already relatively remarkable, one of Tsar Alexander III's greatest attentions was also the Qing dynasty, more specifically northern China, where Russia had diverse interests.

On the 1st of January the Reverend H.M Brooke from the United Kingdom had been kidnapped by the Boxers (Society of Righteous Harmonious Fists, among other names), Brooke was subsequently assassinated after the kidnapping.

The Boxers were strongly increasing their opposition to foreigners, and this meant that Russia had a new window of opportunity to take Chinese territory.

The problem was that Tsar Alexander III wanted, just in case, some foreign help. Japan was a very possible ally, but they were still busy in the Philippines and the other Europeans were in Fashoda.

Despite this, the KGB and the security services of the Russian diplomatic offices in China began to ensure with greater methods the safety of their diplomats in Beijing and other cities, guaranteeing some possibilities of escape.

Also Tsar Alexander III communicated to warn other countries, such as the United Kingdom and Germany, but there were not many possibilities of rapprochement, at least not during the first months.

This left Russia alone, which in theory and practice already had experience and preparation against Qing, but it did not mean that a victory against Qing was fully assured in the next confrontation.



January 1, S.M Brooke from the UK is kidnapped and beheaded by the Boxers.

January 2, the Open Door Policy is mentioned in US diplomatic circles for the first time. The theory of a trading system open to all countries equally to the Chinese market.

Preventing any country from completely controlling China or having uneven competition.

However the idea is not very successful, with the Europeans (and Japan) jealously protecting their zones of influence and chunks taken from China, the United States without particularly large bases (except for islands like Guam) close to the Chinese market, etc.


* [Fashoda]

January 4, skirmishes and battles begin between German forces (the German Empire) and Switzerland due to repeated German violations of Swiss neutrality.

This slows down the German campaign of intervention in northern Italy, which loses momentum and positions (except in the German areas of South Tyrol) against the Italian socialists, who throughout the first months of 1900 unified the entire peninsula. and they manage to re-send forces to defend their north.

The Herzog ship of the German Empire is sunk by the HMS Thetis of the Royal Navy on January 6, the German ship was transporting aid (supplies and weapons) to the Boer in southern Africa.

During the same time in the Mozambique occupied by the British they initiate some disturbances on the part of the old white Portuguese colonial troops (not natives).

Product of alleged mistreatment and incidents by British troops against Governor General Álvaro António Ferreira, accompanied by Júlio José (Marqués da Costa), Joaquim José Machado and Manuel Rafael Gorjão, generally members of the army and other parts of Portuguese high society.

Until January 9, the British suffer various setbacks from the rebels in Mozambique, but finally manage to suppress the incidents in the occupied areas of the former Portuguese colonial empire.

Unfortunately there is not so much luck regarding the Boer "threat".

January 10, the British begin to have more success in northern Denmark through their Norwegian allies and collaborators from occupied Sweden.

On January 11 however there are some problems as the British government must fight a famine in the central provinces of the British Raj. A famine caused by a dry season, affecting 3 million people (or perhaps more).

This famine was of course partly capitalized on by extremists against British control, who considered the response of the colonial government to be extremely slow.

January 12, reports of bubonic plague and other epidemic diseases (malaria, yellow fever and others) begin among various Fashoda troops, especially German and British.

This would not be unusual if it were only within the Congolese front and other parts of Africa, but diseases such as the bubonic plague spread to soldiers who later took them with them to other parts of their respective countries or regions.

For example, British soldiers brought cases of bubonic plague to South Australia.

January 16, numerous conflicts in the Pacific, the North Sea and the South China Sea. The German navy manages to be victorious in its defense of German Samoa, Indochina and France also manages to maintain its positions in southern China.

On the other hand, the United Kingdom continues to have victories in Denmark, deploying more and more troops in the Jutland peninsula, especially terrifying the German Empire due to the need to send more troops to the north and a land war in Europe.

Friday the 19th of January, various cases of bubonic plague in eastern parts of Australia and parts of New Zealand further alert the British government.

The worst thing is that diseases are now also reaching Europe and some parts of the European colonial empires.

On January 24, a contingent of 25,000 British troops is defeated by 8,000 Boer forces, causing another serious setback in the African campaign in Tanzania and the southern British Empire.

January 31, the British continue to successfully march on northern Denmark, causing serious problems due to an exodus of Danes and even the need for the Danish royal family to escape to other parts of Europe (Russia and Germany in particular).

