

"So you're going to the Hokage's office today?"

"Yes, It was bound to happen eventually" Sora stood up from the bed and stretched his body.

"Sora, do you think we were too loud last night?" Ino slowly sat up.

"Loud or not what matters is that we're happy" Sora then carried Ino to the bathroom.

"Well I do need to go to the Tsunade-sama too". Ino felt that her ass was getting groped again and sighed into resignation.

"You know you like it"

"You win"


"I suggest both of you to tone down your activities" Inoichi said as his eyes looked heavy.

"I understand" Sora nodded as he only did it with Ino during their stay so Inoichi wouldn't bother them anymore.

Inoichi lead the way to the Kage tower along with Ino and Sora.

"Say Ino, who is with Hinata right now?" Sora said as he pointed a waving Hinata.

"Oh? Why do you want to know?" Ino instantly clung onto Sora's arms

"Just curious?"

"That is Sakura Haruno, but don't pay her any attention she'll most likely do the same to you and if you ever decide to get a harem

well" Ino then clung harder as both Sora and Ino stopped

"I'll be reporting to Tsunade-sama ahead" Inoichi rolled his eyes as he went on ahead.

"Ino-san! Sora-san!" Hinata said as she hurried a little to meet with them.

"Hinata, Sakura" Ino waved at them with smiles.

"Good morning Hinata and?" Sora winked at Hinata which Ino caught on.

"Sakura, say are you Ino's?" Sakura was curious to see Ino and Sora's interactions.

"Yes and he is mine" Ino smiled.

"Oh?" Hinata didn't know what to react as she had remembered what Sora said to her yesterday.

Sora smiled and patted Hinata's head.

"A fly will get into your mouth if you stay like that"

"Mm!" Hinata blushed a bit and closed her mouth and wished Naruto was a bit like Sora.

"Pleased to meet you Sakura-san, I'm Sora I just arrived at Konoha yesterday" Sora offered her hand to Sakura to which Sakura accepted.

"Please take care of me" Sakura politely said and decided to observe Sora later.

"And me as well"

"Why are you suddenly so formal?" Ino complained as Sora wasn't this formal when they met.

"Because you weren't days ago, Aren't the three of you going to be late?" Sora reminded them with the training they had to go through.

'Crap!' The three of them said, Ino let go of Sora and immediately went to the Kage tower along with Hinata and Sakura.

'Well' Sora opened a portal in front of him teleporting outside the doors of the Hokage's office.

As Sora was waiting on who would arrive first he decided to plan on how to save either Konan or Pakura first.

"I can save Pakura easily, but Konan is a little bit difficult" Sora racked his brained and tried to calm up with a plan.

"How do I save Konan, unless I travel back in time when Konan is a kid"

[ The System suggest the host use his unknown background and morphological skills to fabricate a curse ]


[ The plan requires the host to stay with Konan for a long period of time ]

The system then fed Sora the plan.

"You got this from an anime didn't you?"

[ The system refuses to answer the question ]

"We'll talk about this more later, someone is coming" Sora then saw that it was Hinata who arrived first.

"Eh? Sora-san?" Hinata was again shocked to see Sora waiting at the entrance.

"Good Job Hinata" Sora patted Hinata's head again.

"How did you arrive here so fast?" Hinata tried to hide her face 'It certainly feels good to be taken care of but!'.

"I have my secrets Hinata unless you're mine I won't tell"

"I understand, can you at least tell me the truth regarding you and Ino?" Hinata was curious as she remembered that Sora told her they were nothing more than friends but today was different.

"First answer me this, are we friends Hinata?" Hinata nodded.

"Then what comes after the relationship between friends shouldn't they be a couple after affirming their like or love towards another?" Hinata again nodded and was conflicted at what to feel.

"I see" Hinata understood what Sora wanted to say to her but was surprised to feel that Sora hugged her and patted her head.

"Sora-san! This is!" Hinata didn't know what to do as this was a first for her she felt good that someone treated her like this but also guilty as that someone already had a partner!

"Are you jealous Hinata?"

"N-no!" Hinata blushed as Sora pulled her closer.

"I'll tell you something Hinata back in my home we are allowed to have multiple

relationships" Sora whispered into Hinata's blushing ear.

"What are you saying Sora" Hinata wanted to escape but also wanted to continue listening.

"I like you Hinata, I want you" Sora turned Hinata around so he could see her face.

"Bu-but" Hinata felt her heart race beating faster and faster.

"Ino already knows, I won't beat around the bush and say it directly, I really like you Hinata" Sora took Hinata's chin and pulled her face closer to his.

With only a few centimetres separating their lips Hinata's heart couldn't take it as she wanted to faint but.

"I'll respect your decision" Sora pulled back and let go.

"Eh?" Hinata was surprised and just as she was about to be disappointed

Sora grabbed her face and immediately took her lips by surprise.

