

"So you mean I'm going to stay here?" Sora asked Shizuka who was preparing her lectures while he wore his eyeglasses as part of his disguise prepared by Shizuka.

"Mm, the club members will arrive shortly"

"How many are there" Shizuka flinched and hesitated to answer but sighed.

"Just two so far, all right I'll pick you up later" Shizuka then opened the door revealing tons of girls who was fangirling over Sora and wondered if he was a transfer student

"Back to your classes or I'll suspend you!" They eventually ran, afraid of Shizuka.

Sora sighed and checked out the quests left on Narutoverse and decided to plan when he comes back a month from now.

As Sora was busy writing the plans suggested by the system and his own, he heard the door open and wondered which of the two it was.

"Who are you?" As soon as Sora heard the voice he stopped writing and looked at girl.

"I'm your Honorary member" Sora waved but was met with coldness as Yukino didn't bother to reply and instead sat down on the opposite table

"You know even if you are the most beautiful a lot of people would hate you by your attitude but I don't mind as long as I get to see you" Yukino harrumphed as she thought Sora was a major flirt.

"Suit yourself" Sora still smiled and continued writing.

"I'll be direct since this is the service club and I'm an exceptional person how can I help you" Yukino thought Sora was just a guy who wanted help.

"Well for starters can you teach me how to make you mine?" Yukino's eyes widened.

"Wha-what kind of request is that!"

"I see, so much for a service club no wonder no one else would like to join or even make requests" Sora teased Yukino as this time he was the one acting to be cold.

Yukino was pissed as the club president but didn't deny that Sora maybe was right and she decided to be the better person

"Other than that I'll help you make another girl yours" Yukino said in a stern voice to Sora.

"I'm sorry but other than you no one else will do" Sora continued his act and faced Yukino with his back.

"Well sadly I won't help you and you should go to some mixer or use a dating app instead" Yukino said as she also turned her back on Sora.

"I see we're at an impasse" Sora said.

"Yes" Yukino even harrumphed harder as she was getting pissed by each passing moment.

"Then I'll change my request"

"Good, now what it is?"

"Come with me on Destinyland"

Yukino turned around and wondered whether Sora was serious or not

"Why should I?"

Sora finally turned around too and removed his glasses.

"Because I said so" Sora smiled at a dumbstruck Yukino.

"Why are you here anyway?" Yukino's tone softened a bit

"Because I'm an Honorary member" Sora smiled at Yukino who was now starting to calm down.

"Shouldn't you be on those elite of the elite schools?" Yukino wondered what he was doing here after all Sora was a renowned pianist and she followed the music scene because of her sister.

"If I say I was here for you would you believe it?"

"No, back to the main topic at hand tell me what your actual request is" Yukino returned to her icy exterior and sat closing her eyes as she didn't want to see Sora.

Sora didn't respond and instead took a seat and sat in front of her.

"If the first two requests were rejected I don't even know anymore."

"It's not my fault that your requests were rejected since I can reject any requests I want" Yukino still had her eyes closed while saying this but Sora chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm sure these are your first requests of the year and you rejected two of them already"

"Then tell me what your third request is and I'll consider it"

"Then tell me your name"

Yukino thought about it and eventually sighed.

"Yukino Yukinoshita"

"Thanks" Sora then stood up and was about to leave the club room.

"That's it?" Yukino didn't know what to do with Sora as he was just too eccentric for her to understand.

"Unless you want me to stay then I'll consider it as a request from you of me wanting to leave" Sora opened the door slightly wondering how Yukino would react.

"I'm betting you're a transfer student here so suit yourself" Yukino sighed again in resignation and Sora eventually came

back but this time he sat beside her.

"Who told you to seat beside me?"

"I didn't want to see you look lonely" Sora then placed his notebook and started writing again.

"Who said I looked lonely!?"

"You look cute" Sora kept teasing Yukino who harrumphed once more.



"Sora, my name is Sora just in case you're wondering" Sora instead stopped writing and started drawing Yukino didn't reply and just instead did her own assignment.

As time passed by Sora gave Yukino the drawing he made.

"What's this?" Yukino didn't know what it was as the paper was facing downside.

"I drew you" Sora smiled and Yukino immediately turned the paper around.

Sora laughed at Yukino as Yukino had conflicted feelings from what Sora drew.

Yukino looked at Sora then at the drawing.

"Who said you could draw me?"

"I'm not seeing you ripping it apart" Sora shrugged his shoulders.

"Because It's Pan-san! You drew me in a Pan-san costume!"

