

Amy a young adult who has always hoped to fill the space of loneliness, emptiness inside her. She and loneliness have been one for a long time. There was nothing that could pull her out of her trance of loneliness. Not even her own family members. What would happen when she meets a guy who she befriended and then turned her world of dullness into a colourful world??

Daoist7TvEr5 · Ciudad
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13 Chs

02- First day in uni

I reached the bus stop and I saw people waiting for the bus also. I stood and not more than 2 minutes the bus came. We all entered the bus, we were all headed to town ,but I was heading to the school.

I plugged in my earphones and played one of my favorite songs Happier by Billie Eillish. As the song kept on playing, I was transferred to my own world. I felt empty and was imagining so many things.

The bus stopped at whales close which wasn't too far from the school and I came down with my earphones still plugged in. I walked towards the direction of the university since it's not far.

I got into the university and was walking awkwardly dragging my black leather school bag which I just bought a week before behind me. I stopped to ask one of the students where the arts departments is when my eyes landed on one of the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen. He caught me unaware as I was lost in his beautiful eyes. Yes he!!...he's a guy. I've never felt this way with another person. He's just so beautiful and dreamy...

I was daydreaming when his voice brought me back to reality. "Hi, are you new here?"...'God...that voice is so sexy, I'm already smitten by him...oh well people never last anyways I said to myself, u're just feeling lust for him Amy, get yourself together'

"Yes I am" I replied as i struggled to pull myself out from the trance I was. "I'm looking for the department of arts, I'm majoring in creative writing".

"Oh that's a very nice course, fortunately I'm also in the arts department I could show you where the hall is, do you know where the lecture will hold, time is running"

"Oh yes, yes..it's holding in the main hall?" I said with confusion clearly evident in my voice as I looked at him.

"Okay, I know where that is, let's go before the lecture starts, it's almost ten"

We headed to the main hall. Meanwhile I was in my own thoughts, thinking if I was going to make friends, how my life will be in school, if I can bear staying in the same room with someone I don't know before.

I was still in my thoughts when I heard his voice. "We're here"..."Thank you" I replied.

I rushed and entered the class. The hall was so wide it could take 100-150 person's. It was painted cream all round and there were some posters with quotes and pictures of famous old writes, whom I could hardly recognize since I wasn't used to checking them up, 'I really need to start doing that if I want to get through this course' I said to myself.

People were chatting, some were just sitting, some seemed like old friends while some were reading books. I took a sit on one of the seats where I saw people weren't that much which was the fifth seat in the third row. I took out my new notes and pens and placed them on the table. Also brought out my phone and headphones to keep myself busy till the lecturer comes into the class. I was lost in the music I was listening to and didn't notice the lecturer had come already until I felt someone's hand tapping me which brought me back to reality.

"The lecturer is here" she said to me.

"Oh, thank you" I said to her.

"Hello students, I'm your lecturer for this course cw101, which will mainly be a background step for you all to know about creative writing and what it entails. We'll be doing a lot of group works, individual writings and so on as the time goes on."

"Today however, will be for introduction of the course, and you guys will introduce yourselves as I've introduced myself also so we can get to know each other, okay?".

"Okay" we all answered.

Class ended for the day. I was packing my notes and pens into my bag when I felt someone tapped me and said "hey".

I raised my head up to see who it was and it was the girl that tapped me earlier in class. "Hey" I replied back to her.

"I'm Courtney, you?" She smiled and said to me stretching out her hand

Ugh, I hate touching people. I shook her hands anyways to not let her feel somehow. "I'm Amy" I replied back.

"You were so lost back in class then, are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yes, yes I am" I replied her immediately to avoid saying more than I should.

"So...I see you like listening to music" she asked again

'God can't this girl be any less annoying' I say in my head and sigh out loud.

"Oh, am I disturbing you, I'm a blabber mouth, sorry" she says and smiles awkwardly.

