
Locked in Your HEART

Life is all about family,friends& her passion for her work. An unexpected ̶i̶n̶c̶i̶d̶e̶n̶t accident changed it for good, making the past to face the present and turn down all the believes she had once. Zoey a interior designer by profession got herself into the heart of man who already had a broken one. Losing a loved one is more than enough for Nyle to detest life. He longs to get a glimpse of his only love. Dive into the story of Zoey Eden and Nyle Parker. One learnt to live a life while the other leaded it.

thereadingroom · Ciudad
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15 Chs

Fear of losing

"He stays out at night's and absent minded in class if I ask 'he...he says it's not my business really Zoey then who the hell I'm to him 'if I don't ask then who will ask" she whined. I could see her face filled with sweat and tears she's stressed out why didn't I notice her anxiety. Just few months before I promised to never let her feel lonely but now I failed myself to take care of her .

I tried to ease the pressure "He's child Carol hardly fourteen ,Its adulthood we all bunked classes it's not a big deal".

"But the situation is not the same, I wish it was but it's not. He lately don't give a shit about me. Did I made a mistake Zoey .... did I made a mistake in his upbringing"

"Carol it was not you're mistake but your ignorance that changed him, don't you think it's you who pushed him to behave like this" she faced me with bewilderment I never wanted to hurt her yet I can't support her action that she did in recent past.

Seeing her not having any idea to say something I stated "Aren't you being too selfish now"

"Like others you're also implying that it's my fault right" her words full of sorrow and eyes with grieve.

"Never Carol that's not my point but please don't tell 'you don't have a hand in it' I will not take that. We both know what happened "when she was about to say I stopped her "I don't blame you but Lucus has nobody, the only person who he can trust and depend is only you. Your every action will affect him and it did"

"I myself was clueless about it ,not in my dreams did I imagine things will end up this way"

"It did happened to move on give some time to himself and ourself" I said patting her back

"That's what I lack now. My uncle watches us like a hawk I don't know when he'll back off" HUFF that man why does every time we talk about her or Lucus it end's with him, MATEO.

After the death of Carol's parents her uncle Mateo popped up from nowhere to attain the guardianship of them. But knowing his evil intention her father had passed the authority to Carol making her the only heir of all his bucks and landlady of his property till Lucus is detained of something much reliving Carol from her head over money Uncle.

"Is he troubling you again I'll ask my dad he'll help teach that man a lesson"

"OHH don't Zoey you and uncle have helped me enough don't bother I'll handle" she flashed her ever beautiful smile assuring me. "Okay let's sleep otherwise you need to take responsibility if I'm not present in the office" I said pointing her. Once moving to my room we continued our talk and the night never planned to cease for our stupid gossip making us late to our job.

When we're about to hear a handful of lecture from Mr. Andrews, My team lead Mrs. Lilly Johns hurriedly saved us "Back to work girls I need your assistance in something"

"Andrews must have been your sworn enemy in his previous birth" Lilly said with a serious face

"Not my fault then" I said. She smiled asked me if I completed my set designer' For which I proudly smiled and nodded "bring up to me in mid afternoon I will have a look "

"Yeah" I replied to her.

Then in the afternoon I approached her with my set design "Well done Zoey I will propose you to Andrews just don't give him a reason to denounce you rest I will take care"

"Will try Lilly" I said with a small chukle gained a shook from Lilly "don't pull any stunt now then I can't help" she warmed me nor that I'm planning to do something unfortunately it happens on its own 'my fate has to be blamed not me'.

"Good day I need reach the site" Then I took myself to,Mr. Jaden's clinic Carol must be waiting for me.

Nearing Evolve Park I called Caroline to ask about her present place. "8th floor will be there"

Taking the elevator I meet my team members "So how is everything going"I inquired."As planned " For which I let out a 'hmm good' Hearing my voice came Jaiden and Carol.. .