
living with Mr sex freak

Evelyn_Chidera · Fantasía
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4 Chs

DEMI god


💖Christian's POV💖

" Can you please move faster!!" I yelled at my Driver driving my car, I am Christian Stone, my friends call me Chris. I am the sole hair of the Stone company. I am 25 years old and I graduated at age 23.

I live alone in my own big mansion, though my parents come to visit every time. I take nonsense from anyone, I am so arrogant and am proud of it. I f**k anything f**kable because I don't have feelings no emotions. I hate working with ladies, in my company only guys work.

Even guys do the cleaning, my mother has complained countless times but I refused, even my cook was a guy but I sacked him when he tried stealing my money.

I would have killed him but my mother begged on his behalf, I love my mother so much andi do everything she wants me to do. I only wanted to f**k, and have fun with ladies.

Getting ladies to my bed wasn't any problem, I had the looks and they flocked around me anywhere I go. Enough of the introduction.

"Boss we are here." Drake said as he parked the car.

" Liam go get the things mother wants in the mall. I said to my PA who sat at the front.

"I hope you the contents so get them and make sure none is left out."

"Okay boss!" He said as he stepped out of the car and walked to the mall close by.

😂Mara's POV😂

I was still selling my mother's groceries with her when I sighted the guy I hit the stone on his head and his gang coming to our shop with a bandage head. They were with sticks and knives.

"Shit!!" I whispered, I looked at mum and she was still busy selling groceries. I bent down using the table of groceries to cover myself, I crawled as I moved from where I was without my mum noticing.

I ran to the back of the shop and stepped outside peeping, I saw my mum facing the guys looking very angry.

"Ma'am provide you daughter or we will destroy your shop." One of the guys said.

"Destroy?" I repeated as my eyes opened wide.

"Oh no I can't let them do this." I thought.

Mum was already crying.

"I swear she is not here, you can search around, please don't destroy my only source of income. I promise when she comes I will send her to you." She mumbled.

They laughed as the guy I hit instructed them to start destroying things.

"Destroy everything!!." He yelled. I quickly ran out from my hiding place.

"You won't dare MF!!!" Iyelled making them stop.

"There she is." They shouted as they ran towards me.

"F**k!!!." I muttered as I ran out of the shop heading to where only God knows. They started pursuing me tho I gapped them real good.

I sighted a car parked in front of me, the door side the driver in front was opened.

"Yes!" I said as an idea popped into my mind. I ran faster to the car and jumped inside making the driver startle.

"Move!!!" I yelled as I looked back at the guys catching up with me already.

" Move MF!!! Or your car will be damaged!!" I yelled. He looked back and his eyes widened as he saw the guys that were after me.

"Move Drake." Said the sweetest voice I have ever heard in my life, I looked back to see the person but it was covered with a tinted glass. I paused has I swallowed hard, the driver started driving very fast and rough, and in no time we lost them.

"Stop the car now please." I said to Drake after he reduced his pace.

"You this boy! What did you do?" He asked he breathing heavily. I became angry.

"I am not a boy!!" I yelled.

"What!! So what are you?" He asked examining my body.

"It's none of your f**king business." I yelled as I opened the door and got down. I started moving away when that angelic voice came again.

"Stop there!" He said. I stopped immediately. I faced back and saw the driver run to the door and open it. I became so scared, who is he that they need to open the door for him. He brought out his leg and the gold spikes on his shoe shone bright under the sun making me block my eyed with my hand.

He came down and adjusted himself, I looked at him and my mouth dropped open, I felt butterflies dancing in my tummy immediately, he is so cute😍. He started walking towards me and I continued drooling over him.

He stopped right in front of me and I blushed immediately, I can't believe I enter the same car with this demi god.