
From bad to worse? (April-June, 1878).

Foreign Affairs minister]

In April the Ministry of Foreign Affairs congratulated the Secretary for Asian Affairs, Nikolai de Girs, as Girs was elevated to the position of Active Privy Clerk (действительный тайный советник, deystvitelnyi taynyi sovetnik). One of the highest ranks in government office since Peter I the Great.

This put him much closer to Minister Alexander Gorchakov and Emperor Alexander III in the Council of State and important ministries.

"I heard that your son also entered the foreign affairs service." Emperor Alexander III calmly mentions Nikolai de Girs after a meeting.

"Ah yes. My son Mikhail, participated in the war with the Turks and after that he decided to join the diplomatic service. Like his younger brother in 1872." Nikolai exclaims proudly.


"What do you think of Nikolai de Girs?" Emperor Alexander III asks.

"He has certainly served us well in Asia, he is cautious and careful. He has an impeccable record, the same with his family in general." Gorchakov responds.

"Very well, he will make a good advisor." Emperor Alexander III ends.


[Austro-Hungarian Colonial Empire]

The Hungarians have a neutral opinion regarding colonial expansion, although of course there are those who are against the establishment of such colonies, the Hungarians have turned their sights more towards the army.

Some Austrians argue that the colonies would even serve to fix the attention of rebellious minorities on other matters, which undoubtedly attracts the public, at least in the German sectors of Austria-Hungary.

For this reason the renewal of the commercial and political rights of Gustav Freiherr von Overbeck in North Borneo was accepted, this meant that the Overbeck & CO company, supported by some British merchants (the Dent brothers) will pass, mainly to Austro-state control. Hungarian.

Establishing what is in essence a protectorate-colony over northern Borneo (the Sulu / Sandakan Sultanate), Brunei and some islands.

This of course excites those interested in an Austrian colonial empire, since it allows them to obtain resources and commercial ports in the Pacific Ocean (palm oil, tobacco, cocoa, coffee, manila hemp and sago).


* Dutch perspective.

"'More countries meddling in our area ?! I want to declare war on them immediately." King William III of the Netherlands exclaims angrily, meting out petty punishments on some of his close servants (though such orders are mostly ignored).

"To Austria-Hungary?" Netherlands Foreign Minister Willem van Heeckeren van Kell asks in confusion.

"And from Germany and Russia, just ask the British for weapons." William III responds.

Roo van Alderwerelt's Minister of War Jan Karel Hendrik looked at himself along with Willem van Heeckeren van Kell.

All his life King William III was passionate, selfish and malicious, but his strange nature also allowed him to be unexpectedly kind and generous ... at times.

With his age increasing and political troubles at home, William III's autocratic tendencies were only on the ascent.

In April 1878, King William III, who considered himself an expert in military affairs, attempted to lead a military maneuver of the Dutch cavalry to show the Dutch power in a probable war... But in the chaos make by himself, he ended falling off his horse and dying from the impact shortly after on April 13.

This meant that immediately the Prince of Orange, Willem Nicolaas Alexander Frederik Karel Hendrik, would return to the Netherlands after his stays in Europe (with France at war, the Prince of Orange was traveling between London, Berlin and Saint Petersburg) to be crowned as William IV.

The king has no legitimate wife or children, and his heir, according to the law of that time, is the Grand Duke of Luxembourg Willem Alexander (of the German Empire).

Also it doesn't help the bad reputation of King William IV, a well-known libertine with several mistresses in the St. Petersburg opera, a friend of the Prince of Wales Albert Edward (son of Queen Victoria, and a partner in debauchery at times) and generally a man who had a disastrous upbringing and now simply goes from party to party after having quarreled with his parents, who would not let him marry the woman he wanted.

King William IV had no interest in Austro-Hungarian colonial affairs at the beginning of his reign, but some British were concerned about the possible interest of other European states in the Malay states. So the English diplomats tried to support the idea of a meeting regarding the current colonial situation.

Unfortunately due to lack of interest in Austro-Hungarian and French (power bloc), German and Italian (another bloc) or Russian (a neutral power but who had no reason to support such a meeting), the idea quickly fell into oblivion.


* Russian perspective.

"The Austrians have already sent civilian personnel and troops for their Borneo concessions." Minister Gorchakov exclaims.

"Well, if they got it legally there is no reason for us to object. We don't have much interest in Borneo either." Emperor Alexander III responds.

"But are you sure you reject the Anglo-Dutch ideas of a summit?" Minister Gorchakov exclaims.

"Nobody has an interest in that." Emperor Alexander III adds. "Although maybe it's time to help Aceh a little more ..."


*Austria-Hungary colony.

Sandakan would receive in May the first delegation of Austro-Hungarian merchants and industrial administrators, in addition to some troops for the defense of Austro-Hungarian interests in Sulu and Brunei.

