

"What did you and Tsunade-sama talk about?" Ino appoached Sora as he came out.

"About the three of you getting the day off today" Hinata and Sakura wanted to go in and ask Tsunade if it was true as they were still tired from the training yesterday.

Ino grabbed Sora's face and looked at his eyes and smiled.

"We're leaving!" Ino clung onto Sora's hands as they walked away.

"Hinata?" Sakura looked at Hinata who watched as Ino and Sora left.

"If Sora-kun says it I'll believe it" Hinata said as she also left trying to catch up to Ino and Sora.

"Eh? Hinata?" Sakura didn't know what to react as Hinata left her alone, Sakura gulped down as she faced Tsunade.

When Sakura opened the door she saw that Tsunade was laughing and smiling.

"Oh right!" Tsunade said as she remembered Her duty to teach the trio "You guys can have the day off I have some important things to do" Tsunade also wanted to test her Creation Rebirth if Sora actually changed the nature of her Jutsu as she also felt like Sora imparted her knowledge.

"Understood Tsunade-sama" Sakura bowed and left wondering if she should just go home or follow the group.


"Sora you should try this" Ino fed Sora Takoyaki as they were enjoying the free day.

"So Hinata what do you usually do?" Sora asked Hinata who was following them from the back.

"I usually just practice and read what Tsunade-sama gives us for the day" Hinata stopped as both Ino and Sora stopped.

"Is there something wrong?" Hinata asked Sora and Ino as they were looking at her.

"Yes there actually is Hinata"

"Ah! I'm sorry for disturbing both of yo-" before Hinata could leave Sora grabbed one of her hands and pulled her.

"That's not it"

"Then what is it?"

"You following us from the back Hinata, you're our friend you know" Hinata understood what Ino meant and nodded as the three of them were now walking side by side.

"Isn't that better Hinata?" Sora slowly pulled Hinata on to his other side and patted her head after.

"Can you stop patting my head Sora-kun?"

"Does it bother you? If it does I'll"

"No! It doesn't bother me, but can you do it less often?" Hinata shyly said as Ino laughed at the other side.

"I understand, now where were we going again?" Sora asked Ino who pointed at a restaurant.

"There, I'm friends with the owners so I'm sure we'll be getting the best."

As the three were going in they saw two familiar persons.

"Shikamaru! Choji!" Ino called out the two.

"What a drag" Shikamaru muttered under his breath as he turned around and as he looked at Ino he was wondering who she was with.

"Mind if we eat with you guys?" Ino asked.

"Sure the more the merrier" Choji then transferred to seat beside Shikamaru.

"Sora meet my teammates, He's Choji their family owns this place, The snarky looking one is Shikamaru"

"Nice to meet you" Sora offered his hands to both of them and they returned the gesture.

"So what's your relationship with Ino?" Shikamaru straightforwardly asked Sora.

"She's my wife" As soon as Sora finished his sentence both Shikamaru and Choji had their mouths opened at shock of the news and looked at Ino for confirmation.

"Sora!" Ino blushed "Well at least not yet" Ino shyly told them and Shikamaru and Choji didn't know what to say.

"Maybe you're going to be one too" Sora whispered to Hinata as he also held her hand which caused her to blush fumingly as it was inaudible to the rest on what Sora said to her

"Congrats" Shikamaru coughed and Choji clapped.

"Here's your Order" The owner arrived as she served their meat "also congrats Ino I'll bring more later it's on the house" as soon as she left Choji immediately started cooking.

"Aren't the both of you supposed to be training today?" Shikamaru asked Ino and Hinata.

"Tsunade-sama gave us the day off"

"I see, say Sora was it? Are you a Shinobi?" Shikamaru wanted to ask just in case he goes rogue since the last time Ino had a crush on someone he went rogue and he was too lazy to hatch another plan for now.

"No, I'm just a regular civilian" Ino and Hinata looked at him and wondered how he can lie that easily but they didn't rebut him as they also understood he wanted privacy.

"So how did you meet Ino Sora-san?" Choji asked while he ate.

"Just call me Sora, well I just arrived a few days ago and while I was looking at a mirror to see if something was wrong with my appearance Ino just appeared and well things escalated from there"

Shikamaru and Choji nodded and understood that Ino probably would entertain Sora since he had good looks but they were also astonished that it only took Sora a few days to bag Ino.

"Does Asuma-sensei know?" Choji asked Ino who remembered how they met and what happened the day they met.

"Do I know about what Choji?" Suddenly Asuma appeared with Kurenai as they greeted the group.