On February 6 in the United Kingdom various motions of censure and other laws against the opposition to Fashoda and the "maintenance of public order" are accepted.

The laws not only help to maintain the control of the Social Aristocrats of Prime Minister Louis Alexander Mountbatten over the public, but also seek to control and crush growing separatist and socialist movements in regions like Ireland, which are increasingly active and against the war (a waste in the eyes of ordinary Irishmen).

February 15, the British advance into Jutland is stopped by German troops, but Denmark (as well as Sweden and Norway) are essentially under British hands and Norwegian collaborators (and to a lesser extent Swedish or Danish), who are a major factor in said occupation.

February 17, the French achieve several victories in Africa with advances in Operation Mangin against the British, good news after the defeats of the coalition in Jutland.

The next day, February 18, more than 1000 British are defeated by the Boers in a single day.

February 25, despite the defeats on the African fronts, the stagnation in Jutland and the losses on the Italian front, social pressures due to pandemics (which claimed more than 15,000 French lives at the time of February), Generalissimo Georges Boulanger shoots himself, committing suicide.


* [Firipin]

On January 4, laws are established in the Japanese administration regarding the sale of alcohol in the Philippines. Establishing bans for more "native" alcohols and giving more advantages to colonist producers in Japan.

In essence allowing Japanese alcohol monopolies to entrepreneurs who come from the archipelago to the colony. Although there are problems in producing the alcohols best known to the Japanese in the more tropical Philippines.

During January 8, more than 16,000 more settlers, especially from Okinawa, arrived from Japan to the Philippines, well received by the authorities, not so much by the natives.

24,000 American (U.S) and other Christians volunteers (mainly Catholics of Irish, Spanish or other origin) join the Philippine forces of General-President Luna against the Japanese durign this time.

General Gregorio del Pilar accompanied by General Arcadio Maxilom y Molero, under orders from President Antonio Luna, reorganize their armies in a guerrilla war in the north of the Philippines around January 16.

On January 20, a Japanese train is captured by Philippine guerrillas under Gregorio del Pilar.


January 4, earthquake near Tbilisi, Russian Empire. The city of Akhalkalaki and other towns are destroyed.

January 8, the Navajo territory (reservation) in Arizona is extended.

January 10, Elihu Root becomes a running mate of William McKinley, the next Republican candidate in the 1900 US presidential election.

January 12, Henry Ford starts commercial ventures under his Detroit Automobile Company (DAC), Ford learned something from the Russian model and became one of the first Americans to be successful in the automobile market.

Relatively unknown, Ford with his sales (not unsuccessful but not excellent) also begins a political career under the Republican party.

January 14, San Marino officially surrenders to the advance of socialist troops, uniting the small independent region to the Italian socialist project (by force).

This ends one of the oldest constitutions in the world.

January 15, more US regions of Florida and Louisiana (and some states north of Louisiana) are invaded by hippos.

In particular, McKinley Republicans insist on more restrictive measures against animals, which even becomes a campaign promise.

Around January 17, José Victoriano Huerta Márquez began to ascend to commander in the Mexican army under Emperor Maximiliano I and Minister-President Porfirio Diaz.

Accompanied by the Yaqui (Native American) Manuel Suuveda (who gets only about 200 Native followers), Huerta is actually an opponent of the current Mexican Empire, paid for by numerous interested parties from the United States.

The German Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, on January 20-26, like many members of the German Navy (like Hubert von Rebeur-Paschwitz), develop plans for a possible war with the United States.

On the same day (January 20), 500 people in London, including the philosopher John Ruskin, die of an epidemic brought on by the Fashoda war.

January 22, Russian newspapers report various epidemic diseases that occur in Europe, many times censored by governments at war.

Russia on the other hand increases its quarantine measures to defend itself against diseases that may arrive from abroad due to the Fashoda war.

On January 23rd, 71,000 Austrian miners go on strike in the German Empire, causing serious problems for the new German administration in its Austrian portion in the midst of the Fashoda War.

January 27, in Peiping (or Beijing) diplomats from Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and France achieved a successful meeting regarding the need to suppress the anti-foreign Boxers.

Unfortunately only Russia and the United States can come up with something similar to firm cooperation at the diplomatic level, and the United States does not have the same power base as Russia in China.

