
logs of a wannabe serial killer

This is the story of a broken man who has lost so much and yet strives to survive amidst the danger and horror the world has to offer while fighting against foes of power and influence he has no clue about and yet must fight against if he wishes for even a chance of survival read about his logs and how his journey begins and maybe even ends

Writer_in_progress · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs

Log Three

I don't remember how long I was down in the basement but I do remember what I did after I saw those words. I immediately went to work and put on my gloves, my mask, turned on my flashlight and had my knife at the ready for anything and everything. I immediately began to taunt whoever was in the basement with me saying things like "come on you gotta do better than that." or " Why are you hiding? I thought that you wanted to play a game? Well? I'm right here so come at me!" I was doing anything and everything I could to get them to come for me first and it worked. I heard footsteps coming from behind me along with a sound that I assumed to be the wind from them swinging something, and I immediately ran and went to the left, behind one of the many shelves in this maze-like basement before I stopped and turned off my light to wait for them to come for me. Oh he came for me alright he didn't even try to hide it he just came right to me and I finally got to see what it was that he tried to swing at me. It was a baseball bat with a pool noodle wrapped around it covered in blood and so was he but interestingly enough he had all of his clothes except for his pants which was kinda funny to think about even in this situation. I let him try to swing at me with his bat before I stepped back half a step and allowed him to hit my right arm and what I assumed at the time fractured it, before I proceeded to turn on my flashlight and stab him in the neck with my knife. I saw him standing there gasping for air trying to breathe while his lungs filled up with blood. I took out my knife and proceeded to stab him in his hands just in case he wanted to try to take me with him before he went. I saw how desperately he tried to fight for a breath of fresh air before he inevitably slumped against a shelf never to move again. I decided to look for my coworker just to see if she was alive which I doubted but hey it couldn't hurt to check right? I found her and to my surprise she was still breathing albeit barely but breathing nonetheless. I proceeded to call the cops and tell them about what happened and they eventually found me and my coworker who's name I didn't even remember out of the basement and into an ambulance where the paramedic preceded to check for any injuries I had and all I can remember was saying "i'm fine" before proceeding to pass out.