Choji gulped and continued to eat instead while Shikamaru didn't bother and started cooking along with Hinata

"So Ino? What do they mean by me not knowing" Ino hesitated but Sora spoke instead.

"That we're going to get married soon and it's only a matter of time" Sora replied for Ino with a smile

Asuma choked on his cigarette at the shock of the news as he didn't expect that a kid like Sora would get married first before him.

"Ino?" Kurenai asked instead while Asuma was still choking.

"It's just a joke Kurenai-sensei well at least for now" Ino shyly affirmed.

"We'll since you guys have already ordered we'll take the other table beside you"

"No, these are my kids! This calls for a celebration" Asuma said as he sat down with Choji and Shikamaru as he also wanted to learn on how Sora got Ino.

Kurenai sighed and sat with Ino, Hinata and Sora, Asuma then questioned Sora and Sora repeated the story and soon their orders arrived and everyone ate.

Everyone was outside the restaurant and said their goodbyes with Asuma and Kurenai leaving and Shikamaru and Choji as well on a different direction.

Ino kissed Sora's cheeks "I have to go help Mom, I'll see you later" Ino waved goodbye leaving Sora and Hinata alone.


"No! Not now Sora-kun!" Hinata blushed as this was her third time being left alone with Sora.

"I just want to know if you wanted me to take you home Hinata" Sora smiled at Hinata which made her even unsure of her feelings now.

"I see, well you can it's not far from here" Hinata lead the way and Sora followed.

"Say Hinata" Sora asked while he was behind Hinata. "Why are your eyes white? I'm just curious."

"It's part of my bloodline Sora-kun"

"Can you show me?"

Hinata turned around and nodded then activated her byakugan briefly and then deactivated it.

"It looks cool, so what does it do?"

"I know I shouldn't be telling you this but I trust you Sora-kun"

"I understand Hinata I won't tell" Sora waved Hinata as she took a deep breath.

"It allows me examine a persons body as well seeing their chakra pathways, I can see almost anything except for a few small exceptions I can also survey an area but my range is limited unlike my cousin who has a range of 800 meters"

"I see, I guess I can see why you want to know Medical Jutsu and I have to applaud you for that Hinata" Sora clapped and didn't say anything else.

"Do you want to know something else Sora-kun?" Hinata finally felt a little bit comfortable with Sora.

"I don't know if it's too personal or not."

"I'll do my best to answer it Sora-kun"

"Well why did you want to be a shinobi? Or rather what's your Ninja way? I kept hearing that from Naruto" Hinata stopped walking and thought about her answer.

"It's simple Sora-kun"

"Hmm?" Sora was waiting for Hinata to answer who looked at the clouds.

"It's to never give up" Hinata said with confidence who remembered Naruto but felt weird at the same time.

"I understand" Sora nodded as he walked forward and also looked at the clouds

"So what's yours Sora-kun?" Both of them continued walking.

"Me? I don't know if it's a Ninja way or not? but i do have a dream if that's the same and it's also fairly simple" Hinata also waited and looked at Sora waiting for his answer.

"It's simple Hinata, I just want to be happy and live a good life" Hinata nodded and understood as the two continued walking, unbeknownst to Hinata she was now walking closer with Sora.

The two didn't continue to talk and instead just walked eventually they arrived

"We're here aren't we?" Sora asked Hinata who just noticed as she enjoyed the walk and forgot why they were walking in the first place. "That's your sister isn't it?" Sora pointed out that was coming to greet them or so he thought.

"Who are you huh? And what are you doing with my sister?" Hanabi immediately questioned Sora who chuckled and waved Hinata to let her know he'll handle this.

"Me? Why do you ask?"


Sora nodded "Why do you ask Hanabi-chan?" Sora patted Hanabi's head.

"Hey! I'm not a kid"

"Sure you are" Sora smiled and continued to tease Hanabi.

"Answer my question" Hanabi pouted as Sora still treated her like a kid

"I'm Sora as for your other question it's up to you how you see it maybe I'm her boyfriend, maybe I'm just a friend or maybe I'm someone whose looking to take her heart" Sora kept teasing Hanabi

"Sora-kun!" Hinata blushed as Sora was also blunt with her sister.

"No! You're not going to take her from Naruto-kun!" Hanabi protested

Sora chuckled and whispered into Hanabi's ear.

"Watch me" Sora then patter her as if he had said nothing "Well Hinata I'm going now see you around."

"See you too Sora-kun" Hinata waved.

"Onee-san! Don't!" Hanabi said as she dragged Hinata inside the compound.

As Sora was walking alone "You can finally come out now you know"