
Our First Meet…And Something More…

The girls didn't speak the whole trip back, and I didn't speak a word to them apart from my first "follow me" command.

We rode one last carriage that took us right to the town I lived in, Selene. It stopped right by my home at the far east of the town, as I had instructed. Once it dropped us off, I tipped the driver and watched as it left down the street.

With a deep, long breath, I turned to the girls.

"Hey…um…" The words were caught in my throat.

I wasn't normally this nervous. It was the thought of the new relationship between me and the girls that still hadn't sunk in yet putting me in this difficult position.

But first thing was first, we couldn't just wait outside here. I wouldn't want people seeing me with these girls right now.

"Let's go inside."


My home was quite large for a single person to live in. Until a little while ago, it had been the home me and my father had shared, but not that he was gone, I was all alone here.

Upon entering, there was the large living room. The floor stretched out until it reached the kitchen in the back. On the left and right were stairs that led to the second floor, where the four bedrooms were. It was a well-built house that could withstand quite a bit of beating and was pretty expensive. Thankfully, because of that, there wasn't much repair that needed to be done. Just the occasional touch-up.

"Sit down anywhere," I said while motioning them inside.

The girls walked in.

The red-haired girl sat down at the far end of the five-seater chair while the elf sat at the opposite end. The twins on the other hand walked a few meters inside and then slid down to sit on the ground.

An illusive pair.

I walked around until I faced all four of them. Once again, I marveled at their beauty. Each one of them was almost unbelievably pretty.

I cleared my throat.

"Okay, so, I think I should introduce myself first." I put my fist to my chest as I said, "I'm Kaelor Starlin. From now on, I shall be your guardian." I hesitated to say master since that felt a tad bit embarrassing to actually say out loud. "With that out of the way, what are your names?"

My question was met with silence.

Eventually, the red-haired girl turned her gaze toward me. "Don't act like you fucking care."

The first words out of these girls and I'm already getting cursed at. Great.

"I do, really," I reassured her.

"No, you don't. All you're going to do is try using us as your playthings and eventually toss us out. So just get over the pleasantries and nice guy act and do what you want with us." Her rough voice resonated across the large house.

I couldn't lie and say that the thought of having sex with at least one of them hadn't crossed my mind, but that wasn't my main priority at all. In reality, just them being here was enough. But I guess I couldn't just say that to them. As if they'd believe that.

"Do what I want with you, huh," I repeated her words back to her, walking towards them. Before I could even begin to do what I wanted to do, the elf girl shot up and pushed me to the ground.


I didn't know what was going on. Obviously, she wasn't attacking me. She couldn't do that as long as she was under the master/servant pact, so what was she…?

Immediately, she took off the rags covering her body, exposing her bare skin to me. Her eyes were just as hollow as they'd always been, not a hint of life. Not a blush or slight nervousness was visible. Almost like she was doing it out of pure instinct.

She picked up my hand and put it against her breast. My fingers sunk into the soft mounds, feeling the nipple at the center of my palm. As she moved my hand on her breast, she used her other hand to pull down my pants.

That's when I snapped back to reality.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I grabbed her waist and pushed her off me. The momentum made us practically switch places. Now it was me who was on all fours over the elf girl. Still, even in this position, there was no reaction out of her.

I quickly stood and looked at the other girls.

"I haven't said anything about what I'll do to any of you, so don't go assuming anything."

"Look, it's not our first time seeing all of this. We know how all of you guys think," the red-headed girl said.

The twins, still seemingly unaware of what was going on, simply stared back and forth between us.

"I get that, I do, but…"

But what exactly? What made me any different from everyone else who bought slaves?

Slavery has been a thriving market for a long time. It's not like people are forcibly taken from their homes to become slaves, but the reality wasn't much better. Most slaves were bred to become slaves, everyone else would've been sold to slavery for one reason or another. Which is basically not far off from the worst possible option.

It's not like I could do anything to free slaves either.

Every person born was established a citizen code. That citizen code was needed to traverse places without being sent to prison or worse. The code was tied directly to the person, so the leading government bodies could recognize you as a person. All you had to do was present the card to the appropriate officials.

But slaves had no code. Either because they were always meant to be slaves or because their codes were revoked among becoming slaves, it was impossible to free them without dooming them to a worse fate. At best they'd be stuck with a master who wasn't too demanding or cruel…at worse…

"Look, my intention isn't to be cruel to any of you, really. I know you won't believe me, and that's fine, but I really mean it." I helped the elf girl to her feet and sat her on the chair once more.

"Shut up. I don't want to hear it." The red-haired girl spat.

Yeah, that's about what I expected.

"Just…wait here." Fixing my pants, I headed for the kitchen.


It took me a few minutes, but I cooked up a quick stew that I had planned on making today. Usually I'd have enough leftovers for at least a week, but with so many mouths to feed, I'd be lucky to have enough for everyone.

After finishing making the stew, I got out five bowls and filled them as much as I could. Except for mine which I only filled halfway.

 I placed them each on the long table this house came with and called for the girls. "All right, all of you come here."

The four girls stood, the twins holding hands, and they all stood near the table.

"Sit. Anywhere is fine." I sat at the far end of the table and waited for them to sit as well.

The twins took the two seats on my left while the elf took the seat on the right closest to me and the red-haired girl took the one next to that. They all stared at the bowls, swallowing hard. Their eyes shifted from the bowls to me and then back to the bowls.

"What, are you doing this to taunt us or something?" Came the now familiar voice of the red-haired girl. Just as she said that the twins' stomach growled loudly.

I laughed. "No, I made this for all of you. Please, dig in."

All four looked at me in shock.

