

What happens when an ordinary teenage boy discovers he is the fated mate of a werewolf? He runs for his life, that's what. What happens when a werewolf's fated mate runs away? They get dragged off to LockeWolfe, an isolated neutral territory intended to keep unwilling human mates in check... to prevent werewolves going crazy at the loss of their mates, and also to prevent the humans from spreading knowledge of the werewolves to human society. Because even if most humans wouldn't believe a word of it. Hunters would. This is the story of a human boy abducted by his werewolf mate and taken away to LockeWolfe until he learned to accept his new reality and not be a flight risk or a secret sharing risk. But, will he accept it? What happens if he doesn't?

Blu_Koral · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Victor tried to decline the invitation his mate had extended, not sure Quincy truly understood the implications of being knotted tonight.

Quincy cut him off though, not paying attention to the man's words at all, as he was on a mission and that mission was the only thing on his mind tonight.

Quincy offered to find somebody else to go home with, but Victor didn't take that very well, he pressed Quincy  into the wall, trapping him between his arms, his voice got all guttural and he declared Quincy was going home with him and he was going to claim Quincy all night long.

Which seriously turned Quincy on. Quincy swallowed thickly and nodded in agreement. Which made Victor unleash a predatory smile that both had Quincy sweating anxiously, and practically squirming from how turned on he was.

So they left the bar together. Completely misunderstanding one another's intentions and points of view.

During the car ride Quincy's mind was preoccupied with going over the process that would occur tonight like a mantra. Barely registering anything the man said. Responding to his questions without much thought or attention. He was buzzed from the alcohol and only thinking about his mission to become a legend at school, and make his ex-boyfriend Jacky jealous of course.

Meanwhile, Victor was over the moon with the fact he had found his mate. Who said he knew what he was and was okay with that, and even asked to be knotted by him as soon as they'd met. He was in an absolutely blissful state of mind.

Victor asked Quincy to tell him about himself,  so Quincy rattled off some random information

he thought sounded cool.

Then Victor asked him to call him Daddy when he knotted him, but Quincy didn't hear the knot part, as he'd been distracted by his thoughts... which were currently running along the lines of this dude talks too much... and he just thoughtlessly mm-hmm'd him and kept singing along to the radio in his head.

Victor goes on to talk about being part of a pack and being a lone wolf and being happy to have finally found Quincy... and how he wants to basically kidnap Quincy but he won't do that so not to worry... and how in the morning he'd make them breakfast and then they'd go to Quincy's house and pack all his belongings and go back home together... but Quincy didn't actually listen to anything he said at all and was lost in his own thoughts. Completely tuning the talkative man out, but continuing to nod and agree with the man as if he were paying attention and participating in the conversation.

So when Victor asked if that sounded good to him... he again agreed thoughtlessly. He had no idea what the man was talking about as he hadn't been paying attention to a word he said. But he figured he only had a fifty percent chance of being wrong... so just agreed.

When they finally arrived at Victor's home, they both nervously exited the truck, and Victor carried Quincy bridal-style into his house. Which made Quincy blush and squirm in embarrassment, but at the same time made his heart skip a beat or two.

Victor said "Welcome home, Baby." But Quincy thought he'd meant "Welcome to my home." And just got tongue tied from being shy and nervous, so he shrugged it off.

Victor led Quincy upstairs to his bedroom and Quincy nervously glanced around. Quincy requested a beer and Victor quickly got him one before sitting him down on the bed to confirm this was what he truly wanted, offering to end things here and now if he wasn't truly ready to go further tonight.

Again, Victor had an entire conversation about what he was, finally finding his mate and what that meant for his kind, what it meant to be knotted... and that doing so would increase his territorial instincts... and that they could wait and Victor would court him properly and he could just hold him tonight and bring him home in the morning. No pressure.

But Quincy remained deaf to his words, not paying a single ounce of attention whatsoever. In fact, he was busy nursing his beer and wishing that Victor would shut up and get on with things already. But he smiled and nodded along and waited for him to stop rambling on his own, assuming he had to get his nerves under control or something like that. He didn't want to rush the hulk and scare him off, so he just took his time and kept on smiling, he was convinced the hulk wanted to do him... his eyes literally had been devouring him alllll night. He just needed to allow the man time to overcome his shyness and all that. He could be patient if it meant he got what he wanted in the end.

Greyson finished his beer, and the man was still babbling on, so he finally kissed him to shut him up, he was on a mission after all, and he needed to lose his virginity tonight. That was the only thing on his mind. He was worried waiting much longer would derail his masterplan.

The kiss worked, Victor quit rambling and proceeded to undress them both. Quincy was worried about him seeing his bony build and asked him to wait when he went to remove his clothes, he requested the light be turned off when Victor asked if he wanted to stop. Victor obliged and turned off the lights, before stripping him naked and tasting him all over.

As Victor claimed Quincy's virginity, he asked him who he belonged to, and Quincy responded that he belonged to "Daddy". As he remembered that odd request from earlier, and humored it. After all, the man had humored his request to rid him of his pesky virginity. It only seemed fair that he do him this small favor in return.

After Quincy orgasmed, he felt more wonderful than he'd ever felt in his life, he was floating. Victor's cock seemed to get bigger and harder all of the sudden, startling Quincy, but he just thought that's what was supposed to happen... what's he know about sex? This was his first sexual experience. Victor ejaculated into Quincy a lot. Like, a lot a lot. His cock seemed to be stuck inside of Quincy. Which frightened Quincy a bit, but Victor hushed and crooned sweet nothings into his ear and Quincy was still buzzed and now quite spent and exhausted so his soothing voice lulled him into sleep.

As Quincy fell asleep, the last thing he heard was "All mine." Followed by "I love you." But Quincy was sure he must have dreamt that.