"I thought you looked cute and since you rejected going to Destinyland today it's what all I could think of" Sora then continued drawing while Yukino stared at the piece of paper.

The silenced ensued until they heard the door open once more after a long time.

"Oh all of you are here" Shizuka came back while Sora chuckled.

"You said there was a new member here today and I believe Sora isn't one" Yukino told Shizuka who chuckled and pointed out a direction.

Yukino and Sora looked to where Shizuka was pinpointing to and found there was also a guy who who stared at them weirdly.


"Hachiman Hikigaya" He introduced himself to them.

"Yukino Yukinoshita"

"Sora Murasaki"

"Well now that you're all here, Yukino I want you to reform Hachiman the same way I reformed Sora, Sora here is my nephew he was a Chuuni that kept shouting Excalibur years ago now look at him he's all grown up"

"I refuse looking at his scheming eyes makes me fear for my life"

"Relax he's harmless but if you'd like to make those kind of comments I'd like you to instead direct them to Sora"

"What did I do Shizu-nee?" Yukino and Hachiman looked at Sora wondering why Shizuka told them to fear him instead of Hachiman.

"I can't really deny a request from a teacher then I'll have to agree"

"Pass" Hachiman said as he was attempting to leave

"Pass or you'll never see the light of day again" Hachiman gulped and immediately sat down again "Good" Shizuka smiled then left the three alone.

Yukino wanted to bicker against Hachiman but was too tired from talking with Sora earlier while Hachiman felt bitter about why Sora was handsome and can still be a Chuuni.

"So how did Shizuka-sensei reform you Sora?" Yukino asked while Hachiman was also interested.

"She would slap me down every time I start shouting my Chuuni lines" Sora chuckled. "I'm sure Hachiman-san doesn't want to be slapped down correct?"

Hachiman nodded on Sora's word agreeing with him.

"Then what would Shizuka-sensei do?"

"She would treat me food and lecture to me after she slaps me or she'd take me around town and again I'm getting a feeling Hachiman doesn't want that especially with you" Sora pointed at Yukino while Hachiman nodded again but felt a bit bitter when Sora told Yukino he didn't like her she was after all beautiful and a guy like him would be smitten by a girl like Yukino.

"What's wrong with me?" Yukino again started to feel that Sora was teasing her again.

"Both of you are loners" Hachiman and Yukino flinched at Sora's words, "If the two of you together are left alone in a room the two of you would eventually clash unless I see a third member the two of you would always clash head to head."

"How'd you make that Assumption Sora-san?" Hachiman asked Sora .

"Basing on your attitude, You seem to don't like to interact with girls and groups since the moment you arrived earlier"

"Wait wh-" Hachiman thought they didn't notice him because they were too busy bickering but Sora actually noticed him and purposely refused to talk to him earlier

"I heard you enter and I was waiting for you to talk, as for you"

"What now?" Yukino waited for Sora's evaluation as well did Hachiman.

"Can you at least consider going to Destinyland with me?" Both Yukino and Hachiman couldn't believe the shamelessness Sora had.

"I'll consider it if you help me"

"Why do I feel like I'm the one whose being used as a bridge here" Hachiman thought about it

"Then I suggest both of you calm down and wait for an actual request, who knows the next requester might be your third member"

"Why am I a member" Hachiman hesitated

"You wouldn't stay this long if you were looking to reform your loneliness wouldn't you?"

Yukino nodded and Sora's word started making sense.

"On a serious note, I think you should tone down the high and mighty act Yukino, It makes you look less cute than you should be" Sora flicked Yukino's forehead.

"Ouch! And wh-who said I want to look cute huh!" Yukino blushed a little bit and massaged her forehead.

'Damn how does he do it' Hachiman thought if he was the one who did that he was going to get at least slapped by or punched by Yukino.

The bell soon sounded indicating it was time for them to leave.

"See you around Sora-san, Yukino-san" Hachiman said as he left feeling a little bit better that Sora somewhat understood him.

As Yukino was about to leave Sora took her hands.

"Please?" Yukino stopped in her tracks and sighed.


"Then let's make a bet"

Yukino was interested.

"Since I'm not a transfer student you'll have the advantage, the one who finishes the least requests within a month should do what the winner does"

Yukino thought about it.

"What's in it for me"

"I don't know, you can get anything you want from me or order me around"

"And you just want a date with me on Destinyland?"

"If possible You" Sora smiled as Yukino thought he was really handsome especially since he was holding her hand like they've known each other for a long time.

"Then I agree" Sora let go of Yukino who left him.

"Had fun Shizu-nee?"

"Of course now let's go home" Shizuka said as she arrived while swinging her keys.