
Descending to hell? (January-March, 1875).

Moscow Metro]

At the beginning of January, an interesting project was proposed to the finance minister and the Committee of State Urban Planning, which required the attention of Tsar Alexander III. The Russian engineers Engineers Vasily Titov and Evgeny Karlovich Knorre proposed the construction of underground transport lines in the city of Moscow, from the Kursky station to the Lubyanskaya plant and Maryina roshcha.

Emperor Alexander III would approve the project, but earlier it was discussed further with Titov, Knorre, Minister Nikolai von Bunge and other members of the Committee. It was planned to go from "Rurikovich Gate" to "Sokolniki" via 11 other stations (Krasnye Vorota, Myasnitskiye Vorota, Lubyanka, Gavrikova, Smolenskaya, Kultury Park, Okhotny Ryad, Severnoye).

With about thirteen stations, the original line 1 of the Moscow Metro had about 11.2 kilometers of track, and the planning of 12 trains in circulation.

Titov and Knorre supported an underground subway due to possible difficulties in the soil of Moscow, which was accepted by the Committee of State Urban Planning.

He quickly began hiring more engineers, workers, and architects.


Metropolitan Innokenty of Moscow, known for his work in Alyáska, however, exclaimed his complaints regarding the idea of the Moscow Metro. Claiming that the subway would go against Russian orthodoxy.

"Is it possible to allow this sinful dream? Isn't a man, created in the image and likeness of God, humiliated by descending into hell?" The Moscow Metropolitan told the Tsar.

The tsar was silent for a few moments, trying not to offend the metropolitan. "... I can understand your theological concern, Metropolitan Innokenty, but I can assure you that the Moscow Metro will not suppose any offense to God, indeed, it will be a reverence for Our Lord. A victory of man over the devil, finally and at the end to get out of the subway you have to go up ".

"I still have my doubts about this, Your Highness." Metropolitan Innokenty responds.

"Well, let's say we have an idea to represent Russian Orthodoxy along the way." Tsar Alexander III responds.


With the Moscow Metro, Tsar Alexander III paid special attention to architectural detail, the point of the metro was not only to be practical and punctual for the development of the city of Moscow (the old capital of the Russian state), but it was also to be beautiful , aesthetic.

Antoni Gaudi stood out as one of the leading thinkers of the aesthetics of the original Moscow metro line, overseen by other Russian architects and the Moscow City Council. Gaudi and various Muscovite artists designed it with various art murals and aesthetic forms.

In essence, it was almost like seeing an immense palace hall, filled with Russian-Byzantine ornaments and symbols.

National symbols of Russia and historical events appeared (especially in Kultury Park), but there was also room for something simpler.

Representations of Moscow itself and Russian citizens, landscapes, etc.

The important thing is that construction started quite well.

In 1897, Bram Stoker would publish Dracula, in whose work it is said that the railroads and railway lines in the eastern regions of the world are not very punctual.

Stoker of course was never in Russia to check those parts of his writing. Since its inception, the Moscow Metro has been remarkably punctual.


[Russian Foreign Legion]

With the arrival of a new year, Emperor Alexander III announced (similar to the creation of the Romanov Scholarship) the creation of the Russian Foreign Legion. A military corps of the Russian Imperial Army, which like the French Foreign Legion, admits volunteers outside the Russian Empire who want to serve within the army.

After 3 years of service (or a combat wound), a member of the Russian Foreign Legion could apply for Russian citizenship, thereby acquiring all the rights and responsibilities of a Russian citizen (living in Russia).

Obviously there was a strong Slavic / pan-Slavic appeal or idea within the Russian Foreign Legion, because the first to join were Slavs under foreign powers, Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, etc. This obviously affected part of its symbology.

Pan-Slavic or nationalist newspapers praised this idea for this reason.

Although it can be said that there were also other volunteer foreigners in the Russian Foreign Legion, only that they were in smaller numbers compared to the Slavs (at least during the first generation of recruits).

The immediate symbols of the Russian Foreign Legion were the white-blue-red tricolor (colors taken by the Pan-Slavic Congress in Prague) accompanied by a black double-headed eagle in the center (without presenting any other royal or orthodox symbols).

The colors of the French Foreign Legion have an explanation outside of the Slavic nature of it. White represents nobility and frankness, blue represents loyalty, honesty, and impeccability, and red represents courage and boldness.


* Alexandrian perspective.

"You know, I think in the future I'm going to reshape the state symbols a bit." Emperor Alexander III mentions accompanied by Alexander Timashev and Dmitry Milyutin.

A black-yellow-white tricolor flag flew accompanying the celebration of the creation of the Russian Foreign Legion, a tricolor adopted in 1858 and representing the flag and coat of arms of the Russian state (the flag of the people was the white-blue one- Red).

"Any particular reason?" Minister Timashev asks.

"In a sense, yes. Our land is a huge, it's a huge project that spans three continents, our symbols are more important than it seems." Emperor Alexander III replies, "But there is still plenty of time for that."

The ministers nod.


