

What happens when an ordinary teenage boy discovers he is the fated mate of a werewolf? He runs for his life, that's what. What happens when a werewolf's fated mate runs away? They get dragged off to LockeWolfe, an isolated neutral territory intended to keep unwilling human mates in check... to prevent werewolves going crazy at the loss of their mates, and also to prevent the humans from spreading knowledge of the werewolves to human society. Because even if most humans wouldn't believe a word of it. Hunters would. This is the story of a human boy abducted by his werewolf mate and taken away to LockeWolfe until he learned to accept his new reality and not be a flight risk or a secret sharing risk. But, will he accept it? What happens if he doesn't?

Blu_Koral · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Quincy woke up, recalled the events of the previous night, and decided to scram before Victor woke up. Quincy was thrilled to no longer be a virgin. And it was all thanks to Victor. He should send him a thank you card before ghosting him. He didn't want to go through that awkward morning after experience.

He found his clothes scattered about on the floor, his phone was in his pocket so he called an Uber.

He crept cautiously to the front door when the Uber driver arrived. The door was locked so he unlocked it, but it still wouldn't budge. He tried to unlock the bolt too, but there was no turning mechanism to be found. Finally noticing it required an indoor key to be unlocked, and realizing he'd need to wake up Victor in order to ask him to unlock the bolt in order to open the front door... that sounded absolutely terrible. So he did what any rational teenager would do - he crawled out the window.

Victor woke up and called out for him, and Quincy bolted around the house and down the long driveway to the waiting Uber. Terrified of being caught escaping. Not that there was anything wrong with him going home... but the thought of that morning after encounter had him booking it for the hills in a panic once he heard the man's voice calling out his name so urgently.

Why did he sound so urgent anyhow? Did he think I'd stolen something from him or something? I hadn't! Honest. I was no thief.

As the car drove away a wolf howl sounded in the distance and the driver said he didn't know there were wolves around here. Greyson shivered uncontrollably at the sound. But he just figured he was cold, and huddled his arms closer to his core to try and warm himself up. It was a really cold dawn.

Greyson went home and showered, but noticed something in the mirror. On his left shoulder there was a scar that hadn't been there before. A scar in the shape of a crescent moon. Completed by a full bite mark on the other side. Graham knew it'd never been there before... but the mark was fully healed and looked as if it'd been there for years.

How was I supposed to hide this thing!?


At school on Monday Greyson noticed that a kid named Peter who kept to himself and growled like a dog at anybody who bothered him had the same yellow eyes that Victor had. Must be colored contacts.

Peter paused as he entered the classroom and sniffed the air, then he suddenly turned to look directly at me with wide, shocked eyed. His posture tensed and he quickly averted his eyes and rushed off to his seat. He usually only paid attention to his boyfriend Oliver, so it was strange.

Two policemen entered the classroom, I had completely forgotten about it over the weekend, but we had the drunk driving lecture today, so I groaned and glanced up at the intruders who were sure to make my already boring school day that much more boring.

When I saw that one of them was built like the Hulk, I glanced at his face and my jaw dropped in shock. Harry recognized him as well, and shot me a wide-eyed look of his own. I hardened my gaze at him warning him to hold his tongue.

The whole point of making a fake ID and taking on a made up name was so that the guy I slept with would have no clue that I was a minor. Not only was I about to get caught red-handed, but Victor was a police officer! I can't get arrested for entrapment... right!?

Peter turned around and gave me a knowing glare from the front of the classroom. What was his problem?

"Greyson Ellis?" Mr. Glaess, my homeroom teacher, who was in the process of taking attendance called out.

Harry tried to alter his voice and answer the role call for me. But Mr. Glaess knew all of our voices and called my name again, with a stern glare meant for whoever had faked their voice like that.

I barely poked my head out from behind TJ who sat in front of me, and waved at the teacher slightly. Hoping not to be noticed by Victor if I remained silent and didn't draw attention to myself.

But the teacher barked at me to speak up, causing both policemen to look up from what they were doing to see what the commotion was about.

I answered with a "Here." As I slumped where I sat, trying to hide even more in my seat.

The second I spoke, I witnessed Victor's posture tense. His yellow eyes widened and he began to scan the students, the guy even sniffed the air like some kind of a search dog.

I couldn't hide fast enough and our eyes met. Victor paled. He must have connected the dots rather quickly as he glared at me. Greyson Ellis was sitting in a high-school homeroom... I'd not only lied about my name, but my age, and he now knew that he had inadvertently committed statutory rape. Oops.

"He looks pissed." Harry whispered to me, stating the obvious.

Victor remained at the front of the classroom, shooting daggers of pure rage at me.

"I think I should leave." I muttered under my breath to Harry.

Our friend TJ overheard me and turned around to ask what was wrong. I wanted to keep everything under wraps until I figured out a way to change my identity and move far, far away, from this embarrassing situation. But Harry, oh so helpfully, explained to TJ that Victor was the guy who fucked me the other night.

Victor must have heard, because he half smirked, but I might've imagined that.
