

A day has passed since I've been here lying on the ground.

F*ckkkk, I wanna die!!

This thought would constantly appear on my mind.

Imagine not being able to scratch an itchy part of your body because you can't even move a muscle in fear of the unbearable pain that'll come.

So frustrating!

My stomach wouldn't stop grumbling hour after hour.

I experienced peeing on myself as I soak my legs in it as it eventually dried on my legs.

Even now I'm trying to stop myself from shiting.

Oh! Another bad news is that I felt my connections to my butterflies disappeared.

I'm assuming that they either died or broke free from control.

I don't know which butterflies died but I'm hoping that a connection wouldn't disappear anymore.

Although I haven't really interacted with them for a very long time it was due to me that they died.

I couldn't help but be guilty.

Last night's experience was also horrible.

It was freaking cold and my anus would tighten whenever a cool breeze passes by me.

The only thing I felt lucky about is that I didn't have to worry about an insect entering me or something.


Once in a while, I'd shout for help hoping for someone to hear me but I didn't dare to constantly shout or else I might attract a beast over. Even if I did my mouth is extremely dry right now.

The only thing I could do was sleep and pray.


"Ugh, F*ck H-help..."

This time for sure I'm really feeling as if I'm about to die.

My mouth was dry. Too dry.

My body was still aching all over.

Even opening my eyes was very taxing for me.

Waking up in the middle of the night was a nightmare.




This boring atmosphere could already kill me.

I closed my eyes trying to sleep but even after quite some time I was still wide awake.

My stomach hurts.


This is absurd!

I'd rather die!

"Any monsters nearby!"

I tried to shout in desperation hoping for something to end it.

But all that came out of my mouth was a dry ough.


Nevermind, as long as there is life there is hope.

I'll just count sheep on my mind.

But just after that thought a sound very similar rang on my head.

F*CK! A week just like that?

["Would you like to use [Random Skill]? Y/N?"]

Hell Yeah, I Do!

["Random skill generating..."]

"[Merge] Acquired!"

Skill Name: [Merge]

Rarity: unique

Description: A skill which defies nature. Capable of combining two different individuals to form a single entity. If ever the compatibility between the two entity to be combined is low then the chance of both party perishing is most likely. Effects are irreversible!


I didn't expect something like this to pop out.

Combining two things into one that's insane!

That's like the facebook game I used to play.

Using this on living might be a bit cruel though.

But this is amazing!

More importantly, this skill could actually save me from my cursed state.

But what if my compatibility rate was low and I accidentally perished!

What if I turned into an ugly thing!

So I have to consider this carefully!

After a few seconds of itchiness.


Activating the [Merge] skill a virtual screen appeared in front of me.

[ choose your entity ] + [ choose your entity ] = ?

Dominant non-dominant

Dominant? then that should the obvious trait that would be retained.

As I'm a human naturally I'd love to be humanoid!

The dominant slot had my name on it now as for the non-dominant slot I'm still pondering to which species should I evolve into.

Maybe I should choose a bird? It wouldn't hurt to be a bird-man.

Even turning into that Egyptian God is fine.

Wait! Would I happen to lay eggs with my butt?!


Let's choose something else.

A rock maybe?

A golem is fine but my little brother would be gone and that's unbearable as I'm still a virgin.

My choice wasn't really that big anyway the nearest entity to me are a rock, a grass, a flower, and lastly the tree which I fell from.

Aside from that, there are other insignificant things which I can't imagine combining with.

F*ck to hell with it let's pick the tree!

"Confirmation? Y/N"


My mind went black in an instant!


From an outsiders view they would have only been able to see Mark's transformed into a white ball. While the tree beside him also transformed into one.

After that, the two lights began to combine with each other.

The white light rotates with an unbelievable speed.

Soon after it stopped glowing and slowly formed a white figure of a humanoid creature.

The light on its body faded away revealing a white youth.

This youth's lips were as pale as white and had the skin of a woman.

Smooth and white like a pearl.

The boy wasn't masculine and in fact looked very frail and weak.

But if an expert was here at this moment they would be truly shocked upon sensing this boy's vitality.

This body was rich in mana!


"mhh...I'm still alive?"

Squinting my eyes I realized that I could finally move again!

"I'm ALIVE!"

This feeling is wonderful.

"I am ALIVE!"

Mhh? who's that?

"Anyone here?"

Wait! Is that my voice?!?!

I'm pretty sure those are the words I wanted to say but the voice which came of my mouth was different.

Gentle, High-pith?

This is definitely not mine!