Obviously the Austrian interest was less in the population and more in the resources that the region could support for the reactivation of the Austro-Hungarian economy.

The first governor general of "Kaiser Franz Joseph Land von Borneo-Kalimantan" (Land of Emperor Franz Joseph of Borneo-Kalimantan) was the 'Datu Bendahara, Maharaja of Sabah and Raja of Gaya and Sandakan', the Austro-Hungarian diplomat and merchant Gustav Freiherr von Overbeck.

With this and his experience in Hong Kong, Overbeck set out to modernize the Sandakan port for the export of resources from Borneo to beneficial markets for Austria-Hungary.

The Russian Empire offered help on how to treat the natives, but the Russians were considered 'soft' on their treatment of colonial subjects.


* English perspective.

"What if we support mercenaries, tribal leaders or certain groups against other European colonies in the Pacific?" Benjamin Disraeli asks his foreign minister since the beginning of April, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil.

"Theoretically possible, but I don't think it's a good idea. If we do something like this we could put the Germans, Russians, Italians, Austrians and French against the Dutch and ourselves. We cannot compete with all the great powers on a military and economic level. ". Minister Gascoyne-Cecil responds.

"The Sun never sets on the British Empire."

"It does not mean that we are invincible."



With a border that stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers, Russia has neighbors large and small in more ways than one, be it by land or sea, or even in political-cultural aspects.

Russia being a territorial colossus, and with an industry in considerable growth, some of the nations that are attracted to Russia began to ask for Russian help (or experts) around 1870s on certain questions.

In other cases, advisers were sent, but that is another matter.

Japan, Serbia and Bulgaria for their part were in a process of modernization, and in some way or another were forming ties with Russia. Bulgaria and Serbia for example formed political ties due to the Russo-Turkish war of 76, the Tsar of Bulgaria is a cousin of Alexander III, and there is trade in the Black Sea (Bulgaria also allows the transit of Russian industry to Serbia) .

Japan on the other hand was growing its commercial ties as it industrialized, depending on Russian-Korean resources for such actions.

Because of this, these three countries requested certain assistance (in the form of investments or advisers) to continue their modernization processes. The Russian Empire after its economic reforms was becoming a lender (even if it was only for small-medium countries) so the government of Tsar Alexander III responded as it used to do, moderation and caution.

While aid was not sent at all alarming at first, Russia mainly supported a system of advisers for the development of railways and civil industry.

The Joseon dynasty also received advisers and investments, although it was not only a request from the government, but also part of the Russian commercial interests in the Korean peninsula. However, Russian advisers in Korea played a much more active role than in Japan, Serbia or Bulgaria from the beginning.

Industrial advisers would also be vital to the modernization of some of the earliest Korean military factories (ammunition and weapons production). Some members of the future Korean army were already being trained by Russia, so obviously Korean heavy industry would also be in the Russian orbit in one way or another.

Other industrial advisers would also follow Russian policy in Korea so far regarding civil industry, railways, etc.


Another action regarding Russian economic influence in Japan occurred during the creation of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where Russians would play a role in the Japanese textile industry, agriculture, and railways.


* [Perspective of Nikola Tesla.]

The Serbian of Austro-Hungarian origin moved on to finish his university studies, although returning to university life was certainly boring, even a bit difficult after being part of the Foreign Legion.

Petar joined Nikola Tesla to finish his studies, although they already had Russian citizenship, while Mihajlo for the part of him with citizenship and his pension bought a house in Saint Petersburg and began to work leaving his studies.


"You have to see this guys, it's amazing." Mihajlo exclaimed out of his turn drawing Nikola and Petar towards the Tower of the Sun, under construction, but four metal legs were joining together to form a gigantic tower for the Universal Exhibition of Saint Petersburg.

"I have to admit, it is" Petar calmly mentions, for his part Nikola was observing the structure with interest in silence, thinking about what purpose it could fulfill outside of something simply aesthetic.

"Yes. I have a partner who is working on something to make it even faster." Mihajlo exclaims.

"Can we talk to him?" Nikola asks.

"I think so." Mihajlo responds.

The trio of Serbs met Nikolai Nikolaevich Benardos, in his spare time Bernardos was experimenting with a certain team.

"What is it for?". Nikola asks looking at the electrical equipment of the Greek-Russian.

"In theory, it would allow me to weld the metal more easily, we have already done the most difficult thing but now we have to keep going up and up until we finish the tower." Nikolai Bernardos responds. "Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov already discovered the possibility of electric welding of metals in 1803, but his method is somewhat ... outdated now."

"... Can I help you with this?" Nikola Tesla asks one more time.


