

"I'll see you again soon Hinata" Sora let go of Hinata who nodded.

"Mm, I'll see you soon too Sora-kun" Hinata immediately went inside as she didn't want to escalate things further as it would be dangerous.

"A little more" Sora chuckled and when he turned around he saw Neji staring at him. "What a protective cousin."

"Don't think just because Hinata favors you doesn't mean I'll accept you immediately."

"I don't expect you to do in the first place, besides there's nothing wrong with me going out with Hinata nor having multiple women" Neji scoffed at Sora

"I won't say anything other than good luck with that pipe dream of yours" Neji then went inside.

"Thanks, because it's already coming together" Sora waved Neji goodbye as he also went back to his home.


"So where is he?" Pakura asked Konan as she was given instructions.

"Why? You guys had only been together for a week if I remember correctly" Konan lied as she posed as Sora during the time she sealed her pathways and helped her recover.

"Doesn't matter, I want him to unseal me"

"Aren't you ungrateful" Konan snickered at Pakura.

"I've had my time to reflect during these years of laying low, as much as loyalty for everyone can make a shinobi strong, it can only go so far." Pakura realized that after was ambushed and that Suna had betrayed her.

"So what are you plans after being unsealed? Lead a revolt?" Konan asked Pakura who looked at her intensely.

"How long till he arrives"

"Not long, besides he won't even allow you to revolt"

"He's not my care taker or husband to dictate what I should do"

"Not yet you are" Konan muttered "Well Why revolt when you can be Kazekage instead."

Pakura widened her eyes and wanted to verify the truth in Konan's words.

"Do you even have the means to achieve that? And with what? You and what army?"

"You underestimate my power, better yet I haven't even seen his real power, I'm sure you know of the Akatsuki by know" Pakura nodded and was curious how this dialogue was going.

Konan took the Akatsuki ring Sora prized as a collection at a jar and threw it at Pakura.

"Only Verified members of the Akatsuki have this ring, before you ask, he played with them."


"Two of them to be precise"

Pakura looked at the ring and threw it back to Konan and she placed it back where she took it from.

"Seem's like he's finally here" Pakura stood up and waited for the door to open.

She waited but she didn't expect to see a familiar face.

"Pakura-san? What are you doing here?" Fu asked her as she knew Pakura.

"Fu? Why aren't you at Takigakure?" Pakura looked at Fu as she was famous in Takigakure but in reality she pitied her especially knowing how she was treated

Fu immediately hugged Pakura as Fu thought other than Shibuki, Pakura was her friend.

Pakura showed a weird smile as she looked Konan who smirked.

"Where's the high and mighty act now huh" Konan then left as she prepared to cook.

"Pakura-san what are you doing here!?"

"I'm here to meet Sora, why aren't you at Takigakure"

"Thing's happened" Fu then showed her new headband protector to Takigakure.

"So you're a leaf Shinobi, does Shibuki know?" Fu shook her head.

"She's been targeted by the Akatsuki, she's better off staying here for now"

Pakura scoffed at Konan and patted Fu's head.

"Don't worry I'll protect you" Pakura unconsciously said this to Fu as she had take care of her during her time in Takigakure.

"Aren't you a civilian?" Pakura flinched at Fu's words as her pathway was still sealed.

"Not anymore, well soon"

Fu doubted Pakura's words but still nodded.

"So why do you want to meet Sora-san?" Fu let go of Pakura.

"It's a long story"

"She's got all the time" Konan said as she placed the sweets she had baked.

"Well" Pakura then began to tell Fu her story as they ate Konan's sweets.

Meanwhile outside the estate.

"You can't control yourself can you" Ino bit her lip as Sora was pounding her from behind.

"Blame yourself for being too beautiful" Sora felt Ino tighten and began to do her faster.

"You did make sure to lock the ga-" Ino then covered her mouth as Sora began to go in deeper and she couldn't control her voice.

Sora didn't say anything and grabbed her breast and took her hand off from her mouth and taking her lips.

Ino eventually retracted her head after a few minutes and she then turned her body to face Sora who grabbed her and immediately began to pound her.

"They- Hear us" Ino wrapped her arms around Sora.

"No they wont" Sora pushed Ino down to the ground.

"I'm coming!" Ino shouted as Sora rocked his hips faster that didn't stop even when she was orgasming.

"Sora! Sora!" Ino yelled as she tightened and felt Sora became bigger.