Red-haired girl took the spoon and swirled the stew around. "You probably added something to this, didn't you? Poison? Aphrodisiac? Let me tell you right now, neither works on me."

"Jeez, how untrusting are you? Just eat already. At best you get food and at worst your suffering will come to an end quicker. So what do you have to lose?"

She grimaced as she came to the same realization.

Before she could eat any, however, the twins already had filled their spoons with stew and were already bringing it to their mouths—

""Mmmh!!"" They let out simultaneously. Bright flashes sparkled in their eyes like fireworks. Their tales straightened before looking at each other and then at me.

"Is it good?"

They nodded fiercely. Quickly, they began to devour the rest of the bowl.

Next was the elf girl. She took a single spoonful of stew and slowly lifted it to her mouth in a single motion. For a moment when she closed her lips around the spoon, I thought I saw her eyes glitter, but in a flash, it was gone.

"How is it?"

After a long pause, I finally heard her low, silky voice. "…Good."

I faced the red-haired girl once more. "Well?"

Scrunching up her face, she bit her lip and sighed. She quickly took a spoonful of stew and shoved it in her mouth—

Her eyes widened.

She sat motionless for a long time.

"So, what do you think? Tastes like poison or anything?" I mockingly asked.

"…no…" she put the spoon back down, took more stew, and put it in her mouth. "…It's not bad." Her voice trembled.

And so my mission was complete. I had gotten good ratings out of all four of them, even though the stew was mediocre at best, which finally gave me the signal to eat some of my own.

Yep, still mediocre.

Just as I had started eating mine, both chairs on my left pulled back as the twins stood. I stared at them in surprise and watched them walk around the table and stopping at either side of me. Black-haired on my right and blonde on my left, they kneeled on the ground and—


—Wrapped themselves around my arms.

""We love you."" They spoke in a cute voice simultaneously.

"Oh, that's good…I think…"

With two cute girls on each arm, who were purring as well, I could simply sit there as red-haired girl glared at me. I guess I really wasn't making my reputation any better this way.


As night came around, I showed each girl to their room.

"We're…sleeping inside the house?" Red-haired asked.

"Of course. Where else would you be."

The twins were still attached to each of my arms. They hadn't let go since dinner (Which made it really difficult to eat).

"Okay, so this first one is for you two," I called out the twins at my sides. "I only have three spare rooms, but I'm sure you won't mind sharing, right?"

They both shook their head.

"Great. The bed is large enough to fit both of you, so you should be fine but let me know if you have any trouble, okay?"

After telling them to go inside, they finally let go of my arms and walked into the room.

"Next up is you," I pointed at the elf. "You'll be sleeping alone so the bed might feel a little big, I hope that isn't a problem." I smiled.

"Understood," was all I got from her as she entered the room I assigned her.

"She's really serious, huh."

"Rightfully so." The last new member of the household said.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." I pointed to the last open room, the one across from mine, "That one is yours. Same thing as for the elf. Bed is big and there's a lot of room."

She creaked the room open and looked inside.

It was a relatively simple room. Even when my dad was around, there wasn't much use for four rooms when only two of us lived here. Only my room and the one the elf girl would now be sleeping in were occupied. Of course, that room was now empty, but this room specifically had been empty since we moved in—as far as I remember.

Large bed at the far right of the room covering most of the corner. Window at the far left. And a single closet on the right.

"It's a bit empty, I know, but we'll try filling it later." I pulled away and walked towards my room. I turned the knob and turned, but she was still staring inside. "Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "…Y-Yeah…"

"Alright…good night." I walked into my room and closed the door behind me.


As a deeper night sunk in, I lay in my bed thinking about today's events.

I have more than enough money to pay for their food, I mean, I'd wasted a little over 10% of the money I inherited on them, and that alone was already a massive investment. Food wouldn't be a problem. But what about clothes? I had no idea what girls liked.

Guess I'll just have to take them shopping with me. I just hope no one asks too many questions. It wasn't frowned upon to have slaves, but I'm sure anyone would be able to see through me as to why I had them in the first place. For work, the answer that most people gave, was clearly not it.

I'd just have to find—

Knock Knock

The unfamiliar sound rapped at my door.

Automatically, I answered, "Come in."

As the door creaked open, a blue-haired elf came walking into my room. Without saying a word, she closed the door behind her and locked it. She came up to the side of my bed before finally speaking.

"I'm sorry for being a bother."

"Don't worry, you're not bothering me. What's the matter?"

"You see," she began, speaking slowly. "As I have been paired with you, I wanted to inform you of an aspect of my duties. I've been designated as a sex slave and have been enchanted with specific aspects to enhance my ability to complete that duty."

It was the longest string of words I'd heard from her, yet the lack of emotion behind not only her eyes, but her voice as well, was almost haunting.

"Part of those enhancements are my need to have sex with my master every day. If I don't, I am assaulted with a burning, painful, sensation throughout my body. Supposedly, that sensation is my body creating an aphrodisiac-like substance that will make whenever we do have sex feel that much better. Do as you wish with that information."

I see. It had already been over a day since we'd formed that pact. The trip back home was a long one, so if anything, it was already about to be two days in a few hours. If it really was painful for her, then it probably made it really uncomfortable to do anything, never mind sleep.

"That is all I wanted to say." She bowed once before heading towards my door.

"Wait!" I let out as she grabbed the knob. "So what you're saying is that the condition makes it difficult to sleep."

"That is true, but this isn't about my sake, it's about yours. The less time you have sex with me, the better you'll feel. Only think about that." She began turning the knob.

"No," I said. "I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that you're suffering like that…" I swallowed hard. I licked my dry lips as I outstretched my arm and said, "Come here."

The elf girl locked the door once more and walked back to me. She took my hand, and I brought her to my bed…