
Status and Meeting

[Still Unknown Forest, Still Underworld]

Old wise said 'Old Habit, Die Hard' it means that if it already becomes a habit then it will be hard to stop. so it was better to reduce the amount of lemons read every day. speaking of bad habits i also got some with me even after getting reincarnated. starting with normal things like smoking (buy it at the shop, the quality is superb. and there are discount too) and staying up late. while the hardcore one is joining the milfs cult, doing anime references, reading lemons, searching for onee-chan, joining milf cult and many others. wait... did i say joining milf cult twice? Meh, a man of culture doesn't think about it too hard. just love the milfs.

"Well, where am i actually. i already travel at least 1-2 weeks non-stop. except for dungeon and rest. why i still haven't got out from this forest. did i get lost?





NO!!!... why i forget that i got no sense of direction, well at least i know that i got no sense of direction, not like certain green algae. this is a problem. whatever... just continue, forward without fear my friends.


"this is embarrassing" i said while doing a face palm. i mean, how can i forget that i can buy a map on system or maybe the digital one heck i can even maybe buy siri.

"forget about that. lets say that this never happened." i said while nodding my head convincing my self that it never happened.

[sometime the system is wondering did it make the right decision to choose the host.] out of nowhere a wild system appeared ruining my moment and my conviction.

"well, whatever. so we finally out of that damned forest. then, you got an idea for the next system?




No, don't say it. let us just go and sightseeing while hoping i got an idea to start the war" but before that, let me take a self- ugh, i mean let me check my status.


Name = Mandala Deva

Level = 10 [100.000 / 15.000]

Job = -

Sacred Gear = Sealed

MP = 1700/1700

Strength = 140

Endurance = 135

Agility = 155

Intelligence = 170

Note : After reaching 1000 the status system will be update.


1. Passive Skill

2. Active Skill

[Passive Skill]

[Magic Resistance] [D] [2/10] [0/30.000] = Reduce Magic Damage Taken 28%, 11% Chance to Ignore Magic Damage

[Command Rejection] [D] [5/10] [0/60.000] = Command Resistance 45%, Reduce 45% Rule Effectiveness

[Eternal Arms Mastery] [D] [1/10] [0/20.000] = Increase Weapon Damage 31%, All - Weapon Mastery

[Cooking] [D] [0/10] [0/10.000] = Increase Your Culinary Skill, 10% Chance to create a food with [Foodgasm] effect

[Presences Concealment] = Increase chance to conceal your presences 10%

[Active Skill]

[Sprint] [D] [5/10] [0/60.000] = Increase 35% Mov Speed. 3MP/S

[Reinforcement] [D] [7/10] [0/80.000] = Increase item effect by 10% 100 MP/Use. or Increase Stat for 81% 20MP/S.

Note : After Reaching 100% another Reinforcement will increase the item rank. Failure will decrease item effect by 20%. Using experience will increase the success rate.

[Mana Blade] [D] [0/10] [0/10.000] = Deal 180% Damage with 25% Chance Ignoring Pyhsical Defense. Double Damage Against Magical Shield. 15MP/S.

[Stealth] [D] [3/10] [0/40.000] = Remove presences, Reduce 30% Mov Speed. 15MP/S. Less effective against stronger enemy.

Note : All Skill cost will increase according with skill level and rank.


[System's Blessing] [EX] = 10X Exp Gained, +100% Hp Regeneration, 50% Potion Effectiveness, All Negative Status Resistance and Mental Damage Resistance.

[Sagitarius's Blessing] [B] = +25% Accuracy, 2X Range.

[The Cursed] [A] = Cursed Attack. Reduce enemy Defense by 5% each attack. Stackable. Max Stack 10. Immortality.

[White Prince] [C] = Increase 10% Charm. Random Chance to Charm opposite sex.

"Well, in the end it was quite troublesome if you use only one source to increase all your level and all your skill." i can just level up infinitely and increase skill rank later. but the stuff about after reaching 1000 stat the system will be doing an update is bugging me. making level up also quite dangerous. even if the stat is nice. it just a raw power. while if i just increase the skill level then the damage isn't maximum. it is almost similar with the buster-team and art-team. one focus on raw damage while the other spamming skill like crazy.

"Well, never mind. i got years to increase my level and status. then if you think about it again i will become OP after just in my first world." yep, that is a problem for later date. as for now just keep journeying to the west.

After walking for a few hours using a map inside of the phone that i bought from the system (don't know why this item present in the shop). arrived into something that looks like flower garden or field?, though some of the flower looks weird. some of them similar yet some of them different with the flower that we can find on earth.

Inside of the flower garden or field? again i don't know how to call it, okay let just call it flower field. inside of the flower field on one of the spot not too far from a lush green tree (quite cliche if you ask me a tree in the middle of flower field). i can see a beautiful little girl with flaxen colored hair. her beautiful purple eyes look very attractive. she is humming while creating a crown from the flower.

I am not quite sure who she is. but when i check from the fandom, her characteristic is similar with Venelana Gremory (Former Bael) the lady of gremory's household. but there is one thing that i sure, if that girl is Venelana. it will take a very long time before the war is started what can i say, she got the title ruin princess in a war if i remember.

Looking around i try to locate is there anyone of her guardian around better yet if there is no police or fbi. after making sure it was safe i then proceed to greet her. i know it was stupid move but what can i do?

"Hello there, ojou-chan" i said while walking toward her. but i forget that my stealth skill is active.


A cute shocked shriek can be heard from the girl in front of me. Accompanied by a fallen body. Just great.