
Locked Up

Megan has a crush on Alexander. She got into a clumsy situation with him. The story of her happy crush and her in a place together brought them so close and they got the opportunity to talk more with each other. But will Alexander like Megan back or he will reject her? Read Locked Up for more information and clues.

_MidunPen_ · Adolescente
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6 Chs

Confession Gone Wrong

I wanted to confess but I had to fix a great time and location. I texted Alexander saying;






I sent this message at 5:00 in the morning and it delivered but it was not seen.

Alexander POV

When I saw the message notification in my phone, it seems that I gave her the wrong idea and I knew where this was heading to. I had to ignore her all day to avoid such thinking.

Megan POV

It seemed weird today. Alexander decided not to speak to me today but he spoke to almost everyone in class. I was so sad or could it be that he has not seen my message or he just decided to ignore it, so I checked my phone and I saw that he has read it but he has not replied or could it be that I did not spell well or something. But he could have spoken to me. My day was actually boring and I felt so sad throughout.

Alexander POV

I asked Megan which of the school cafe and she said LILY CAFE and I said okay, no problem but I asked which time and she asked me that between two pm after closing or three pm during resting time before prep period which is more preferable and I said three pm will be preferable.

Megan POV

Finally, he called my name but what he talked about was just the meeting we are supposed to have today, I was heartbroken.

I told him the cafe that we were supposed to meet and the time which is 3 in the afternoon before prep period.

* * * * * *


Megan POV

He got there before me and when I got there I was nervous. I had to find a way to express my feelings to him before another person will do so.

Alexander POV

I got there before her and I had to think of the words to speak because I knew where this was heading to.

I wouldn't want us to cut our friendship for just an infatuation she thinks about.

Author's POV

Naturally I think this meeting is going to be quite odd and cool. I hope she will be able to take it and I hope he won't hurt her feelings.

* * * *

Megan sat down and greeted Alexander.

I was feeling tensed. I drank a little water.

Alexander said " Megan you said you wanted to tell me something at 3 p.m. hope there's no problem please we have to be fast because we have prep at 4 p.m. "

Megan said " Yeah Alexander I'll be quick well I.. I.. well I just wanted to tell you that.. that I like you, hope you don't mind? "

Alexander said " Megan I do mind. See this is not a discussion we have to discuss in just less than an hour. We have to meet at a place with people around but it has to be a little bit quiet so I think we will have to go to the school field where they are going to play tomorrow. We will discuss about this matter under one of the trees around and I think we have to go now because of prep period. Thank you bye."

Megan spoke up " But, will people not disturb or interrupt us? "

Alexander replied " No, they will not."

Megan POV

I was so heart broken when he left. I never thought he would say neither Yes nor No. I was torn apart, I had to go back to my dormitory and embrace my bed. I was hoping he will answer , I heard our house mistress coming over to give me the school's phone and I rushed to get it from her thinking it was Alexander but it was my Mum. I greeted her and my Dad, then I gave our house mistress the phone. As I was going back to my room, I heard someone call me thinking it was Alexander I rushed down but it was Whitney and Anna. I wasn't myself for a whole day.

Alexander POV

I have nothing to do at 4 p.m. except reading at prep period, but I had to go.

I knew she had something to say concerning her feelings but right now, I have to think of what we are going to discuss tommorow afternoon. Right now, I have to prepare myself for prep period.