
Locked in Your HEART

Life is all about family,friends& her passion for her work. An unexpected ̶i̶n̶c̶i̶d̶e̶n̶t accident changed it for good, making the past to face the present and turn down all the believes she had once. Zoey a interior designer by profession got herself into the heart of man who already had a broken one. Losing a loved one is more than enough for Nyle to detest life. He longs to get a glimpse of his only love. Dive into the story of Zoey Eden and Nyle Parker. One learnt to live a life while the other leaded it.

thereadingroom · Ciudad
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15 Chs

Love theory

In Ethan's resident

When Ethan saw Jaiden entering through the doors he chirped "You came. So what next dude".Jaiden after roaming his eyes asked "Where's he"Ethan pointed towards upstairs indicating Nyle presence over there.

He casually throw the bag which he bought "Okay I will make a quick call to Sarah"

"Coffee?? "Ethan got his answer as a nod in a fraction of seconds, he ordered his maid to make a black coffee for both of them.

Within few rings Nyle's mom picked the call 'Hello Sarah,I think the session will take more time'

'No issue Jaiden I will wait in your clinic in the meantime' with calm and composure Sarah replied.

'Actually I forgot to tell you we're not in clinic' seeing Sarah not backing out from meeting her beloved son who is blindly drunk right the moment Jaiden catched a excuse to cover up.

'Then wher.. '

expecting the next question he siad 'it's under renovation so I arranged a short term place for now we're there'

'Hoo fine Jaiden, just pass the phone I want to talk to him for a minute'

'Can i ask him to call you after the session'. that's what Jaiden can tell to save his friend

'He don't want to talk to me right' she exhaled when Jaiden was about to say "No" she immediately followed 'anyway tell him that his dad wants to meet him before the eve it's something important'

'Yeah Sarah I will pass the message.Bye'

"Problem sorted" Jaiden sighed in relief after the phone call his heart which was palpitating catched it's regular rhythm.

"Till when are we gonna hide this. It's high time that we inform his family" Ethan sipping his coffee proposed the old idea which only got rejected by Jaiden

"Did you forgot his dad's condition.Just bear with the time being things will turn normal" Jaiden heavily laid in the cough and took his cup.

"We never let any stone untouched to find her I don't know what we can do more. If she's alive or wants to come back she would have tried to contact us or atleast him right, why it's not getting inside his head around"

"It's love Ethan you will not understand. In love your heart and brain always go antipode ..." "Hey you better stop there I'm not paying for your advice" he interrupted Jaiden's theory of love and continued "First get a girl for yourself then talk about love, studying psychology is not important applying it's principle is the key"

"If you find your girl then the principles and key have no point Ethan, it's just your heart and soul"

"That poor heart of yours still didn't find anyone of its liking why don't we take go for a short trip by that way your hert will have a variety of option"

"Unlike you I'm not idle I have a clinic to take care after alI and about my heart you don't worry when it will find it's love Im not gonna breakup every now and then like you"Jaiden stood from the couch.

"Unlike you my work is not that profitable enough" nonchalantly replied Ethan.

"Yeah I believed your words anyway take care of him I will come later" saying this Jaiden moved towards the door and left the place while Ethan lazily carried himself to his room forgetting that his friend had occupied the king size bed so with no option left he went to a adjacent room to take a nap.

The city was engulfed in a soothing silence the building which twinkle with lights had decided to take it's rest but the lights in Jaiden office didn't go by that after coming back Jaiden asked his assistant to rescheduled the afternoon plan and continued with his patients. He decided to finish all his reports by today night so the following days don't lag.

In the following morning he decided to pay a visit to Ethan's place. When he rang the bell it was Nyle who opened the door.

"So your alcohol tolerance had indeed improved Nyle" though it sounded like a compliment but its a criticism, Nyle bulged his words by asking back him "who bought me here you or Ethan".

"Your dad wants to meet you to discuss something important yesterday Clare had called you a few times, but you had so many on your plate so she called me I lied tht you're with me. She insisted to meet you but your state was not presentable enough so I asked..."He had narrated the entire thing of yesterday so Clare don't find their lies.

"Nyle you're not only hurting yourself but your family and friends too.I will never stop you from looking for her but don't waste your time by simply doing that. You have got an life to life if she's meant to you then no one can take her from you.Please don't harm yourself" He advised with pure care which Nyle can feel from Jaiden eyes he really can't assure tht to him. Whenever he think about himself he naturally dragged towards her innocent smile and gentleness, its just killing him to move forward with his life.