
logs of a wannabe serial killer

This is the story of a broken man who has a sort of messed up game with fate but he still trudges on and attempts to push past his seemingly pre destined fate will he be able to push through or will he get crushed just like he has been all of his life read through the story to find out.

Writer_in_progress · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs

Log Five

I wish I didn't pretend that I was asleep. I wasn't able to fall asleep all because I could hear her whisper what I told her before I "fell asleep" and I don't think that's all she did because I could hear some questionable rustling in her bed but I was not trying to deal with that at 2 in the morning so I instead actually tried to fall asleep this time. I don't know how but I did it and woke up to June's parents opening up the curtains covering the windows in the afternoon. The police came in about an hour later to ask us a couple of questions about what happened down in the basement and we both gave our perspectives and when the cops asked me why I was wearing a mask and gloves I had the perfect excuse I had to go down to the basement where the freezer was to get some meat to cut on the saw that we use for the meat, which was why I was wearing the gloves and the mask. After that they didn't really have any other questions for me besides where I got my knife from to which I answered " At Traders Village." Which wasn't a lie I just never mentioned that I may or may not have bought a different knife and just took that one with me on my way out. I was just lucky that both of our stories checked out, and I came to find out that we were both led down to the basement by the same coworker who apparently had a thing for the bosses son, so she was more than happy to send us to our death in her own words which I didn't find hard to believe. I just wish I could leave this damned hospital already but I would be stuck there for the next 2 days going through examinations.