
Chapter 6: Who am I? Where did I came from

"Who am I? Wait, who is that guy? What is going on in my life? Ahh Yes, I am the weakest of all at school. Wait? What am I doing? Ahh Yes, I have become like this because of that man. What did he do to me? Did he control me? Ahh Yes, I see a Child in my dream. Who is he? Who is that child? Ahh Yes, I don't remember anything when I was in that world. I don't remember anything about my childhood. Where did I come from? Wait, what are you showing me? Is this me when I was a child? Ahh, I think everything that man said was true. Kill said to himself in despair.

And little by little something comes to his mind that he remembers from his childhood. "Wait? Is this me when I was a child? Kill asked himself again. And Kill's past is revealed.

When he was four years old, his father trained him in the middle of the forest. "Kill do push-ups a hundred" his father said, Tatsuya Ravenshroud.

When night came, Kill was still training and his father, Tatsuya, was training him. Kill attached the Electricity to his body. And his father is the one who activates the voltage and he raises it to 100,000 volts. But even though Kill can't bear it, it doesn't hurt anymore. Kill's intense training continued.

When Kill was five years old he was sent to kill people. And when he was six years old. He suddenly woke up in a room where all the corners of that room were white. That's the white room.

The white room is a room for children from six years old to ten years old and also for children with special abilities and potential.

Kill didn't wonder anymore because he knew that would be good for his future. Time passed when Kill was inside the white room and the other children were dying because of the lack of oxygen in that room. A few months have passed and Kill is still training using the training his father taught him.

Little by little the children there and only the strong ones were left in the white room. A year has passed and only five of them are there. Kill Ravenshroud, Hana Aoyama, Luna Shadowbane, Kairos Silentblade, And Seren Orion.

While Kill was training, Seren suddenly approached him and said "Are you always training?"

Kill: Yes, my father taught me how to train alone.

Seren: Is that so? I am Seren Orion.

Kill: Orion? Is your father the chairman?

Seren: Yes, and I want to chase him So I entered the white room.

Kill: Come in alone? You are very good. Because when I wake up, I'm here in the white room.

Seren: Really? That means your parents entered you here. If so.

Kill: Yes, because they want me to be strong.

Hana: Your noise disturbs me,I'm in training.

Seren: You're awesome, we're just talking here. It's your KJ. What's your name again?

Hana: I'm Hana Aoyama.

Seren: Make friends with us.

Hana: I don't care if your father is the Chairman of TLAFLBCOZC. I have no intention of making friends with low class people.

Seren: Take back what you said!!!

Kill: Stop Seren. You have nothing against that one. If I'm not mistaken, I just heard your last name is Aoyama, right?

Hana: Yes.

Kill: So you're one of those Seven clans?

Hana: Yes, that's it.

Kill: As I thought. Seren You have nothing against that one. A mage lay in his blood.

They stopped beating while the two children just watched and relaxed. During their last year there in the white room, Kill and Hana got heated because Hana insulted Kill's parents.

Hana: Ravenshroud? The family of assassins who suddenly disappeared from the whole history? because they were scared of the blood demon clan HAHAHAHAHA you came from a family of cowards?

Kill: What did you say? Get ready for me. Kill suddenly attacked and Hana fell. Kill slowly floated up and his body exploded. But it didn't have much of an effect on him and Hana immediately emitted Swords made of her magic and seriously injured Kill. Hana continued to attack Kill until Kill got used to Hana's attacks on him. Hana was surprised because Kill's presence suddenly disappeared and started walking around.

With every step he takes he creates his after image and he gets more and more until Hana is confused. Kill attacked Hana So Hana also attacked Kill but it was just an after image and the real Kill was behind her. Using Kill's own claw he aimed at Hana's foot and his hands and Kill also broke Hana's foot and also his hands. Hana can't take it anymore and Kill kicks her in the face and Hana splutters.

Seren admires him and is happy because he has a friend like Kill. The other two, Luna and Kairos, were just watching what was happening. When they were doing in the white room and they got out, Ren, Kill's Big Brother, appeared in front of Kill.

Ren: Kill, you seems to have gotten stronger ahh?

Kill: It's like that.

Ren: Come near me.

