
I believe in you

Cuddling on the bed, Eragon and Nami enjoyed each other's bodies as they did some small talks.

"I always wondered why you train so hard every day.. It's not like you don't have enough money to live comfortably with Caroline somewhere, so why do you want to join Marines? is it related to you wanting to hunt pirates" Leaning her big breast on Eragon's chest, Nami asked the one question that still bothered her since the day she met Eragon.

"It's really simple" Feeling the softness on his chest, Eragon took his time before he answered "Tell me, if you were strong enough could Arlong kill and rob your village? No! If you were strong enough you would have killed him!" Moving himself to a better position so he could look Nami's in the eyes he continued "That's my greatest fear, I can't settle down and have a family and kids when all of that could be taken away from me on a whim by someone stronger than me... As long as there's someone strong enough out there that can kill all those I care about, I can't relax, I must continue training, I need to continue until I'm the strongest! Only when I'm strong enough can I protect those I care about.." In a determined and firm tone, Eragon did his best to explain why he can't relax even for a single day, especially in a world such as One Piece.

'So he trains for his loved ones' Nami could associate with Eragon's reasons to want to get stronger, she also suffered greatly the last few years for her sister and her village. Laying her head on his shoulder, she encouraged him "If it's you, I'm sure you will be the strongest man alive one day"

Eragon's expression became warm "It's late, let's go to sleep"

Covering themselves with a blanket, Eragon started to contemplate what he just did. He didn't plan to sleep with Nami before he talked to Caroline, but he couldn't call himself a man if he turned down a woman he was in love with when she came to his bed naked. Lamenting, he could only hope she will forgive him.

Nami stayed to sleep in Eragon's room as she said she didn't care if her sister knows about their relationship.

And except for raising her eyebrows in surprise when she saw Nami exiting Eragon's room in the morning, Nojiko didn't bother them with questions.

The rest of the journey was smooth with no problems and they reached Moyer in the afternoon of the same day, docking the ship, he led them to the hotel room he rented with Caroline last week.

"This place is beautiful, there are so many people here" With her eyes running all over the place, Nojiko was fascinated with the traffic and the bustle in the city. This was her first time seeing so many people.

"Is this your first time outside the village?" Surprised, Eragon looked at the ecstatic Nojiko. He didn't expect a grown woman like her to never leave her village till now.

"I didn't have any reason to leave so I just stayed where I was born.." Slightly embarrassed, Nojiko turned red. she continued to look at the new sights she was seeing for the first time in her life.

"Eragon, how about me and my sister will go to have some fun in the city while you take our bags to the hotel? I already know where it is as we had dinner there last time" Holding Eragon's hand, Nami pressed it between her breast as she looked at him coquettishly, already starting to seek pampering from her boyfriend.

"Sure, just remember to return before dinner" Thinking it was an excellent idea as he needed to talk to Caroline in private, Eragon agreed Immediately.

In rejoice, Nami kissed Eragon on the lips before she took Nojiko hand and dragged her away.

He was quite amused to look at the two sisters running enthusiastically from one peddler to another. Carrying the two sisters backpacks on his back he continued on his way.

A couple of minutes later he reached the hotel, moving according to memory he soon found the room he and Caroline slept in last time. Knocking two times on the door he went inside without waiting for an answer.

"Mmmn?" Alarmed, Caroline jumped to her feet as she looked at the intruder. she was in the middle of washing her undergarments and didn't expect someone to barge into her room unannounced "Eragon!" When she recognized the intruder was Eragon she joyfully dropped the silk thong in her hand to the basket and ran to give him a hug.

"I missed you" Dropping the bags so she won't get hurt, Eragon spread his arms and embraced Caroline back. Taking a deep breath, he smelled her unique odor, her perfume was a mixture of lavender and roses. For him, this smell signified home, he felt content

"I missed you too.." Leaving Eragon's bosom, Caroline looked at the bags on the floor confusedly "You have company?"

Taking the bags from the door entrance, he put them on the corner so they won't disturb anyone "Nami returned, and her sister came as well"

"You found Nami? That's a relief…" Sighing in relief, Caroline was happy to hear Nami came back. The way she left them last time made her worried.

They did some catching up, telling each other what they did the last week. Caroline told Eragon how she passed the last week doing sword training and reading books, while Eragon told her about Nami's village and what Arlong did to them.

"I can't imagine what the poor girl must have gone through… Luckily, you were there to help them" A sympathetic look appeared on Caroline's face as she could relate to what Nami's been through. In the past, when she was a teenager her village was also raided by pirates, and she still had nightmares remembering that night.

"Yes, very lucky.." He already told her Nami stole his money but Caroline's still thought he was there by luck, go figure.

"Come, sit next to me" Knowing he needs to finish his personal things before the two sisters arrive, he decided to tell Caroline about him and Nami "Caroline's, I have something I need to tell you.. but before that I want you to know I love you very much"

"Ok.. you are scaring me" Sitting on the bed next to him, Caroline's held his hand and looked at him nervously.

Taking a deep breath, he threw his hesitation aside "There is no simple way to say this…. I have slept with Nami…"

Looking at Caroline, he expected to see her get mad, angry, disgusted, confused, curse him, or even ask for an explanation, but she didn't do either. Instead, her eyes started to water up until eventually tears brimmed and started falling down her eyes.

"So the day has finally arrived, I knew this would happen sob sob" Putting her hands on her face, Caroline's started weeping.

Flabbergasted, He couldn't understand what Caroline's meant "What do you mean by saying the day has arrived? I don't understand"

"Sob sob, since the day we started our relationship, I know this will happen one day" Caroline's started to speak in between her sobbing "The age difference between us is too big, I knew it was only a matter of time before you will lose interest in me and start looking for younger woman sob sob. And when I saw you and Nami throwing flirting looks at one another on the ship, I knew you will eventually leave me for her.. I just hoped to be with you more before that happens sob"

'She knows since then and didn't say anything? Just so I will be with her longer?' Eragon's heart skipped a beat as Caroline's words caused a great stir in his heart. He already came up with what to say for any situation he could possibly think of, but for this, he wasn't prepared…

Getting a second chance in life, Eragon wanted to live his life without any regrets… If he fell in love with a woman, then he will chase after her without any fear. So he already knew he will probably be with several women during his long life, and he already started to think about situations like this when he was a kid, and already thought greatly about how to handle this. But nothing prepared him for this kind of scene.

"You don't need to comfort me, I understand… I will return to the village and leave you two to yourself sob sob" Taking his silence as confirmation, Caroline's started crying in even more sadness.

"NO!" Hearing her say she will leave him, Eragon knew things started taking a very bad direction "I don't want you to leave me, not now, not ever!"

"You only say that to comfort me, because you pity me" Lamenting, Caroline's said crying.

Throwing everything he planned to say aside, he knew he must speak from his heart and say how he was feeling if he wanted her to believe him "You are right, I love Nami but I still love you too" Kneeling before her he took her hands down to reveal her beautiful, tear-stained face "You were the first woman I ever loved in this world and I will love you till the day I die. You have raised me, and I want you to raise our children as well one day…"

A flicker of light appeared in Caroline's eyes for a fraction of a second as she looked at Eragon hopefully "Y..You really mean that? you don't say that because you feel sorry for me?"

"I have seen many beautiful women when I was traveling these past few years, and even then I never stopped loving you for a single moment… When we connected our bodies and souls for the first time, I promised you I would never stop loving you nor abandon you, and I really meant it!" Wrapping Caroline's shaking hands with his own hands, Eragon did his best to convey his feelings and convention "I don't want to leave you, not because I pity you, but because I really do love you"

Hearing Eragon's words, she felt a wave of warmth wash over her heart. Subsequently, a big, radiant smile appeared on her face before she flinched, apparently, she suddenly remembered something and she asked hesitantly "B..But what about Nami? Do you plan to leave her after you slept with her? That's…"

Eragon's mouth curled upwards, finally feeling relieved. Just as he started to relax seeing Caroline smiling happily, he heard her ask him what to do with Nami and he knew the big ordeal was in front of him, gripping her hands even tighter he said in a reminiscing tone "Do you remember when we first started our relationship? You were hesitating because you are afraid about what people will think about us... if you still trust me, then I want to be with you and Nami together, ignoring what the world thinks about us" He could see Caroline's apprehensive expression when she heard his idea, clearly she was not thrilled about his plan to be with both her and Nami at the same time. Worried she will reject him, he put his hand on her charming face and said in a quiet voice "We have already come this far… I don't want to give up on us now, so please, don't give up on us!"

This time, Caroline didn't respond for a long while, making Eragon quite nervous. He could tell she was still pondering about what he said to her, still hesitating. When he was about to lose all hope, Caroline suddenly nodded her head slowly "Alright, I believe in you"