
Before the light (October-December, 1869


In Europe the opinions of the French-Prussian war did not take long to show, at the beginning of that war in reality people were betting mainly on France, or at least that it would be a much longer war than it was.

Yes, it was not the most impressive Prussian-German victory, but it was a remarkable defeat for France. And the effects it would have on the European order would resonate sooner or later.

The Russians are among those who paid most attention to the logistical lessons left by the war, preparation and the general staff were vital in many ways.

That had become clear in the Prussian stall situation after the battles in Luxembourg, their logistics just weren't ready.

In years after the military reform, a Russian military elite grew under certain concepts.

One of them was the preparation and functions of the commanders and ranks within the army, the first example of the Russian mode of warfare at that time was carried out in 1873. But it was not truly put to the test until later.


By the end of 1869 the Russian army was almost fully armed, having successfully integrated the Chassepots rifle, artillery, and other items of weaponry a little ahead of time.

Results that gratified Tsar Alexander III.

Despite this, the Russian heavy industry did not stop, there was an emphasis in which obviously the metallurgy and the arms industry were going to continue (will the Russians like it or not), particular commissions focused on experimentation for the modification of pre material. -existing, development of new weapons or improvements of Russian technical capabilities.



"I'm nervous" Emperor Alexander III admits.

"You will do great" Empress Maria Feodorovna is quick to admit. The emperor sighs and smiles at his wife, quite pleased by the words of encouragement.

Emperor Alexander III officially announced in the city of St. Petersburg, the Russian Society for the Care of Wounded and Sick Warriors, and the Committee for the Provision of First Aid to victims of accidents and public disasters.

Added to this, in the heart of Russia, they began construction for the infrastructure of a response against fires, and aid for the injured (a kind of ambulances, although in reality they were carriages rather than motor vehicles).

This was somewhat similar to the Russian community of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross founded in 1854 by Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna. But on a much larger scale in a sense, Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna became official patrons of these organizations.

The goal of the Russian Society for the Care of Wounded and Sick Warriors (later to become the Russian Red Cross) and the Committee was the (almost) immediate response for the population.

Earthquakes, fires, famines, wars, disease, and other various types of aid (orphanages, schools, shelters, etc.) would start at the initiative of these organizations.

They were not only a response plan that would help the population of Russia, it was also public relations, it not only helped the figure of the Romanov dynasty, it also marked a message.

A message of empathy and solidarity (and health care) among the Russian population to help those most in need, organizations accepted donations or at least collaboration for the response of various accidents or events.

Many members of the Romanov family (Grand Dukes and Dukes, and associates) as well as members of the society (scientists, doctors, writers, and musicians) became honorary members of the society.

And of course, following the example of the emperors, many of them donated to the cause of the moment.

When there was no cause or accident, these two organizations also held some events in public places in the Russian Empire, promoting health care and exercise.

Part of Alexander III's sports culture policy in the rest of the Russian Empire, although the largest sporting events would come some time after the organizations were founded.

The organizations also assisted on stages abroad some years after their inception.



Emperor Alexander III after his daily routine met with Interior Minister Alexander Yegorovich Timashev to discuss all future plans. "I want us to go over everything one more time. Does the Okhrana have something to report?" The emperor asks.

"There does not seem to be any revolt among the nobility, your highness, your closest brothers and cousins seem to be quite calm, Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich has abandoned political activity since the birth of the Tsesarevich. The Okhrana is on top of his cousins further afield and other members of the nobility, none of the individuals we monitor seem to be planning anything. " The minister reports quite confident.

"Very good, very good. What about the budget and the buildings?" Emperor Alexander III asks again.

* "Minister von Bunge has repeatedly reviewed the expenses and the budget, he has not reported anything new since the last reviews." Minister Timashev begins with the financial report of the expenses.

* "Minister Melnikov and Deputy Minister Bobrinsky seem to have everything prepared for May as you wish." Timashev responds about the Trans-Siberian and associated projects.

* "Minister Golovnin and Deputy Minister Delyanov already seem to have made all the necessary preparations for the new school year." Timashev announces optimistically.

* "Minister Milyutin has also carefully prepared the requirements outlined in the reform program." Timashev ends on military reform.

They were two great reforms for 1870-1871, and a pseudo-reform associated with the Trans-Siberian. The economic reform for its part would come in 1872.

"Very well, he is confident that the situation will continue like this." Emperor Alexander III finally held something calmer. "Now let's see if there is any other matter to attend to."

The emperor calls and the minister of the interior goes with him.

Running Russia is a huge affair, there are more than 100 native ethnic groups, various religions, a territory that encompasses a total of 3 continents, various elites and peasants, regional situations, etc. You have to have a great control and revision of the bureaucracy, the economy, the army, diplomacy, infrastructure, etc.