Kill: Why would I approach my crazy brother?

Ren: That's too bad. If you can give me a name, you're even crazier than me. Next time we meet, make sure you can defeat me.

Kill: You're still arrogant, Brother.

Ren: Alright, I'm about to leave, Mama is already there.

Seraphina: Kill!! You're so big now and looks like you has matured too. Get even more stronger Kill my son.

Kill: Yes. Oi Seren, I'll go first, be careful.

Seren: Yes, see you again.

Seraphina: Is that a friend of yours?, son?

Kill: Yes.

They returned home and Kill continued his training to become immune to poison and electricity. He also lifted heavy weights for two years to speed up his movements even more.

When Kill was twelve years old, he continued his work of killing people, that was the only thing he did until the blood demon clan came and attacked their house.

When they escaped And found a new home They chained Kill with unbreakable chains. Kill wakes up. He's chained.

Kill: Mom, Dad, why? Why did you chain me?

Seraphina: Don't worry son, it's for you too.

And suddenly Ren came to him and put his hands on Kill's face and said "When all your memories are gone, remember, it will come back if you can come back here alive"

Seraphina: Don't worry Kill I will leave you with my illusion Your friend is also there. But his name is different in that world but he will also be your best friend. He is George.

Kill gradually lost consciousness and when he woke up he was in another world where there was no magic and aura. But you can also use them If you kill a lot. Whether it's a human or a monster.

All memories of Kill disappeared and he lived with his Mama in that world. It's Kill's first day of class as a 1st year high-school. As Kill entered their school he saw a beautiful girl and that girl was named Aika Mistwalker. Aika has violet hair and green eyes. The two of them looked at each other and Kill's face suddenly turned red. Kill continued to live his life without worrying about his past. As time passed, Kill had a friend and that was none other than George, Napoleon, and Machi.

They are always together in all the pranks and help each other in the middle of the quiz. And If someone is oppressed among them, They resebak it.

When they were in their 3rd year of high school, they asked Kill if he already had a crush on a girl and he saw Aika.

Kill: Do you know that girl?

Machi: Aika? Is she the one you want?

Kill: No n-no ahh I don't like him.

George: Deny?

Napoleon: I'm telling you, Kill, when you become his boyfriend, everyone will fall for you.

One day when George saw that they would meet Aika, he prepared because he had a Plan, the four of them would be together and Aika was with Emma. When they were close to each other, George suddenly pushed Kill into Aika and they lost their balance and fell, Kill was on top and Aika was on bottom.

Kill's face turned red and his heart beat faster. Aika was also embarrassed and immediately stood up and left. Kill's three friends are laughing at what happened.

When they were in their 4th year high-school. Three days before the monsters attack. The four are in the Corridor and they are talking about Kill and Aika

Machi: I'm telling you, flirts with Aika.

George: Yes, maybe someone else will get ahead of you and the year will end.

Kill: stop it.

While they were talking to Aika. Suddenly, Aika's friend Emma passed by behind them and heard everything they were talking about. When the monsters attack and Kill is running away with Aika and her classmates. When Kill jumped in front and went to the front. It was then that Aika felt admiration for Kill.

But it also disappeared because Kill was accused of something he didn't do.

When they had driven Kill away and he continued to kill and grow stronger There he felt hallucinations and whispered in his mind that he should kill George because he did not belong in that world.

So he looked for the right opportunity to kill George. When George died, they grew even more angry with Kill. Until they got out of that world.

"HA HA HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You're an animal Ren. You took my memory?!!! You're all conspiring together ahh. You're dead to me!! Kill said coldly as he smiled as if delirious.

And little by little the color of his white hair and his blue eyes are returning. His aura suddenly came out and was very strong. Even at Zentobia's school, they felt that scary aura.

Ren was already smiling and his brother had returned. Takuya and Seraphina also smiled because they felt the aura of their son. Hana also smiled. And Alexander continued to smile at the Aura he felt.

Hana: Then he's back.

Gabby, Andy, Emma, Emily, Vaisyas, Aika, King, and Conrad and the banished ember also couldn't believe what they felt was a horrible aura. Kill walked and looked for his family who were hiding and strengthening for their next encounter with the clan of Blood demon.