"Kya! It's hot!" Ino felt that she was being filled as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

When Sora pulled he saw that Ino was filled to the brim and that his seed was already oozing out of her.

"Let's get you cleaned up" Sora carried Ino who had passed out to his room.


"Since when did you arrive?" Konan was confused as she didn't sense Sora.

"I have my ways" Shortly after Ino came down wobbling.

Konan immediately understood that Sora had used his powers and didn't say anything else.

"You have a guest" Konan pointed at Pakura who was caressing a sleeping Fu at her laps.

Pakura finally saw Sora and slowly left Fu to sleep as she moved away.

"Unseal me now" Pakura softly told Sora, Ino who didn't care who she was at this point as she had been done in by Sora, went to Konan to eat sweets and wanted to listen.

"And why should I?" Sora saw that the seals placed by Konan weren't that complex and he could easily undo it.

"I want my revenge." Pakura clenched her fist, she saw that Sora sighed and gave her a piece of paper.

"Unless you didn't know, Rasa is dead, as for their elders, well more or less Gaara has more power than them now."

"I know of this, why are you telling."

"Because Do you exactly want revenge or not?" Sora pressed Pakura who bit her lip in frustration.

"Your targets are either dead or are close to dying, and with the Akatsuki aiming for the Tailed beasts sooner or later Gaara will be targeted"

"You mean?"

"If they're successful they'll Kill Gaara leaving no Kage to lead the village, worst they could do is they usurp the village you once swore to protect."

Sora then showed a red pill on his left hand, and a blue pill on his right.

"What's that for"

"A choice, take the red pill and continue your revenge tour, take the blue pill, help Suna and become Kazekage, either way it'll help unseal yourself but I'll be monitoring you if you go out of line."

Pakura hesitated to choose and when she did.

"Guess that's one more village that'll bite the dust" Konan said as she saw Pakura take the blue pill.


Hinata looked at her own mirror and placed her hands at her cheeks.

"What did I do earlier" Hinata turned red as she remembered she took initiative in kissing Sora.


"Onee-san?" Hanabi went in her room as she found Hinata awkward when she came on.

"Hanabi! Wh-what are you doing here" Hinata wanted to shoo Hanabi away as she didn't want to be seen having her episodes.

"Hinata, Hanabi time to eat" Hiashi told the two.

"Yes father" Hanabi followed after Hiashi

"Mm" Hinata quietly followed after them but couldn't still forget as her head kept replaying the scene she had caused earlier.


"So Kakuzu and Hidan are dead" Pain saw that they were missing in their meeting.

"It seems so" Another voice said.

"With them gone I assume we'll be taking a detour to Kumo instead of going to Suna." Another voice told.

"I assume no mishaps will happen, I've already sent Zetsu to check on what happened on how two immortals were killed."

"If that's all there is we're going I can't wait to go to Suna"

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Pain saw that two eventually left and shortly after the rest left.

"So that leaves us with what?" Kisame asked Itachi.

"We wait." Itachi summoned a crow and let it fly to Sora, even though he felt that he already knew.

"Who did you send that for?"

"That was for monitoring Sasuke and Orochimaru" Itachi lied to Kisame.

"Well where should we go, should we go to Iwa?"

Itachi looked at Kisame and just nodded.

"Good, I want to have a good fight"

The two then left and went to Iwa.


"Somethings wrong" Zetsu said as he had surveyed the area.

"Somethings!" He widened his eyes as he saw streams of chakra papers crash down on him.

Sora immediately grabbed Zetsu's head and erased his memory and connection.

"What you're going for that Bunny Woman?" Konan asked Sora who had grabbed the White Zetsu's Head

Sora didn't say anything as he then kicked Zetsu's body far away after he knew where Kaguya was.

"How'd you know" Sora was curious but somehow knew it was Najimi's fault again.

"Well Najimi-san told me to watch out for a weird Shinobi with either white or black skin like the one you kicked earlier and start worrying about a Bunny Woman after"

Sora flinched but didn't say anything.

"Well you'll meet her eventually."

"I know at this point who haven't I meet yet? That Shrine priestess perhaps? So we're going to Kumo now I suppose."

"So who's going"

"Sasori and Deidara, but Zetsu will be tailing"

"To take Yugito it is then" Konan sighed as she summoned paper wings and flew.

Sora followed after her.

Zetsu who was now awake after being kicked hard flying.

"Where am I? What was I supposed to do again?" Zetsu was confused "I'll just wing it."