"I have to go now" I said to her and left without even waiting for her to say goodbye


I reached home, I know you're wondering why I didn't stay at the dorm. I hate crowds, and I know for sure if I stay at the dorm, my dorm mates would surely being their friends that's why I decided to go from home to school. It is stressful of course but I'd rather do that than meet with a lot of people.

I entered the house and went straight to my bedroom, which was dark grey in color, no decorations, fancy or not. My bookshelf is on the larger side of the wall of my room, while my wardrobe was on the other side, my bed was in the middle, it's a 6 by 6 bed.

I threw myself and my bag on the bed. Pulled off my shoe since it's making my leg ache me. I laid on the bed again and was just staring into nothing when suddenly the image of the guy I met earlier today. His eyes, his smile, the way he talked...'hey, hey what's wrong with you Amy, get yourself together' I scolded my self.

I was still wondering what was wrong with me when I heard a knock on the door.

"come in" I said drowsily. The door opened and Tracy came in.

"Hey darling, how was your first day in school today?".

'ugh can she stop calling me those pet names already'..." It was fine" I replied without even looking at her.

She sighed and said " I just wanted to know how your day was, so I came to ask"

I rolled my eyes and shifted to the other side of the bed and didn't reply her. I guess she took that as her cue and left the room.

Immediately she left, I just stood up and took my clothes off and headed for that bathroom where I headed to wash away today's stress by taking a cold shower.

I got into the bathroom and put on the shower and set the water to 'cold', as the water poured gently on my body it felt as if it was trying to clear all my pain away.

After sometime, I put off the shower and put on my bathrobe and came out of the bathroom. I opened my wardrobe to bring out a full body cover sleepwear that has a hoodie with cat ears to wear. After dressing up, I laid down on the bed and was thinking about how my life would be in school when I fell asleep.


I saw myself in the middle of a forest, it seemed so dark and scary, but I pulled myself together and tried looking around.

While looking at the surroundings I was, my eyes landed on a figure standing far away from me. The figure moved slowly towards me, as I started tearing up and didn't know why.

I was still trying to take in what was going on when the figure moved so close to me and I saw the face of my late mother, I recognized her because dad showed me her pictures and told me all about her before he passed.

As she moved closer, I wanted to hug her, hold her tight so I could be with her, but then I saw a car driving at a full speed out of nowhere, came and hit her where she stood.

"Mom, no, no"... "noooooooooooo" I screamed and woke up suddenly. Panting and trying to catch my breath, I realized it was all a dream and I was still in my room. Cleaning the sweat that was on my face away, I said to myself 'that was just a nightmare, calm down'. I stayed up a little bit and slept back cause my eyes felt heavy again.

'Beep, beep, beep, beep' the sound kept on ringing as it woke me up forcefully. I hit the alarm by my bed side with annoyance as I sat upright.It is the weekend finally,'I have to go to the gym, do my house chores and do my assignments' I said to myself while yawning and rubbing my eyes.

I stood up from the bed sluggishly and went to my wardrobe to bring out my gym clothes, I took a black sports bra and leggings which had the Adidas logo, yh, you could say I love branded clothes. I picked a black sports shoe to pair with it, took my headphones and my water bottle and phone. I decided to wear a hoodie, since I don't want people to keep staring at me, even though the gym is not so far from my house.

I reached the gym at exactly 7:00am, not much people were there, it was the perfect time for me to start my activities without anyone disturbing me. Immediately I took of my hoodie and started with the exercises. While doing the exercises, I noticed someone staring intensely at me, I turned to look and it was the guy who had entered the gym not quite long, he has a blonde hair, pale skin, wore a grey armless shirt, and a black free sport short. Immediately I looked and saw he was looking at me, I turned back to avoid him thinking I was into him. Anyone could be into him at least not me.

I rounded up my exercise at about 9:00am and was ready to leave when I heard someone calling behind me "hello","hi" repeatedly, I turned and saw it was the guy from earlier, I ignored him and walked as fast as my feet took me. I hate talking to people.

I reached home and headed to my room. Hungry and tired, I dragged my feet till I reached my room. I opened the door and entered the room, I removed my clothes and headed for the bathroom, 'I really need a cold water bath right now' I said to myself.

