

"Ah damn it I should be spending my day off" Sora said as he looked through the files of every employee and new applicants.

"I haven't seen Houki in a while, maybe I should visit her" Sora said as he kept scrolling through the numerous files.

"Sumi is still here, but" Sora grabbed a file and saw that it was Ruka's, who was trying to apply.

"Soon" Sora took a deep breath to gather his thoughts and continued looking through the files.

"Surprisingly Ichika is still the one who wants to join the acting division" He then rearranged the files and before he teleported out

"Sir we have a last minute applicant"

"Let her in" Sora returned to his seat and shortly after a girl appeared along with the staff.

"Eh?" The girl was surprised to see Sora.

"Oh it's you" Sora acted surprised to see the girl in front of him even though he knew who she was. "I'm sorry I was in a rush when we first met, please take a seat"

"I see" the girl sat down on the black couch and felt it was comfortable for some reason.

"Your name is Nanami Mami correct?" Sora looked at the file as he interviewed Mami.


"May I know why you want to join this company specifically?"

"I heard it was one of the best and had good pay" Mami told Sora seriously wondering if she could gain his interest.

"I see, is there any other reason at all?" Sora put down her application.

Mami tried of thinking something.

"Well I just want to get back at my ex?" Mami told Sora as she couldn't believe that Kazuya had a girlfriend after her immediately but she didn't know who it was.

"That's a pretty petty reason? I'm sure you don't need this job and actually, why not just do it yourself and not use Diamond's name, unless you wanted to be rented by him of course"

Mami couldn't say anything, even she knew it was such a petty reason just to spite Kazuya, but when she looked at Sora, she immediately wanted to spite Kazuya using Sora instead.

"Actually, I came here for you" Mami tried blushing and looked tried to look cute in front of Sora but she didn't expect that Sora would just laugh.

Sora just smiled at Mami "Try Harder"

Mami kept her appearance up and continued smiling "But I"

Sora just waved his hand indicating the he knew what Mami wanted.

"If you want to use me don't bother, if you genuinely want to join then be my guest, so what will it be Nanami-san?"

Mami clenched her skirt as she thought deep and hard.

"I'll join" Mami bit her lip as Sora nodded.

"You can go now, here take this, this is a newly issued company phone made to track your whereabouts when someone has rented you and more" Sora gave Mami the phone Tabane had produced for him.

"Thank you" Mami took the phone left.

Sora took a deep breath and laid back on his chair.

"Women are troublesome but Manipulative women are even worse" Sora thought about recorrecting Mami's behaviour but decided not now but but soon.

"Well time to go" Sora opened a portal as he left the office.


"Breathe In, Breathe out" Houki was meditating as she was getting prepared to practice for the upcoming try-outs against Saeko and Julis.

Houki then opened her eyes as she saw bullets getting shot at her and she parried it with her Katana.

Houki counted the number of Automatons Tabane had prepared for her but she didn't mind as long as she could get stronger.

"Tabane-nee over did it this time" She complained as she kept dodging and parrying the bullets.

After half an hour Houki panted as she was tired from dodging and the bullets were finally depleted but she felt something dangerous.

"Dodge!" Instead of dodging the sword strike Houki parried and looked at Sora.

"That was kinda underhanded" Houki hopped back as she went into her stance while Sora chuckled.

"I know, wanna go a round?" Sora also prepared and waited for Houki to move as he knew she improved over the years.

"If I win in this strike, what do I get" Houki asked Sora.

"Any thing you want"

Houki smiled as she thought of what she wanted

"Prepare yourself!"


"Technically I let you win, you were so cute when you look too serious" Sora said as he ate the ice cream he bought.

"A win is a win!" Houki wanted to go out with Sora as a reward after the session they had.

"How's your training these days?"

"I've been good" Houki was too busy as the ice cream they ate was made by Sora.

"Usually you'd throw a tantrum by now" Sora took another scoop and also took one for Houki.

"I know, but over the years and as bitter I've been I've somehow come to terms that I can't monopolise you like before"

"I'm sorry about that" Sora felt bad for Houki as Houki was the most patient among the five.