"You looked disappointed"

"So-sora-san! That wa mm!"

"Your first and second now let's make it happen a third time" Sora tried to push his tongue in and wasn't surprised that Hinata let him in considering she wasn't thinking straight anymore

Sora eventually stopped his advances "I'll wait for your answer Hinata-san, and you deserve much better than a one-sided love"

Hinata wanted to say something but decided to keep it to herself for now as she now had conflicted emotions.

Sora patted her head "I'm sorry Hinata-san, like what I said days ago and today, I want you and I thought it's for the best I showed how much I wanted you"

"I u-understand Sora" Hinata nodded and hesitantly removed herself from Sora as she now gained an unfamiliar feeling one that she could not describe well.

"We're here!" Ino said as she arrived along with Sakura panting.

"Eh? Sora? How?" Sakura wondered how he got her before them but Ino seemed to not mind as she hugged Sora directly.

"Let's all go inside I'm sure they've waited long enough" Sora said as he opened the door revealing Inoichi,Shizune and Tsunade.

"Good all of you are here, the three of you just wait for your instructions and you must be Sora" Tsunade said as she looked at the documents Inoichi gave her.

"I am Hokage-sama"

"I see you want to be a citizen of Konoha but how assured are we that you're not some spy or some sort?"

Sora summoned and gave medical books from his earth to give to Tsunade that the system compiled the night before.

"What is this?" Tsunade looked at the books.

"Consider it as a gift or payment for allowing me to stay in Konoha and becoming a citizen of it" Tsunade opened the books and started reading them earnestly as she had never heard of such medical procedures.

"And where did this come from?" Tsunade kept reading as she asked

"From my clan, my clan has researched the human body and it's entire function" Tsunade had to agree as everything was detailed and even had images a feat she was amazed at due to its accuracy.

"I'm sensing a but here"

"But we only trade our secrets for something that would benefit me"

Tsunade looked at the books carefully and sensed there were more books.

"Before I say my verdict can you tell me who created these books" Tsunade closed the book and observed Sora carefully.

Sora smiled confidently "Me"


"Hey! Why are you suddenly our teacher!" Ino protested as Tsunade signed the papers.

"Relax he's not your teacher, rather He'll be helping me as I too will be learning again" Tsunade then took another book after she had signed the papers.

"Shouldn't you be happy?"

"Well I suppose" Tsunade took note of their interaction.

"Before I leave Tsunade-sama, may I speak with you alone? And by alone" Sora pointed at where the ANBU was hiding and Tsunade waved them off telling them it was fine.

"Sure, everyone leave"

Everyone soon left including the ANBU and Sora was in front of Tsunade.

"So what is it Sora?"

"I can see you have a huge amount of Chakra stored on your forehead" Tsunade's curiousity was peaking.

"Deduce more for me"

"Strictly speaking it allows you to enhance your strength specifically enhancing your techniques without wasting energy to do so"

Tsunade nodded.

"But I believe there's more to it"

Tsunade looked serious as she observed Sora.

"You have a jutsu that allows you to heal or regenerate without stopping during a fight right? A certain amount of Chakra can be induced to cells to hasten their reproduction" Sora then took a seed out and the seed started growing.

"Like this plant here but" Sora hastened it more until the plant bloomed and eventually withered and Sora crushed it

Tsunade winced but ultimately nodded not wanting to reveal the full details.

"But what if there was an alternate" soon

a blue flame appeared on Sora's hands and the crushed flower regenerated instantly shocking Tsunade.

"That Jutsu"

"No it's not forbidden, it's from my bloodline I suppose" Sora lied as he only researched a few skills from Najimi's Hospital Genome's skill.

"To be honest with you Tsunade-sama a beautiful person like you should not need to hide behind a transformation jutsu"

"What do you want" Tsunade knew that nothing in this world was for free.

"Nothing, just showing my sincerity and desire to see a beautiful woman" Sora pointed at Tsunade and the blue flame enveloped her.

Tsunade was alarmed as the flame was too fast she first thought on how to remove the flame but eventually the flame comforted her giving her a feeling of bliss she had not experienced in a long time shortly after the flame panned out.

"You can undo your transformation jutsu now" Tsunade immediately did what Sora told her and as she looked at the mirror she saw she still had the youthful appearance in fact she was even as youthful as she was in her prime, maybe even more.

"This?" Tsunade didn't know what to feel and say.

"Though I don't know what Jutsu you're using to hasten your cell I will tell you my jutsu has revitalized your body lengthening your life span once more and I'll perhaps create a more perfect jutsu for you to utilize as I do not wish to see you

Tsunade wanted to try it but refrained from doing so not until Sora had left.

"What do you gain from doing all this." Tsunade's tone softened.

"Another beautiful woman to look at" Sora then left the room leaving Tsunade to her own devices.