
logs of a wannabe serial killer

This is the story of a broken man who has a sort of messed up game with fate but he still trudges on and attempts to push past his seemingly pre destined fate will he be able to push through or will he get crushed just like he has been all of his life read through the story to find out.

Writer_in_progress · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs

Log Eleven

I love road trips, I'm finally able to just sit in silence and just sit there with my thoughts and all of the other cars driving past me. That's usually how it is but this time I went on one with a particularly noisy individual who can't seem to stay still within their seat, since they keep on moving around inside of their seat I decided to have them move to the back and just lay down on the makeshift bed in the back, but now they're using my laptop to play D#om & Dest!ny which would usually be fine, if it wasn't for the fact that we are literally on the road right now. She isn't even passing me any snacks or drinks that I asked her to watch over and is just eating them all herself. You know what I'm just gonna stop at this Trader Joe's and get myself something from the back since stingy over here doesn't wanna share. She hasn't even noticed that I stopped at all so I'm just gonna leave the keys in the car and just hope that when I come back the car isn't somehow missing or broken. Well when I got back it wasn't missing or broken but I did see a crying june in the back of the car which made my heart hurt a little. "Hey June I'm back." was all I got to say before she proceeded to start punching me in the chest while she was crying. "Please don't be this ozzy you don't understand, I'm terrified to be left alone. I can't be left alone so please stay by my side I need you." I had no clue what to do, I was left awe struck as I hadn't really thought about why she wanted to stay around me, or what I meant to her because all I could think about was myself. "She needs me." it was the only thing that was on repeat in my head, well that and "am I really that easy?" although I knew the answer to that I more so focused on the first thought as it was the one giving me butterflies in my stomach. But i knew I had to say something to her to help soothe her mind and help her feel some sense of security so I did the only thing I could think of. " I need you too June, more than you could know" I said as I pulled her into a hug that she reciprocated just as tightly as I felt her start to wet my shirt with the tears coming off of her face, usually by this point I'd push anyone else away but for her I just climbed into the back of the traverse and kept hugging her.I occasionally rubbed her back obviously not used to having to comfort someone but I think it worked since she eventually fell asleep from all of her crying. I could've taken this time to get out of her grasp and start driving again, but I realized that I didn't wanna do that just yet. I wanted to savor this weird warm feeling I had in my chest it made me feel all fuzzy and warm, and when I'd look down at june I'd notice that feeling get stronger and the corners of my mouth start to rise. As I looked at her and realize that for the first time I never had the thought to kill her even though I'd have that thought for everyone else. I'll have to look back on this later but for now I'm gonna leave it to the back of my mind, my main priority is this fuzzy feeling.