"You should be, you still owe me a lot" Houki didn't bother to look at Sora as she was eating ice cream and it was one of the foods she had developed tolerance over the years.

Sora didn't say anything and continued eating, shortly after he saw that Houki had finished hers and instead of scooping more He took her spoon, surprising Houki and then fed her using his share of the ice cream.

Houki pouted as she felt that Sora was treating her like a child again but she didn't mind as getting fed was the best.

"Say Sora, remember your promise to accompany me this coming tournament okay?"

"Mm" Sora nodded as Houki felt better and continued eating until she couldn't anymore.

'"My Houki-chan is growing, but Tabane-nee is tired of letting you play, I'm sorry Houki-chan but sometimes Onee-san has to have her share!" Tabane said as she looked at the box beside her and watched Houki and Sora from the screen wondering when should she send her gift for Sora.


"Both of you look happier than usual" Cecilia commented on Kaori and Houki as they smiled more often now.

"Says the Girl whose been avoiding us for almost a week now"

"Hey!" Cecilia couldn't deny Houki's words as she knew if they also knew that Sora had taken her it would be another race on who goes next which would cut her time from having Sora all by herself.

"What have you two been doing anyway?" Houki questioned Cecilia.

"Just exercising" Cecilian acted as if it didn't bother her but unbeknownst to them Sena already picked it up and would be collecting her due from Sora soon.

"Speaking of Sora? Where is he?" Kaori noticed that Sora wasn't here today but she knew since he was the owner no one could say anything about it either.

"Shizuka-nee wanted Sora to come with her today as it was important" Ram told the group as she and Rem remembered Shizuka dragged a sleeping Sora earlier.


"You're dragging me to Sobu because?"

"I need you to intervene on something" Shizuka walked with Sora as they were being stared by the student population.

"Shouldn't that be your Job or Yukino's?"

"Don't forget your an Honorary member! Also this is quite tricky, I don't usually bother but don't tell them that every request they get comes thru me first, I just act like I don't know"

"You're very bad at guiding students" Shizuka heard Sora's comments and punched his arm.

"Say that again you brat!"

"You're very bad at guiding students"

"You little!" Shizuka was about to punch Sora again but was interrupted when.

"Sensei" Both Sora and Shizuka saw Hachiman who looked troubled.

"Oh Hachiman" Sora waved at Hachiman who just nodded at him.

"Sensei, may I speak with you?"

"Sure you can tell me anything"

"Am I even needed on the club? I mean is it really necessary that I'm there?" Hachiman asked Shizuka as he was still trying to figure it out and felt that he was useless.

"Yes, Yukino can only do so much and you're a good person Hachiman-san I know it" Sora patted Hachiman's shoulders to encourage him and act as a deterrent for those that would want to be with Yukino.

Hachiman nodded and then looked at Shizuka.

"Sora's right, plus Yukino still has to rehabilitate you and You need to know some things about yourself Hachiman" Shizuka just followed Sora's lead.

"I see, by the way speaking of Yukino" Hachiman told Sora as he felt that Yukino was her girlfriend and that Yukino was just too proud to publicly announce it

"What about her?" Sora asked

"She's currently arguing with that new sleep deprived member" Shizuka's and Sora's eyes widened as they didn't expect that Utaha would join the service club.

"I see, I need to go then" Sora said as he wondered what they would be arguing about once more.

"Do you have anything else to be Hachiman?" Shizuka asked him as he nodded.

"We got a request for service and I'll be going along with Yui" he told Shizuka who told him to go and do his duties.

"All right if you need any help just tell Yukino or Sora"


A/N : Hello I regret to inform you guys that my hands are injured due to the nature of my new job which has caused me to stop it again. I'm also experiencing mild symptoms of CTS which may partly be caused by my hand injury and my doctor recommends that I will have to take it easy for the following months. Basically updates will no longer be daily and will now be infrequent just like the other novel until my condition gets better I hope you all understand thank you.

No I'm not dropping this I'm just saying that this is no longer going to be daily until I get better.