*A little serbian perspective*

The 18-year-old Serbian was defeated, having recently wasted time working non-stop Monday through Saturday on projects outside of school and failed an exam for him that was not prepared, a considerable failure (and not his first). "Man, it's not the end of the world." Mihajlo mentioned it calmly.

"If I continue to fail in this way then I will lose the scholarship and have to go back to Austria-Hungary." Nikola Tesla responds to his friend.

"You won't, you are the smartest person I know. You will surely find another way." Mihajlo insists.

Nikola is quite frustrated.

"Hey, look at this Petar showed me." Mihajlo tries to get Nikola's attention by taking an ad from the Moskva newspaper, announcing the Russian Foreign Legion.

Both Serbs reread the ad. "Does Petar plan to join the army?" Nikola asks.

"It seems." Mihajlo announces. "I mean, it doesn't seem so bad ..."

"Are you planning to join?" Nikola asks something surprised.

"I mean ... I like this country, more than Austria-Hungary or the Ottoman Empire." Mihajlo responds. "Also, at the moment Russia has not entered any more wars. How bad can it be?"

"... I'm going to go with you, you two are going to get beaten or killed." Nikola sighs.

Mihajlo, on his part, laughs and slaps his friend on the back.

"My father wanted me to join the priesthood, I on the other hand went to try a secondary-tertiary education in Russia. When my father supported me in this, I joined the army...

The Russian Foreign Legion was another great influence in me, the training was physical and mental. We were widely taught the use of weapons and their maintenance, logistics and physical training of all kinds.

We take part in training for fighting in the Ural mountains, mobilization on railways, etc.

I don't regret joining the Russian army, but I certainly didn't do it at the best time. "

-Memoirs of Nikola Tesla.


[Aceh and Russia part 2]

In November 1874, the second Dutch expedition to the lands of the Aceh Sultanate failed (as did the first failure). This because both sides were inundated with diseases, even Sultan Alauddin Mahmud Syah II died of cholera.

Although the Dutch tried to take Banda Aceh, capital of the Sultanate, they could not due to the harassment of local guerrillas and the resistance of the city itself, without being able to unite the local elites in their favor. The Dutch, who numbered about 10,000 soldiers (and more than 4,000 servants) were forced to leave before the natives did, allowing the siege of Banda Aceh to be lifted.

The Acehnese appointed a grandson of Tuanku Ibrahim as the new sultan, Alauddin Muhammad Da'ud Syah II, aged 20-21.

This puts the Sultanate of Aceh in a remarkable situation, which has beaten the Dutch twice (keeping Dutch influence in the enormously small region).

However, Sultan Alauddin Muhammad Da'ud Syah II is not confident that this situation can be sustained in the long term. He has therefore requested (for the second time) Russian assistance in the survival of the Sultanate in January 1875.

The Russian word for this is "citizenship" (which implies a protectorate or being part of the Russian Empire) but Sultan Alauddin Mahmud Syah II uses the word "protectorate".

"Who would have guessed, the sultans of Aceh only ask us for help." Emperor Alexander III mentions surprised.

"It is certainly strange, although probably other European states will not respond positively either." Foreign Minister Gorchakov responds calmly. "Recently our agricultural exports to Siam and Aceh have increased."

"Could we convince William III to stop invading them for at least a decade?"

"Probably not". Foreign Minister Gorchakov responds.

"We're going to send him more food and some modern weapons. And some help from the Russian Society for the Care of Wounded and Sick Warriors and the Committee for the Provision of First Aid." Emperor Alexander III responds.


Aceh and Russia relations were certainly strange in a way, although it was normal. Aceh could not depend on the Ottoman caliph (since the Ottoman Empire lost its power in the Indian long ago), although the reason why not ask other European states with colonies in the area is unknown.

Russia for its part was willing to continue to help, selling dragon beans and weapons through Siam to the Aceh Sultanate.

As a (more plucitized) humanitarian effort the charities founded by Tsar Alexander III (Russian Society for the Care of Wounded and Sick Warriors, and the Committee for the Provision of First Aid to victims of accidents and public disasters) went to help the survivors of the most recent Dutch campaign in Aceh, which caused injuries and illnesses, as well as destruction of the poor regional infrastructure of course.

This was in addition to the attempts of Sultan Alauddin Mahmud Syah II to stabilize his country, calling on religious leaders (Ulamas) and tribal leaders to form a resistance against the Dutch.

The records and accounts of the time showed Sultan Alauddin Mahmud Syah II as a cheerful and extremely courteous man, who admitted to his court other peoples of Indonesia ("occupied" by "infidels" Dutch) and even Dutch deserters.

Motivated by the humanitarian aid of the Russian state towards other Sunni Muslims (and perhaps by the words of the Sultan of Aceh), some Sunnis from Russia to support their religious compatriots abroad.

Mainly Tatars from Sunni Islam (most Tatars are part of this religion), natives of the North Caucasus-Azerbaijan and some natives of Central Asia.

Sultan Alauddin Mahmud Syah II accepted them as advisers on various matters, mainly in the formation of more specialized militias.