"I worked 6 days a week, resting only on Sundays. Without taking holidays or breaks on other days, my university life was certainly very little 'fun' according to Mihajlo or Petar.

In 1878 then I began to help Mr. Nikolai Bernardos for the formation of arc welding with carbon electrodes, the base and most of the work was the work of Bernardos but he needed help to accelerate the final phases of the process.

In that I and other members of the Russian electrical engineering at the Imperial University of Saint Petersburg were able to help. He called it 'electrohephaestus'. "

-Memoirs of Nikola Tesla.



"1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10!" Tsar Alexander III celebrates by pulling the ear of his eldest son, Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich, obviously annoyed by the gesture on his tenth birthday.

"Dad, you are embarrassing me." The Tsesarevich responds with reddened ears.

"Oh come on, don't be a grouch." The tsar exclaims calmly laughing at his son. The Russian royal family (the emperor, the direct family, and some of the Tsesarevich's uncles and cousins) were at that time in Denmark, celebrating with the Tsesarevich's maternal family, the royal family of Denmark.

Tsar Alexander III left his son to play some pranks on the Danish royal family, leaving Tsesarevich Nicholas and his younger brother Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich to play in the courtyard.

"Do you think Dad has always been like this?" The Tsesarevich Nicholas asks his younger brother.

"How?". Grand Duke Alexander questions.

"...Forget it." Nicholas calmly responds by going to play with his younger brother.



June 4, Sultan Abdul Hamid II begins to make attempts to modernize his army, but unfortunately the Ottoman Empire is still not in the optimal conditions economically speaking, and there are problems regarding the government (parliament) and reforms due to complaints with the constitution adopted by Abdul Hamid II.

At first Abdul Hamid II would try to collaborate with the Young Ottomans (a group of Ottoman intellectuals dissatisfied with certain Tanzimat reforms) who sought to integrate Islam, liberalism and parliamentary democracy.

This, and the problems later with the Albanians, make Abdul Hamid II stop trying to negotiate and simply eliminate the constitution to return to absolute monarchy. Something that obviously still does not go well for the British liberals and parliamentarians, the only de-facto allies of Sultan Abdul Hamid II.


On June 10, the League of Prizren, Besëlidhja e Prizrenit) is founded, officially the League for the Defense of the Rights of the Albanian Nation (Albanian: Lidhja për mbrojtjen e të drejtave te kombit Shqiptar) which has the objective of 'defending the territory of Albania '.

Understand, the lands with Albanian population still in Ottoman rule. For the Albanian leaders, a relatively loyal population (in a region where many religions come together), it is clear that the Ottoman Empire can no longer (fully) defend their interests.

The prominent leader of this board is Abdyl Frashëri, but there are other men like Ali Ibra, Zija Prishtina, Sami Frashëri, Jani Vreto, Vaso Pasha and Baca Kurti Gjokaj.

Just as we are not and we do not want to be Turks, we will also oppose with all our might anyone who wants to become Slavs, Austrians or Greeks, we want to be Albanians.

-A pamphlet of the League of Prizren in 1878.

The League of Prizren called for the union of the Albanian Vilayets (or Albanian territories still in Ottoman possession) for the formation of a full Albanian autonomy. However, Sultan Abdul Hamid II, fearing that this is only a prelude to a new independence (considering that the Serbian, Montenegrin and Romanian independencies began with de-facto autonomy independence), refuses.

The Prizren League would soon be joined in total by some 30,000 guerrilla troops once their demands for the formation of Albanian autonomy were denied. Of course, the Balkans getting into trouble, nothing new.

The curious thing is that a Spanish man, born under the name of Juan de Aladro de Perez y Valasco, approaches Albania, to the intellectual circles of the Albanian national awakening.

A Spanish diplomat who belonged to the kingdom of Spain of Alfonso XII, but obviously his services in 1878 are little required for Spain.

On his trips to Europe. more specifically Vienna, Paris (1869), Brussels (1870), The Hague (1872), Bucharest, Athens, Naples, Venice, etc., Juan de Aladro became interested in the Albanian cause.

This also implies supporting the idea of full autonomy for Albania, the most curious thing is that the full name he takes is Juan Pedro Aladro y Kastriota y Pérez y Velasco. Since Don Aladro claims to descend, through paternal line due to his grandmother (Spanish nobleman with relations with Italy and France, from the time of Carlos III) descended from the Kastrioti family, more specifically from Gjergj Kastrioti or 'Skanderbeg', hero Albanian national.

Some Albanians as early as 1878 thought of Don Aladro as a possible prince or king of Albania.


June 22, through the boats captured and in possession, the Carlist 'navy' tries to take possession of the Balearic Islands, but they fail.

It is not too important, the Carlists continue to win their confrontations against the Alfonists on land (the Iberian Peninsula).