
New humans

Both the Titan Shifters entered a boxing stance and was ready to battle the Demon Titan.

Near them Reiner asked Erwin,"Commander! Me and Bertholdt are going to go and ask for reinforcements from the army!" After which Reiner grabbed Bertholdt and fled the scene. Though Erwin became a little suspicious of their sudden escape, he quickly forgot about it after seeing the Demon Titan was about to attack.

After they were a sufficient distance away from the battle, Bertholdt pulled Reiner onto the roof of a building.

"What the hell are you doing Reiner?! We shouldn't have escaped from there!"

"We had to! We need to transform now! If we can capture the Founding Titan then our mission will be over!"

"Where is the Founding Titan?!"

"That one over there!" Reiner shouted while pointing his finger towards the Demon Titan.


"Think about it Bertholdt. What did you and Annie say about that Titan when we were in army school? That the other Titans didn't seem to attack that Titan? You know that even we are not immune to the hunger of the Titans but that Titan was. I think he was controlling the other Titans at that time just like the stories they would tell us about the Founding Titan. Then is his superior strength. Think Bertholdt, who would be the most strongest of the Titans? Shouldn't the closest Titan by blood to Ymir be the strongest Titan? And who can be more closer to Ymir by blood than the Titan of the Royal family itself, the Founding Titan!"

Bertholdt digested the information for a few moments, after which he looked up towards Reiner and nodded. "Okay, let's go. We've got to help Annie anyway."


Both of them first went to the nearest army office and informed everyone of the Demon Titan attack in the city and told them to spread the news all over the army offices in the city and also to ask for reinforcements.

Then, both of them started going back to the battle between the Titans. But what they saw made their blood run cold.

The Demon Titan was easily tearing apart the hardening of the female Titan like it was wet paper. The Demon Titan then grabbed the Attack Titan which was about to attack it from behind and threw him in an arc over itself and dropped him hard on the Female Titan.

The Female Titan not being able to handle the force with which the Attack Titan was thrown kneeled down on the ground.

Suddenly a bright light started being released from beside the battlefield. After the light dimmed down, the Armored Titan was revealed. The Armored Titan then released a battlecry and started running towards the Demon Titan.

The Armored Titan rammed into the Demon Titan and sent it flying for a few metres. After the Demon Titan landed on the ground and oriented itself, it looked towards the group of Titans with its single red eye.

It then raised its right arm up and pointed it towards the group of Titans. Instantly, 10 missiles were released from the cannon-arm of its and started heading towards the Titans.

After the missiles attacked the Titans the whole area was covered with smoke, both from its missiles and the Titans regeneration. After the smoke cleared the Titans were visible, but the conditions of the Titans was not good.

There was a hole in the chest of the Attack Titan. The Attack Titan was also missing an entire arm. The female Titan had her lower half incinerated. Though the Armored Titan fared a little better than the other two, it still wasn't in a good condition. The armored Titan tried to block the impact of the missiles using his arms which caused him to lose both his arms. A last missile which he was unable to block hit his head and resulted in him losing the upper part of his head.

As the Titans started regenerating, the Demon Titan's red eye turned blue for a moment. Instantly, he turned his head towards the direction of a blonde haired girl with big blue eyes. The Demon Titan immediately tried to grab the girl but suddenly a fourth Titan appeared out of nowhere and stopped its left hand.

The new Titan was quite short compared to the others. The new Titan started running up the Demon Titan's hand.

Reiner recognized the Titan as the jaw Titan. Reiner was about to stop the jaw titan, as the Demon Titan can easily kill it but stopped himself when he saw the Jaw Titan inserting it's fingers inside the various nooks amd crannies present in the Demon Titan's body and started pulling string-like objects out. The Demon Titan appeared to be in pain and strongly jerked it's arm to throw off the Jaw Titan, but the Jaw Titan attached itself to the arms of the Demon Titan using its Jaws. The Demon Titan then lifted his cannon-arm up and bashed it into the head of the Jaw Titan. The Jaw Titan then loosened its grip on the Demon Titan after suffering from that sudden hit.

The Demon Titan then grabbed the Jaw Titan by its head and tried crushing the head. But seeing that its left arm was not working anymore, the Demon Titan abandoned the idea and threw the Titan far away.

Then it examined it's arm and saw that it was severely damaged. Suddenly, the damaged arm fell down from its body and blue strings started coming out of the stump of the arm. The blue strings then started taking the shape of a arm. Slowly cube like structures started filling the gaps between the strings and a new arm was made. The Demon Titan then moved its new arm around a little. Then as if satisfied with the results the Demon Titan nodded a little to itself and looked up towards the previous Titan shifters.

All this time the Titan Shifters were regenerating their lost parts. The Armored and Attack Titan had almost completely regenerated itself and the Female Titan only had the heel left to regenerate.

The Demon Titan looked towards the place where it threw the Jaw Titan. Then stared towards the place Bertholdt was standing at, ready for the signal from Reiner, to transform into the Colossal Titan.

The Demon Titan was about to again start attacking the Titan shifters. But suddenly someone fly right infront of its face and was about to slash at its eye but the blades used by the soldiers was not able to damage the eye. Immediately a second person tried slashing on its nape but was unable to do so when the body of the Titan rebounded the blade.

The person was a girl who had black hair and black eyes and was wearing a red scarf over the Scout Regiment uniform. The second person was a short man who also had black hair and black eyes and was wearing the Scout Regiment's uniform. Suddenly, a third person landed right on the shoulder of the Attack Titan. The third person was a boy who had blond hair and blue eyes and was also wearing the Scout Regiment uniform. The blonde haired boy then started speaking to the Attack Titan, "Sorry Eren, but that large worm was extremely fast and powerful, but we were able to bound it in the ropes that Hange uses to capture Titans."

Everyone started getting hope after hearing the boy talk, because if they could capture something as large and bizarre as that, then they would atleast be able to drive off the Demon Titan.

Suddenly, the Demon Titan started talking,"Zrwrillewer zbrost zhgerst shzgere(Driller-bot get here)"

Instantly , they all started feeling down from the ground. Then they realised that the Demon Titan was not even properly trying to kill them.