Fortunately, this event allows the diplomatic services to insist on the need to start discussing and making truces regarding the Fashoda war.

February 1, more than 5000 dead in Western Australia from diseases brought from Fashoda (bubonic plague in particular).

February 3, the Indian rebel leader, Birsa Munda, is arrested in the British Raj, Porahat.

On the same day a banking crisis (as a result of the bankruptcy of the Dumbell's Banking Company) occurs in the Isle of Man, United Kingdom, leaving most of its companies and residents without money.

February 4, 930 deaths from epidemic diseases in Berlin, Germany.

February 5, 1,200 French miners are shot by French troops in French Guyana in a strike.

Birth of Adlai E. Stevenson II, son of Democratic President Adlai E. Stevenson I.

February 7, Empress Dowager Cixi issued a decree against the "new, depraved and erroneous subjects of the Western schools", to attack Western subject teachers in the Qing dynasty, and to allow more traditional Confucian teaching.

February 11, various socialist demonstrations led by Vladimir Ulyanov take place in Germany, opponents of the Fashoda war and the current situation in the country, which is going from bad to worse.

The event adds more than 80,000 people, especially from the southern regions in Austria, Bohemia and parts of Bavaria, in particular the Austrians had already made trouble with their strikes before so this was just seizing the momentum.

German authorities arrest Ulyanov and attempt to return him to Russia, without much success due to public opposition in southern Germany and quarantine measures in Russia.


[The tsar]

"It was ... pretty anti-climatic." Tsar Alexander III calmly exclaims.

"I don't think that's a good way to call a person's death, dad." Tsesarevich Nicholas promptly calls with concern.

"If you're right, but I was referring more to the Fashoda war, now his end is near. But I can understand Boulanger and his decision." Tsar Alexander III responds. "My mother, not the previous czarina, said that you had to be brave to actually commit suicide." Tsar Alexander III exclaims over some tea.

"A Little bit weird." Nicholas adds promptly. "The foreign situation is undoubtedly terrible, Switzerland is costly for Germany, Denmark was costly for the United Kingdom, economic problems, epidemics and other internal problems. Something is going to hit us eventually ...".

"Maybe, but we've already taken some precautions. We just have to wait." The tsar answers to his heir. "The end of Fashoda is near, they just need one more push, after that, well, who knows what will happen."

"I don't think people will join us against Qing." Nicholas insists.

"The heat of the moment and the idiocy make strange comrades Nicholas, just think of Germany and France now ... But a word of advice, never ally yourself with fascists, if you do I will come back from the grave to kick your ass." Alexander insists, surprising Nicholas a bit.

Russia had changed a bit for Fashoda, for example the Russian Empire activated quarantine measures by closing its borders due to "Russian pandemics", epidemic diseases that arrived in Europe and other parts of the world due to the Fashoda war.

For example the aforementioned bubonic plague in Australia, cases of yellow fever, malaria and possibly other Congolese diseases, etc.

There were also other diplomatic situations and the secret services taking action, for example the arrival of the Danish royal family to Russia (the tsar receiving his wife's family), Russia seeking its interests in China, the secret services (KGB) seeking the independence from Katanga and securing valuable assets (money and information) in the midst of the Fashoda war.

For example, with the support of Czech volunteers in the German-Swiss war (which leaned towards Germany with heavy casualties due to the mountainous terrain and other problems), the KGB obtained not only more Swiss gold for Russia, but also managed to bring in various refugees. towards Russia, not only entrepreneurs and members of the upper class who were looking for a safe place in Russia for their money, but also relatively ordinary people like a young Albert Einstein.

In other aspects of information, with the "Ouverture" (Opening) of Napoleon IV, the French Senate was reopened and therefore democratic measures were initiated once more in the government of the Second French Empire.

Of course, they were more like concessions from the emperor to gain popularity with Boulanger's suicide and avoid further socio-political catastrophes. With mixed results of course.

The important thing was intelligence operations of the KGB, which obtained information on various French crimes in North Africa (thanks to collaborators such as Joseph Conrad, of Polish origin, and Pierre Curie himself), but also on British crimes against the Boers with the creation of concentration camps.

The important moment came on March 13, the Mangin operation despite its delays, ended with the French victory, marking the end of the Fashoda war.