I put on the shower and let the water pour on me. All of a sudden my thoughts went to the guy I saw at the gym, how hot he looked, especially with the armless shirt, his arms which had gained some muscle due to the effect of going to the gym regularly, his eyes....his eyes??, Why does his eyes reminds me of the guy I met in school. 'forget it, just forget it, who are you becoming amy' I asked myself in disgust. I came out of the bathroom and straight into the room


Next Monday I went to school and saw that a lot of people were gossiping to each other about some boy as I overhead.i headed to my seat to do the usuals till the lecturer comes in to take us when Courtney rushed over to my side and tapped me slightly on the shoulder and said in a girly girl type of voice that has a high pitched tone to hit saying "oh..my..God, have you heard?"..."heard about what" I replied nonchalantly to her, "obviously you haven't" she said a little disappointed and sassy. I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Okay, there's a new boy at school and rumour has it he's so handsome when you see him you'd fall in love with him immediately" she says dramatically as she puts her hands together and raise her eyes up as though she's imagining him. "They say, he has blonde hair, pale skin, and he's dreamy" she continues as she drags herself into her wonderland.

I look at her and shake my head as I turned to my table and put my notes and pens on it. "Oh, and the most interesting part of this, they say he's in our department, majoring our course also, freshman like ussssss" she continues to talk. "Ugh... whatever Courtney, I don't really care" I said to her and plugged in my earphones to avoid other rubbish talks that has nothing of interest to me. The lecturer came in and lecture commenced.


Class ended and I wanted to go out, just to take a fresh air instead of going home straight. It was just 1:00pm and I was hungry, I decided to ask Courtney if she knew any restaurants around school.

"Hey Courtney, do you know any restaurants around school here I'm really hungry" I said as I clutched my stomach that was growling.

"Oh, I know, I'm also hungry too, let's go to my room, I need to get changed, can't let those hot boys see me in these" she said waving her hand up and down on herself. I rolled my eyes and scoffed as I thought who was going to look at her."please, pretty please, it'll save you money for transport cause I have a car and you'll get to know my room also" she squeaked happily as she tugged at my arms, making 'puppy eyes'.

'Really, what does she see in me that makes her like me' I asked myself the question.

She dragged me as we both walked out of the class. We headed for the car park, that's when she told me she has a car, not the trendy type of cars but it was at least a 2005 Toyota Camry, which she got from the money she first made when she sold some of her works. I was impressed. She wasn't like me who has not done anything tangible yet, I say to myself.

We walked past a number of rooms, stairs and we were finally in front of her room, which a had a slate with 32b written boldly on it. She unlocked the door as it seemed it was locked from the outside. Her roommates are not around I guessed. Thank God, I said.

We entered the room, she put on the light, the room was painted purple, there was a shelf on the side which had books on it, three bunk beds each on the side of the wall that faced the door, a wine painted wardrobe.

I sat down on the bed as I looked around and finally looked at her. To satisfy my curiosity I asked her. " Where's the bathroom", I knew it wasn't my concern but I wanted to know since I don't stay in the dorm. "It's at the end of the block" she replied smiling.

She removed her clothes as I saw a peek of her flesh, God she has beautiful skin. I looked away till she was through with dressing. She wore a tight ash colored gown, which had puffy hands and was tight from her waist down, wore a three inch silver heels and took a mini black shoulder bag, she packed her hair into a bun and applied soft makeup.

'she looks so beautiful' I thought inward.

"Geez, you don't have to dress like we're going on a date, people might misunderstand" I said to her. "It doesn't matter, I just like looking good when going out" she replied.

We set out as we went to this restaurant which wasn't too far from the dorm, it was three streets away though. It was classy, but not too fancy.

We went in and picked a table, which was right in the middle of the restaurant as there was no other table left. I hated it but I had no choice and wouldn't want to make her feel some type of way.

We had our sit and both took the menu to order, when the door to the restaurant opened and guess who I saw...