
What Now?

"So what are we gonna do now Mitsuo?"

Banri asked Mitsuo as they came out of the hotel dispirited and not knowing what to do.

"I don't know, but I can't help but have a bad feeling about him."

"I think we should just give up, I mean you don't like her right?"

"That's not it, even though I don't like her it doesn't mean that I should stop caring, I mean that I should not act like she's in a dangerous situation."

"This isn't even a dangerous situation"

"But he is a dangerous man, I say we gang up on him."

"But we could get jailed."

"We won't if we just threaten him."

"Isn't this a bit too much Mitsuo?"

"Well It is but that's not important! What's important is we send a message."

"I think he already got it."

"Why are you always like this?"

Banri just shook his head and didn't say anything else as he didn't why Mitsuo suddenly became muddleheaded he thought that his pride may have been hurt earlier and tried to understand it that way.

"Are you sure this is not about your pride?"




"Are you really not gonna pursue them?"

Chizuru asked Sora as he helped her unpack some left over boxes.

"No, If they do then I'll pray for their souls instead."

"So about Koko."

"Let her be, she's grown enough to decide on her own."

"You're not gonna pursue her?"


"You're a douche do you know that?

"But you love this Douche no?"

"Shut up."

"By the way when you come in this Saturday, I suggest you make friends with Ichika, both of you are the only actors of Diamond for now."

"Who is Ichika?"

"Someone whose aspiring to be an actor like you as well."

"All right."

Sora was too tired to do anything else for today as he only kissed Chizuru who also was too tired, it had been late already so they decided that they wouldn't do it for now.

"Promise me all right?"

"I will."

Sora nodded and kissed her goodbye, as soon as he was at the ground floor he laughed as while he was moving boxes although it was quite funny that they had planned it he didn't mind as if he didn't have powers he wouldn't be able to say anything but he had powers.

He just walked, Sora didn't mind playing games as he wanted to have some fun too, he had told his staff already the situation and they agreed to let them be, as soon as Sora was walking in a dark alley he heard Banri and Mitsuo.

"Hey Mitsuo are you sure about this?"

"Look it's cowardly but all we have to do is scare him and take a picture of his scared face I'm sure he values his image!"


"Just wear your mask and this is just a toy knife."

Mitsuo went ahead.


Sora heard the shaky voice and turned around, he saw the two, they were shivering and was somewhat afraid and unsure of what to do.

"If you want my money take it, just leave me alone."

Sora threw his wallet full of money, it was a shock to Mitsuo and Banri, Mitsuo played his part and took the wallet he then went closer to Sora pointing at his knife.

"Give me your car!"


Before Sora could say anything else.

"Sora Where's My Date My Date My Date!"

Tohka had appeared from the sky, she then looked at Sora then at the two strange figures, she soon saw a knife being pointed at him, she saw it as they were threats to Sora's life, as someone who wanted to know about Earth and what her current feeling was, seeing the one who could show her what she wanted to say being threatened in that matter flipped a switch inside her head.


Sora sighed and looked at Mitsuo instead as Tohka's outfit had changed and her aura was unleashed.

"I suggest both of you run."

Mitsuo who didn't know what was happening was frozen in place while Banri ran away as soon as he saw Tohka's huge sword.

"Don't you dare run away!"

Tohka charged for Banri with all her speed as to her he looked like an accomplice, as she was about to swing her sword down on Banri, Sora caught it with his hand.

"Calm down Tohka."

Tohka didn't listen and kept using her strength it was until she felt something soft on her cheeks and a soft pat on her head did she return to her normal self, she then realized that Sora was now hugging her which caused her to go red.


"Shh, it's fine and I was gonna be okay either way I had a plan to scare them but you ruined it."

"I'm sorry."

"No worries now."

Sora and Tohka separated, they then looked at Banri who had passed out but what they saw was a spirit of some sort looking down on him.

"Is that a spirit?"

"Even it is I think we should just let him be perhaps his soul flew out his body because you scared him too much."

"They deserved it!"

The Spirit of Banri then looked at both Sora and Tohka who was now looking at him, he was also worried and dissipated.

"Oh, well that solves everything, can you go back to the guy you first saw and drag him here? Just punch him unconscious but don't kill him all right?"

"All right"

Tohka did what Sora wanted and when she went to get Mitsuo he had already passed out as well so she dragged him to where Sora was, Sora called his staff to come clean up the two of them and send them back to their dorms but not before he erased their memories, shortly a car arrived and dragged both Mitsuo and Banri.


"No worries Sora-sama!"

"So Tohka, how did you know where I was."

"I! I!"


"I asked Tabane-nee to track you since I now know what I want and where I want to go?"

"And where is that."

"The place I destroyed! Destiny Land? Destiny Island?"

"All right, let's go there this weekend just the two of us do you like it?"


Tohka nodded furiously, Sora then motioned to follow him the two then arrived at Sora's car

"I'll drive you home."


"How did you arrive at school anyway."

"I flew"

"Well that explains it."


As Sora had arrived home after driving Tohka home to where Tabane and Houki were since she felt comfortable there, he was tackled down to the ground by a red blur, he knew who she was instantly


"Slow down Rias, it's only been a month or two since we last saw each other."

"Yeah I don't care."

Sora stood up as Rias kept clinging onto him, he didn't mind as she wasn't that heavy, Rias kept kissing his cheek greedily since to her she felt like she had fallen behind the others over the short period of time she hasn't seen him.

"I wonder what Sirzechs would say."

Saya appeared out of nowhere scaring the rest of the girls as she usually was late arriving or would just stay in her office, Rias saw her but didn't mind as she thought it wasn't the worst thing.

"He'll be fine!"

"All right I'm going to sleep, I'm pickin up Rem,Ram and your father tomorrow Sora."

"Can I come?"


Saya immediately went into her room as she thought of how she could pick up her somewhat useless husband.

"So where are the others."

"They're already asleep"

"And you stayed up late just to wait for me?"

"Well Erina was here and I couldn't sleep since I asked her to make a caffeinated dessert, she's currently sleeping in your room for around a total four people including us which make us six now"

Sora nodded and groped her ass shocking Rias.

"Didn't you want this?"



"I want it to happen on my birthday!."

"That's two months from now."

Sora wanted to do it after being stimulated by Rias but he had to hold himself from now, it was the second time he had been denied but he didn't mind it as there was always tomorrow.

"Then wanna go sleep instead?"

"Mm! Let's sleep far away from them! I want to go to the other side of the bed"

"All right Rias."


Koneko was now with Yukino, she had brought her back home, she looked at the place and saw how lonely she was.


Yukino placed a bowl in front of Alice which was filled with milk, Koneko didn't drink it and instead sat on the couch as she slept, she soon was picked up by Yukino and was on her laps.

"Say Alice, do you think, no nevermind."


Yukino hugged Koneko and slept then and there.

"I'm sorry but I don't like sleeping with a human unless its Sora"

Koneko had placed a spell on Yukino, she then transformed to her human form and placed her on the bed.

"The things I do for love."