Africa would be divided from north to south after the French victory, with the British under Prime Minister Mountbatten from King Albert Victor and Emperor Napoleon IV (elections pending for Prime Minister).

This supposed a truce and the beginning of peace discussions, which would involve other members of the world order and those involved in the war, in particular.

* Germany, Wilhelm II of Germany and his Chancellor Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst together with Bernhard von Bülow.

* Russia, represented by the Tsar Alexander III and Count Alexander Petrovich Izvolsky


* Alexander III.

"Sometimes a man must sacrifice his morals for the interests of his country? And the interests of the world? I know the crimes of France, and in part I can only think that I am co-responsible for the support I gave them during Fashoda .

But it was in the interest of Russia, with this I am closer to crushing the British Empire, which has also committed crimes against humanity ...

The latter is not only the truth, but perhaps it is also a way of trying to excuse myself. In part I am a hypocrite.

I just have to keep going and continue fighting, I must regain the independence of Denmark, help rebuild and continue leading Russia. "

Tsar Alexander III observed his writings, once again they would be destroyed, but the old man liked to clear himself from time to time, like everyone else.


* Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, somewhere in Switzerland.

"No, thanks." The agent of the Russian intelligence services rejected alcohol, being more abstemious than many of his companions.

"As you want." The Czech exclaimed taking a big sip from his bottle of alcohol.

The Czechs and Austrians (among other South Germans) brought to war between Germany and Switzerland, were not reliable for Germany. But the front was extremely expensive, and the logistics and occupation of territories was very difficult.

Consequently there were many cases of corruption in the areas of the Catholic and South Germans, as opposed to the Prussians and Protestants, and some other North Germans.

Iosif observed these South Germans in their uniforms, different from those of the North Germans, but certainly much more open to the Russian jobs, a little money and various coffers of Swiss gold (actually mostly foreign gold ) would be in Russia before they fell into the hands of Communists, French and North Germans.

"Hey sir." A South German calls. "A young man is interested in a passport, perhaps he has money for the transaction." The soldier exclaims.

"I'll look into it." Officer Dzhugashvili responds promptly, it was a 'common' procedure. Rich Swiss people interested in escaping, but unable to go through France or Germany (let alone Italy), so they needed some 'help' from Russian services.

But this person was not a wealthy businessman and his family.

"I was actually born in southern Germany, Württemberg but ... I left my citizenship, and now I can't go back." The scholar affirms.

"I see." Officer Dzhugashvili exclaims nonchalantly as he goes through the money and other documents offered by Einstein. "... You know, I'm tired, so I'll say that's enough to give you a passport to Russia."

"Thank you!". Albert, in his early 30s, exclaims quite gratefully.


* Austria, Germany.

"Austria-Hungary, it fell very fast." Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili explains to his companion that while they were traveling, many citizens were seen on strike, with flags and other red symbols, even fighting openly against the authorities in other ways.

In part calling for the release of Vladimir Ulyanov.

"I don't understand what that has to do with it." Felix Dzerzhinsky responds.

"... You see, imagine that overnight some external power will withdraw Tsar Alexander III, the old elite lose much of their power and the Russians are no longer as powerful in their new 'country' as before." Iosif explains. "But there are still many citizens who remember the Russian Empire, and have the means to oppose the new government. It is the same, Austria-Hungary fell very fast."

"And the Germans have not had time to clean and re-manage properly." Felix exclaims.

"Exactly, now there are many Austrians who without the Habsburgs have radicalized and only seek to oppose Germany, similar to how some Hungarians in Romania are raising problems." Iosif insists.


*France, Pierre Curie.

The French man was traveling by car through the streets of Paris, applauded by various French citizens (workers and lower-middle class in particular) on his way to the parliament of the Second French Empire.

Of course this was because of Pierre's radical vision after the death of Generalissimo Boulanger.

"The Ouverture has not gone far enough, if we want to establish peace in Europe and recover, we must abandon many of the measures taken by the generalissimo. Empower the workers, the senate and democracy." Pierre proclaims in parliament.

"What are you saying?!". Charles Maurras, like many members of the old guard, insist in surprise, many of them opposed the Ouverture.

But partly it was necessary, partly the death of Boulanger and the Ouverture had finally allowed peace discussions, plus victories and defeats on both sides of course.

The friendship between Curie and Maurras continued to break amid the discussions and French power struggles, there was a new revolutionary spirit but it had not yet exploded.