*[Dutch perspective]

The instability of the government of William III in the decade after the Luxembourg Crisis (which triggered the Franco-Prussian war) was a severe setback in political and governmental senses.

The erratic government of William III was pitting itself against bourgeois-liberals who had begun to attract the common man due to William III's attempted sale of Luxembourg to France. Which caused that the second son of William III, Willem Alexander Karel Hendrik Frederik, was now Grand Duke of Luxembourg within the German Empire.

But the status of Willem Alexander within the Dutch succession was not made clear, so for some there was a threat that Willem Alexander and his offspring would become King of the Netherlands (if William, Prince of Orange, died earlier that his father or died childless). Bringing the country into a close union (diplomatic or political) with Germany.

The shameful second defeat at the hands of the Sultanate of Aceh (seen as barbaric and savage) did not help the popularity of the monarchy under William III, causing even more negative opinions against the monarchical regime.

William III's decisions to order reprimands against the failed (mostly unheard) colonial forces didn't help either.

Public opinion, promoted by bourgeois-liberals against William III, did not pay attention to what was happening in Aceh, while seriously calling for a reform of the government and the laws of succession.

Indirectly allowing the situation in Indonesia to begin to change.


[Sports culture]

With the preparations for the second stay of the Russian Soccer League, four teams have been winners to be part of the 16 player teams.

* Kalisz: The second predominantly Polish team to participate in the Russian Soccer League. A fair team in the borderlands, made up of middle class people supported by the Polish nobility.

* Kurgan: A team from the southern Urals, formed by the support of industrialists and upper-middle class players from the region.

* Kharkov: Last year's winning team, they don't need too much introduction.

* Mangazeya: A team from the northern regions of Western Siberia, made up of people from the city of Mangazeya (a mainly mining city) supported by industrialists from the area.



On January 1, various British railways abolish the category of Second Class passengers, leaving only the First and Third Class.

On January 5, the forces of Henry V achieve a surprising victory over Bonapartist forces, leading to victory in the surrounding regions of Paris that seriously alleviates the poor conditions of the city besieged by Bonapartist forces.

However, on the border of the imperial province of Elsaß-Lothringen (Alsace-Lorraine) an incident occurs when a group of Legitimists-Orleanists repelled a cell of socialist radicals, investigating where the weapons of these rebels against King Henry V came from. Awakening the mobilization of a nearby German garrison that feared a French invasion.

The conflict between the Germans and the French came to blows and gunshots, alerting Ceran regiments that quickly mobilized while the bulk of the forces on both sides awaited orders, with somewhat confusing news.

The German Empire calls for a small mobilization for the defense of Elsaß-Lothringen and the idea of a preventive war does not take long to emerge in the cabinet of Otto von BIsmarck, while French nationalists and the forces of Henry V call for a halt with the Bonapartists for the "defense of the fatherland".

The German mobilization draws the attention of an annoying Austria-Hungary, which puts Italians on alert for the possibility of an Austro-Hungarian mobilization against Germany.

The United Kingdom led by Prime Minister Gladstone and Queen Victoria was quick to threaten Germany with the Royal Navy's move on the German maritime border, saying that the German Empire would not attempt any more bravado against France (or interference in French affairs).

German newspapers such as Berlin's The Post extol the "Krieg-in-Sicht" news of a supposed Anglo-German war.

On February 15, the German forces demobilized from the vicinity of the German-French border. The nationalist press of course does not shut up.

German conspirators are quick to say that on February 24, the British Empire attacked the German Empire, when the SS Gothenburg of more than 100 passengers, including dignitaries and high-profile officials, sank off Australian shores (causing precisely the death of officials and 102 other Germans).

It is obvious that the German Empire is a growing power, which may elicit reactionary responses from other European powers when it exercises its power over local nations and states.

The UK and Austria-Hungary have shown to be opposed to the idea of a preventive Franco-German war (by Germany), while on the other hand the Russian Empire was simply focused on other issues.

On January 14 in the Iberian Peninsula, the proclaimed King Alfonso XII arrives for the first time since the Bourbon destitution to the territory, however with Madrid under siege he cannot reach the capital of the new kingdom of Spain.

And it seems that he will have to wait, since the military forces that proclaimed Alfonso in Madrid have been defeated by the Carlist armies from the east. Taking Madrid in the name of King Carlos VII.

The Carlist War has taken an interesting turn.

Speaking of southern Spain, in January the new Spanish kingdom and the Carlist forces (not working together of course) achieved the elimination of most of the cantons and the problems associated with them.

The problem is that now the Carlists are more entrenched in Aragon, Catalonia, the Basque Country, Navarra and they even have Madrid.

On February 25, Prince Zaitan, cousin of Emperor Tongzhi, ascends as Emperor Guangxu at the age of 3 (turning 4 in August 1875). After the death of his cousin.

Empress Dowager Ci'an and Empress Dowager Cixi are his regents.

Some more of the Native Americans of the United States move to Russian America when General George Crook forces most of the Yavapai (Wipukyipai) and Tonto Apache (Dil zhee) at gunpoint to leave their lands in Valle Verde (Arizona) to the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation.