
Living with Arrogant CEO

Matilda Huston is young girl with painful past, she moved to Canada few months back, she got job in world famous multinational company. She met Easton Fanaggaen who is arrogant rich CEO of Fanaggaen industries whose chains are spread through out the world, unknown to her Easton knows more than she know, he asks her to be his fake fiancée in order to run away from marriage his parents has framed for him. Later she come to knows about his secret that shakes her.

Michelle_Zeah_0764 · Ciudad
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23 Chs

Chapter No 8 Storm at my door

She was wandering in the house since morning, it's already afternoon and she has not seen him since last night, he did not come home.

"It's the perfect opportunity to rumor here and there without his fear" she sings. She was exploring the place freely. When she came across a room which seemed closed. She tried to find the keys but was unable to do it. Then she remembered the pin technique Ivan had taught her and with a click the door opened.

She walked inside the room. It was all pink, it looked like it was the room of a girl. A portrait of the girl was hanging in front of the bed. The girl had features of Easton and Lorenzo.

"Who is she?" she thought. She walked towards the cupboard and the locket fell down with Julieta written over it.

"Julieta? I have read this name before" she thought.

"Its over Easton's chest, but I thought it was Easton's girlfriend, why would her locket be here?" she thought.

She found a diary inside the cupboard. She opened it. It has the name Julieta written on it as well.

"Its her diary" she thought.

"Today I, Easton and Emiliano went to the ice cream parlor, Easton is so Meany he ate my ice cream. I am mad at him" she smiled.

" Dater: 2/11/2020, today Easton and I have to go to the elite party and I found it so boring, Easton seemed a bit enjoying it and why would he not be? He loves where he finds women, mom says he got this from his father" she read the paragraph while moving her lips.

"Today I saw him for the first time, he was so charming, I wanted to talk to him, but Easton was with me and I don't want him to be possessive," she turned the page.

"Today I met him again, he came to our university, Easton was not with me, so I wanted talk to him, he looked at me from the corner of his eyes, and he walked towards me and talked to me for the first time, he said he likes me, its mutual, he said he likes my lips" she turned another page.

"Today I skipped university to meet him. We shared a kiss, he said he wanted me. I feel like I am in the air, I think I am in love," she turned another page.

"Today Easton asked me about my skipping university, I wanted to tell him because we never hide anything but today I hid my relationship with Lucus. I was afraid that Easton will react, " she turned to another page.

"I am still successfully hiding my relationships from my Dad and brother, but Lucus is asking me to come on vacation and I said yes to him," she turned to another page but next pages were empty.

"But where she is, I never saw her or met her. Who is she?" she thought. She looked around but was unable to find anything else, just a family photo and a few things that belong to the girl.

"Should I ask him?" she thought and then she remembered what he said about punishment her cheeks turned bright red.

She was curious about this Julieta girl.


"So you're telling me you are taking interest in your Boss' life?" Ivan asked, smiling.

"Correction I am not taking interest in his personal life. I am just curious and you know about my curiosity" she said annoyed.

"Yeah I know you when you take interest in things they must be important I know you" he said mischievously.

"Ivan did you sell your brains or you did molly?" she asked innocently.

"Its not about my addiction but yours did you sell your pride or the curiosity or the boss?" he said in a singing tone.

"Its not like that Ivan you know I don't believe in such thing" she snapped.

"Lets see, will chemistry change the chemical methods" he said mysteriously.

"I am not a scientist like you," she said, exhausted.

"Well, when are you going back to Canada?" he asked.

"Don't know what he said when his plan for break up will be done, when his parents will come back," she said while watching her nails.

"Its not like I am worried about you, you are in safe hands, two big safety hands" he said mischievously.

"Shut it" she screamed.

"Daddy,Daddy give me the phone" said Azalea.

"Hey Azalea, how are you, little one" she asked.

"Aunt, I wanted to ask something, last time daddy said you are in love with your boss, you will have babies. I want a girl so that I can play with her boys are meany" she said innocently.

Matilda felt her cheeks burning red. "Azalea who taught you such things," said a woman from the other side. She took the phone from Azalea.

"Hey Patricia" she said.

"Hey Matilda, how have you been? long time no talks, your brother always talks to you" she said sadly.

"You know him, well how is it going?" she asked.

"Fine and good, how about you?" asked Patricia.

"Well fine, currently I am in Spain and after a week I will go back to Canada" she said.

"Will come here to our country?" asked Patricia hesitantly.

"You know the answer" she said smiling bitterly, Patricia remained quiet.


It was evening now and he still has not come home, the weather was also not so good. She was feeling a bit anxious. She does not like storms, the storms give her anxieties. She was sitting in Tv launch and turned on the TV.

The news was in Spanish so she was unable to understand but by the photos she could assume that the news was about the weather and storm.

A thundercloud hit her ear drum making her heart jump. She had gone startled.

The storm was too heavy and then the light was gone. She turned on the phone and checked the news saying the city is blacked out due to the storm. She was feeling so afraid. She knew where the candles were because she saw them in the kitchen. She took the candles and burned them up. She could hear the heavy thunderstorm.

Then she heard someone knocking on the door. She felt even more terrified because Easton never has knocked on the door; he always has the key. She ran towards his room. She picked her phone and dialed his number.


He was in the meeting this morning, the four groups have organized this meeting. He was very exhausted due to stress. He has not gone home since morning. He was looking at the phone in the hope that she would call him.

"Why I am waiting for call and why would she call me?" he thought annoyed,

Then they heard the storm news. "They said the city has been blacked out" said the fellow member.

The meeting was almost over, when his phone rang. It showed her name. He picked it up quickly.

"Hello" he said.

"Mr. Easton? Where are you? Someone is on the door, please where are you? I am so much afraid" on the other side she was crying. He got up from his chair.

"Who is on the door?" he asked angrily. "I I don't know Mr. Easton. Someone is out there, they will hurt me" she said crying," his expressions were possessively angry. He walked out of the office, all of them calling him but he ignored them.

He got inside the car. He did not hang up the phone.

"I am on the way," he said.

He was talking to her over the phone throughout the way, Due to the storm it was difficult to drive. After 20 minutes he reached home.

He got out of the car, the heavy rain made him all wet. He walked towards the main door and looked around. No one was there but a broken tree branch was colliding with the door causing sounds like knocking. He put it aside and opened the door with the key. It was all dark inside when he came inside he felt someone was behind him, he grabbed them in a quick shot, it was Matilda she was trying to hit him with a vase. She recognized him.

"Mr. Easton? thank God it's you I was so much worried and afraid," she said while hugging him, she was continuously crying. She had a fear of darkness. She was not letting him go. He hugged her slowly.

"Its okay, everything is fine" he said in a deep voice and took her with him.


She was sitting over his bed when he was gone to take shower, after an exhausted day he took a warm bath. Due to the storm it was cold outside. He came out wearing a light T shirt with shorts when he looked at her she was still shaking with fear because of darkness. He walks towards the bed where she was sitting and sits beside her.

"Hey don't be afraid no one is outside, that was just a branch" he said softly. He looked at him and took a deep breath.

"You can sleep here if you want to" he said with a deep voice. She was sitting with her arms around her legs and was so shaken. He took a deep breath and slowly hugged her and placed her head over his strong chest. She could hear his heartbeat and could feel his body heat.

She felt relaxed and after a few minutes she fell asleep. He was moving his fingers in her long light brown hairs and he took deep breaths again, taking in scent.

"Despite I know the love for you will only bring pain to Matilda, I still can't resist the urge to care for you" he thought while staring at the roof.

The thunderstorm was still making heart jumping sounds. She was taking deep breaths during her sleep.

"I can't care because whenever I do care, the person I care about suffers, hurts and I don't want that for you" he thought.

She hugged him even tighter. He felt her body against his, causing some appropriate thoughts in his mind. He felt something rising. He does not want that. He closed his eyes in order to sleep but his thoughts were causing havoc in him. He slightly hugged her and closed his eyes again.


She woke up when she felt something warm at her back. She turned to look, Easton's handsome face was her very first view. His strong arm was around his waist. He is holding her.

"I slept with him last night and in this position?" she thought and started scolding herself. She turned to face him. He looked very innocent. His expression reminds her of his childhood photo.

She slowly retreats in order to get free. While retreating she accidentally touched his cheek which was burning. She touched it again, his temperature was too high. She got up and called his name.

"Mr. Easton? Are you okay?" she asked but he did not respond.

"He must have caught a cold last night when it started to rain" she thought. She got out of bed and went down. She looked around for the thermometer. She finally found one. She went upstairs and checked his temperature which was 102 degrees.

"Oh Gosh he is too much ill" she thought. "I should take him to the doctor, but I don't know any doctor" she thought annoyed.

"Patricia, she is the doctor, she will tell me and help me" she picked her phone up and called Ivan. He was sleeping at the moment.

"What happened? Did your boss scold you again so you are calling me in the middle of night?" he said.

"Ivan shut up and give the phone to Patricia," she said while rolling her eyes.

She talked to Patricia and asked her what to do, she told her all the remedies and then asked her to buy a few medicines from the nearby shop. She went down and prepared the soup and went outside for the medicine. It was not trouble for her because she knows how to drive and from Google maps she managed to know about the pharmacy.

She brought the medicines and went up, he was lying unconscious, she helped him to get up and gave him soup through a spoon.

"Mr. Easton you would be alright.," she said. After drinking a few sips he regained a bit of consciousness, she gave him the medicine and helped him lay down.

"Julieta?" She was turning to get out of the room when she heard him.

"Julieta I failed you" he said in a whisper.


Who is Jullieta?

What happened to her?

What guilt is eating Eden?

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