In October it was announced to the region and the South Slavic tribe of the Krivošije, inhabitants of the mountains of the Kotor region in the Kingdom of Dalmatia, that under Austro-Hungarian laws, there was now compulsory military service.

This Slavic (Serbian) tribe of orthodox beliefs, they have never been compelled before, they had voluntarily joined the Austrian navy on some occasions and all the men carried arms. But force them? Never, and that is why they have rebelled.

Lieutenant Field Marshal Johann Ritter von Wagner insisted that everything was under control, but he was not, and he had to call in reinforcements. With some help from the Montenegrins and some Ottomans from Herzegovina, the Krivošije defeated the Austro-Hungarians (five battalions).

The Austro-Hungarians led their artillery and a naval squadron, but the infrastructure and geography of the region was against the Austro-Hungarians.

In November the Krivošije, a total of 1000 troops, defeated 15 Austro-Hungarian battalions. It was discussed what to do in December, Feldzeugmeister Gavrilo Rodić and Chef der Militärkanzlei Friedrich von Beck-Rzikowsky supported a compromise with the rebels. Which will arrive in January of the following year.

South Slavs (mainly Croatians) celebrate.

In October in Canada the Red River Rebellion breaks out.

The Suez Canal opens.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy publishes War and Peace in Russia.

Jesse James makes his first bank robbery.

The Triple Alliance of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay takes Asunción, from Paraguay.

It is the late 1860s, and about to enter the 1870s, the German Empire is newly formed under Emperor Wilhelm I of Germany. In this context, groups of the National Liberal and Free Conservative parties due to the new German presence in Southeast Asia are excited by a German colonial policy (in particular the German commercial presence in the region already exists).

Chancellor Otto von Bismarck tried to cool heads and promote the sale of the colonies because Germany's European position was more important, but sadly he had little success with a young and energetic mass joining German colonial societies.

For example, a 19-year-old Eugen Wolf joined one of these. The motivations were partly nationalistic, all the Empires seemed to have an interest in at least some colony, the British had Canada, Australia and other territories, Russia had Alyáska and its adventures in Asia, France still had African territories, etc.

Under these precepts, special rights were granted to German companies with the intention of domination of the Indochina colony, in the first years enjoying moderate success that increased German interest in the region and reforms.

But the German mass wanted more, they needed strategic territories to maintain simpler lines of logistics and defense, and they needed a larger army and a larger navy.

Some are not only interested in Indochina, but also in Japan and China, and other parts of the Pacific.

In Spain after the Glorious Revolution, the Cortes has two main candidates, Amadeo of Saboya (son of King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy) and Prince Leopold of the Catholic branch of the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (married to Infanta Antonia of Portugal) .

Either one could win and accept the throne, but the courts have preferred to vote first before anything else. For a total of 4 votes, the request is sent to Prince Leopold first.

With the Prussian victory over France, Prince Leopold was surprisingly confident, and although his father Prince Karl Anton of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen recommended greater caution, it was finally reported that Leopold accepted the Spanish throne.

Leopold would go to the throne as Leopold (or Leopoldo according to the Spanish) I of Spain. The French reaction was one of obvious terror once again having a Germanic king in Spain (the Habsburgs were a pain to the French when they were Holy Roman Emperors and Kings of Spain).

The English were also concerned about the sudden change in the European balance.

The Germans celebrated the new commercial opportunities, Otto von Bismarck questioned the sanity of Prince (now King) Leopold.

Russia was sleeping.

Another naval battle takes place between the Republic of Ezo and the Meiji court of Japan, in this battle there is another pyrrhic victory for the Republic of Ezo of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

The situation in Japan is becoming desperate, both sides are heavily in debt. Modernization is costly and Emperor Meiji knows that if he wants to focus on it, he must somehow end the Ezo Republic.

The war has been going on for almost 1 year now.


[Russian diplomacy]

"I wonder how long Leopold will last on his new throne" Emperor Alexander III cannot help but exclaim.

"Without support, little." Minister Gorchakov takes little time to respond. "Are we going to do something about it?" The minister questions.

"We are just going to send some congratulations and gifts, I don't want to meddle too much in Germanic and Spanish affairs." The tsar responds calmly. "I am more concerned about the Japanese situation."

"I think it would be more logical not to get another rival in the area." Minister Gorchakov points out.

"Yes, but it is happening in our backyard. If we support Ezo and they win, we will weaken Japan for some time. If we support Emperor Meiji we will gain an ally in the short and medium term." Tsar Alexander III points out. "Allying with the Meiji Emperor will make us medium and long-term enemies of the Joseon Dynasty and the Koreans."

"Are we interested in good relations with Korea?" Minister Gorvhakov asks.

"I have the intuition that in a few years they will be more useful than now." Emperor Alexander III claims. "Can we make some loans to the Japanese? Debt them with us."

"Better ask Minister von Bunge."