
logs of a wannabe serial killer

This is the story of a broken man who has a sort of messed up game with fate but he still trudges on and attempts to push past his seemingly pre destined fate will he be able to push through or will he get crushed just like he has been all of his life read through the story to find out.

Writer_in_progress · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs

Log Thirteen

It's been a couple of days since we decided to go on our road trip to vegas and we would've been there by now if it wasn't for the fact that June wanted to stop and see anything and everything on her way there. But it's not like I wanted to stop her either, it's fun going around in places we've never been before and just seeing what the worlds got to offer us right now. I found out what a new movie theatre is like a d it's interesting to say the least. They have you walk into a theatre and on each seat their is a pair of what look to be 3D glasses, but once you put them on your immediately able to look around and notice that your in the setting of whatever the movie is. I wanted to figure out how to disassemble or take one of these things home but unfortunately they weren't being sold anywhere I could think of but maybe I'll eventually find a place that sells them. We decided to watch a re-run of the second avatar movie since it was the only tickets that were available but the movie wasn't bad I found it interesting. Since we were in Milwaukee we decided to look and see if there was anything interesting we could do before the car and the RV finished charging. We ended up just going around thrift stores and stopping by places to eat before we inevitably headed back to the car and took off again towards LA. I finally got her to not stop anywhere else for the rest of the day as we occasionally stopped by gas stations to get more snacks, drinks, and the occasional bathroom break, but that was until we got to texas and saw what was probably the biggest gas station I've ever seen in my life. At first I thought this place wasn't gonna be all that great since I'd seen a bunch of billboards on my way through but I couldn't have been more wrong, The place had over 100 car charging stations and probably even more in pumps for gas. We went inside and immediately I felt overwhelmed with everything that I was seeing infront of my face while June was having the time of her life and went ahead and started going on a little shopping spree. In the end we both ended up getting full sets of buckee everything from shirts all the way down to pajamas but it was fun at least until we walked up to the register where I nearly choked at the price of everything. We apparently set a new record on the most expensive purchase at the franchise which they never expected to get beat but what can I say, we eat a lot on the road. Well when we got back outside with our goods we headed out one last time to finally get to vegas after what was probably two day of us going around other places like Milwaukee and chicago and texas, but now we were just gonna stop if we had to use the restroom and only then since we were really trying to make it to vegas today. I'm gonna sign off here since I'm the one currently behind the wheel, I'll write again once we head into vegas and see all that it has to offer.