

What happens when an ordinary teenage boy discovers he is the fated mate of a werewolf? He runs for his life, that's what. What happens when a werewolf's fated mate runs away? They get dragged off to LockeWolfe, an isolated neutral territory intended to keep unwilling human mates in check... to prevent werewolves going crazy at the loss of their mates, and also to prevent the humans from spreading knowledge of the werewolves to human society. Because even if most humans wouldn't believe a word of it. Hunters would. This is the story of a human boy abducted by his werewolf mate and taken away to LockeWolfe until he learned to accept his new reality and not be a flight risk or a secret sharing risk. But, will he accept it? What happens if he doesn't?

Blu_Koral · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Greyson wandered the club aimlessly after parting ways with Harold, attempting to blend in while also hoping to spot something, well, someone, to end his aimless meandering.

How hard could it be to spot the perfect virginity-losing partner!? Everywhere he looked were, how to put it... less than ideal... candidates. Old dudes. Gangster looking dudes. Dudes feeling up chicks, or with their tongues down their throats. *gags*

He had watched hours of porn in preparation for this moment so he felt prepared. All he had to do was find a guy ready to accept the quest. That was supposed to be the easy part. Or so he'd thought. Now that he was here, it all seemed more overwhelming than he'd anticipated.

Greyson's eyes were soon drawn to the tallest man in the bar. Heck, he was hard to not notice. The giant muscle man with yellow eyes glared at him - That dude is scary. Hella scary. Not like, I should avoid gangster looking dudes scary, but more along the lines of - run for your life he's probably a serial killer kinda scary. I seriously considered whether or not he wanted to eat me, and shuddered visibly.

I wanted to be eaten out, not murdered and my flesh consumed. Biiiiig difference. Huge actually.

I quickly turned away to find myself a less scary looking man to do me. I didn't want to be murdered tonight. Definitely definitely not. See what I did there? Two definitelys are obviously more, well just more, than one. That's how much I didn't want to die today. Especially not if it happened before I was properly deflowered. I mean, what a way to go. Sooo close to success, and then just dead and buried. Or dead and eaten. Maybe that'd be better, eaten fresh rather than left to rot and decay and eventually be eaten by bugs... then again if he ate me wouldn't he have to... nevermind. That's not a good visual considering I wanted to get down and dirty with some ass play pretty soon.

I finally spotted a tall freckle faced redhead and tested his interest level by flirting with him from across the room. When he held my eye contact even while I chewed on my lip and made a show out of licking them provocatively and tilting my head towards a vacant table in one corner of the room.

I tamped down my jittery nerves and strutted sassily away. Hoping he'd follow, but expecting to be let down and have to start all over again. Which would be hella bummer.

I glanced up as a shadow feel over the table I had seated myself at, as nonchalantly as I could pull off.

It worked! Score.

I mentally pumped my arm triumphantly.

Man, maybe this'd be easy peasy after all.

Freckles was chatting me up and I wasn't paying a lick of attention. Not until the words "wanna get out of here with me" left his mouth.

Then my attention was devoted as I leaned into him playfully and agreed to leave with him.

This was it! This was it! This was it!

I could barely contain my internal screaming and jumping for joy.

I needed to play it cool though.

This was the most important night of my life. I couldn't blow it by appearing immature or inexperienced.

With that thought in mind I grasped his hand with a confident smirk and started pulling him towards the exit.

We had taken no more than a step and a half when our path was suddenly blocked. I glanced up in surprise, only to see the scary guy from earlier, towering over us angrily as he glared at Jordan with hate-filled yellow eyes.

The scary man told freckles to fuck off, and the terrified redhead scampered off to the exit and never looked back as he fled...leaving me alone with the scary man. How chivalrous.

I scoffed.

"Hey there, what's your name cutie? I'm Victor."

I was furious he'd chased away my ticket to manhood, but I still didn't want to be murdered, plus, rudeness was never the answer. That's what my mother would have me believe at any rate. Personally, I felt that rudeness was often the best possible answer to many situations.

"I'm Quincy. Quincy Allens."

Sticking to the story was super important. The devil was in the details. Even the best evil masterminds got caught by neglecting the littlest of details. Telling my real name to just one person I met tonight could potentially result in my identity being exposed... and that was not in my plans. Not one bit. Getting caught was unacceptable.

Tomorrow I'd go back to my normal life. And nobody would be the wiser. Well, nobody excluding my schoolmates. They'd know. Because I'd be a legend I tell you. A fucking legend.

"Nice to meet you Quincy Allens." The scary dude caught my hand and lifted it to his lips where he placed the flutteriest kiss on my knuckles. My heart started galloping in my chest, and suddenly he seemed less scary, and more like one hellova big bodied deflowering candidate.

Could this Victor guy be the one?

Just as Greyson was getting all hot and bothered, fantasizing about what it'd be like to be pounded by such a hulk, Victor offered to escort Quincy home.

Greyson couldn't have that.

He debated giving up on the hulk and finding yet another candidate... but then he caught Victor staring at his neck longingly and licking his lips... so he concluded the man must just be shy.

So Quincy told Victor it was okay, because he knew what he was, and he was okay with it.

And there began one heck of a misunderstanding - Quincy meant he knew Victor was shy and that his shyness didn't bother him. Whereas Victor thought Quincy meant that knew he was a werewolf and not a human.

Quincy teased Victor a bit, playing with the buttons on his shirt and glancing at his bulge longingly. When he saw the hulkish man was practically salivating he asked Victor to take him to his house where they could use his bed. He clearly understood his intent, because his eyes widened, his pupils dilated, and his hands clenched and unclenched several times before he managed to swallow and calm himself back down enough to talk.

Greyson didn't really mean anything too special by the remark though, he just knew they certainly couldn't go back to his house and use his bed - his parents would be home. But he was kinda thrilled by the man's reaction. And shifted awkwardly where he stood, trying to hide his own growing bulge.
